

  • Starving Gaza: Barbarism Par Excellence 2023-12-18 22:21

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Starving Gaza: Barbarism Par Excellence

    The Israeli regime has allowed a tiny portion of food to enter the enclave 

    TEHRAN- The Israeli regime, as ordered by its prime minister and his extremist ministers, has imposed extreme conditions on the entry of food to the Gaza Strip's 2.3 million civilian population. 

  • Tehran exhibit highlights Palestine through historical documents 2023-12-18 17:21

    Tehran exhibit highlights Palestine through historical documents

    TEHRAN – A special exhibition on Palestine has put on show 60 items encompassing historical images, stamps, minted coins, maps, and postcards at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts in Tehran.

  • amirabdollahian 2023-12-17 22:38

    Israel committing crimes surpassing ISIS: Iran FM

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has asserted that officials of the Zionist regime are perpetrating crimes even more egregious than those of ISIS.

  • SALAMI 2023-12-17 22:36

    Americans gradually packing bags to leave region: IRGC chief

    TEHRAN – Tens of thousands of Iranian citizens attended the funeral ceremony of 280 unidentified soldiers who lost their lives during Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran.

  • EGYPT 2023/12/17


    Where does Egypt stand on Gaza war 45 years after Camp David Accords?

    TEHRAN - Egypt is a country that is often mentioned in the context of decline. The most populous Arab country was home to the Arab League and for more than 6 decades, it was the biggest supporter of Arab independence movements in the region. To the point that many argued the fight for Palestinian liberation runs through the streets of Cairo.

  • Greta Berlin has been seeking justice for Palestinians for years 2023-12-17 22:31

    ‘Israelis want all of Palestine,’ activist says of the war on Gaza

    “Israel is the most dangerous country in the world for Jews”

    TEHRAN - Greta Berlin, an American anti-Zionist activist, says Israel’s genocidal war on the Gaza Strip is primarily intended to drive out Palestinians from the coastal enclave and shove them into Egypt.  

  • Israel Decrepit Forces 2023-12-17 21:55

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Israel Decrepit Forces

    The army, which claims to be professional, killed some settlers around Gaza on October 7 and now  three captives who were holding white flags

    TEHRAN- The incident of the Israeli army shooting dead its own captives in Gaza has highlighted the regime's troops' anxiety and fear during their land offensives in the enclave. 

  • rally 2023-12-15 22:45

    Iranians hold new massive pro-Palestine rallies, demand ceasefire

    TEHRAN – Iranians have taken to the streets across the West Asian country again to slam Israel’s ongoing atrocities in Gaza, as the number of civilian deaths in the regime’s bombing campaign topped 18,000.

  • putin 2023-12-15 22:37


    Is a shift happening in Moscow’s policies in West Asia?

    Russia and the Israel-Gaza conflict

    TEHRAN - While Russia sought to appear even-handed during previous Israel-Gaza conflicts, the country seems to be looking at the latest wave of onslaughts against the besieged territory through a slightly different prism.

  • Boiling the Red Sea: Just the beginning 2023-12-15 22:31

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Boiling the Red Sea: Just the beginning

    TEHRAN - When Israel began its deadly attacks on Gaza, few thought that Yemen would become one of the key players in this war.

  • Yemen's Ansarallah forces 2023-12-15 21:47

    Carte blanche to Israel is causing a great headache for the West

    Yemenis unnerve Israel

    Those days are gone when Israel could change the borders in the region as in the six-day war in 1967. The region has undergone major changes since the 1960s and 1970s.

  • biden 2023-12-13 20:27

    By Soheila Zarfam

    Israel war on Gaza divided U.S. society: expert

    TEHRAN - The U.S. has been under growing criticism for its steadfast support of Israel in the face of the regime’s brutal war crimes in the besieged Gaza Strip. 

  • bin salman 2023-12-13 20:23


    Could Al-Aqsa Storm bring a change to Saudi foreign policy?

    TEHRAN – Before the October 7 operation by the Hamas resistance movement, many believed a normalization deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel was around the corner. 

  • Gaza war 2023-12-13 20:20

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Shejaiya Nightmare

    Israeli elite army unit stuck in northern Gaza

    TEHRAN- The Israeli military has announced that eleven more of the regime's troops have been killed, including a lieutenant colonel who commanded a Golani Brigade regiment. 

  • Gaza war 2023-12-13 17:33

    IOF Is Making the “Death” A Routine For Israelis

    As war on Gaza further intensifies and more Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) terrorists are eliminated, the Israeli public shows more sensitivity about the possible schedule of IOF for ending the war and claiming the results. But contrary to the public demand, IOF shows no interest in setting a time limit for its invasion which has so far turned out to be an utter defeat.

  • Robert E. Hunter 2023-12-13 12:01

    US ‘tied more to Israel’s slaughter in Gaza’ by vetoing UN resolution: Robert Hunter

    ‘Veto further cheapened U.S. political and moral standing’

    TEHRAN – Writing an article in Responsible Statecraft on Dec. 11, former U.S. ambassador to NATO Robert Hunter says the Biden administration has “tied itself even more to Israel’s slaughter in Gaza” by vetoing the UN Security Council resolution that called for a ceasefire in Gaza.

  • Yemeni missile hits Israeli-linked ship  2023-12-12 22:23

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Yemeni missile hits Israeli-linked ship 

    Ansarullah forces claim responsibility for targeting another ship heading to Israel 

    TEHRAN- Yemen's Ansarullah forces announced on Tuesday the implementation of a military operation against a Norwegian ship that was loaded with oil and heading to the "Zionist enemy entity" after the ship’s crew rejected all calls and warnings. 

  • Gaza war 2023-12-12 22:21

    By Ehsan Kiani

    Passing the crisis

    Evaluating the ways out of the dead ends in the Palestinian crisis

    TEHRAN- The recent Al-Aqsa Storm Operation has once again brought attention to the ongoing crisis in Palestine. The Israeli regime's continued occupation and apartheid across Palestinian lands, including the territories occupied in 1948 as well as the pre-1967 borders in the West Bank and Gaza, has resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis that cannot be denied.

  • uniiii 2023-12-12 22:15

    By Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi

    Academics free to express views as long as they don’t criticize Israel

    TEHRAN - Operation Al-Aqsa Storm brewed a storm that blew away the false patina of democracy Western countries had built for themselves. The West which has been touting itself as the biggest defender of human rights, has had its true colors exposed in the past weeks as it has shown no regard for the lives of thousands of women and children getting slaughtered in the besieged Gaza Strip.  

  • Biden embrace of Israel angers Americans 2023-12-12 22:09

    Biden embrace of Israel angers Americans

    TEHRAN – A growing wave of discontent is coursing through segments of the U.S. populace, driven by an escalating opposition to the substantial support that the United States provides to Israel.

  • Gaza War 2023-12-11 23:00

    Number of Israeli fatalities three times more: Israeli journalist

    TEHRAN – An Israeli journalist has said the number of Israeli soldiers killed in the war in Gaza is three times more than what is being announced by the Israeli army, asking why the government does not announce the exact number of deaths.

  • Foreign minister Annalena Baerbock 2023-12-11 22:56

    Germany urges Israel to reduce civilian suffering in Gaza 

    Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock says Israel must adapt its military strategy to better prevent suffering among Palestinian civilians. 

  • Gaza War 2023-12-11 22:45

    IOF Is Making the “Death” Routine for Israelis

    As the war on Gaza further intensifies and more IOF terrorists are eliminated, the Israeli public shows more sensitivity about the possible schedule of IOF for ending the war and claiming the results. But contrary to the public demand, Israeli Occupation Forces shows no interest in setting a time limit for its invasion which has so far turned out to be an utter defeat. 

  • mp 2023-12-11 22:09

    U.S. veto of UN resolution act of war against Muslims: Iranian MP

    TEHRAN – The spokesman of the presiding board of the Iranian Parliament, Seyed Nezameddin Mousavi, says U.S. veto of UN resolution on Gaza ceasefire amounts to an act of war against Muslims and Palestinians.

  • Gaza war 2023-12-11 22:03

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Never-Dying Resistance

    Attempts to weaken Palestinian resistance proving fruitless.

    TEHRAN- The Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip has trapped the Israeli army in several areas and is attacking the regime's ground forces from zero distance. 

  • جنگ غزه 2023-12-11 17:46

    Israel is losing this war

    Despite the violence it has unleashed on Palestinians, Israel is failing to achieve its political goals

    It may sound daft to suggest that a group of armed irregulars, numbering in the low tens of thousands, besieged and with little access to advanced weaponry, is a match for one of the world’s most powerful militaries, backed and armed by the United States. And yet, an increasing number of establishment strategic analysts warn that Israel could lose this war on Palestinians despite the cataclysmic violence it unleashed since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7. And in provoking the Israeli assault, Hamas may be realizing many of its own political objectives.

  • Gaza war 2023-12-11 00:03

        BY Dr. Jin Liangxiang

    Europe will pay the cost for another time

     The latest round of the Palestine-Israel conflict will continue for some time, which will also expectedly produce long-term negative implications. While none of the parties in the world will benefit from the disaster, European countries will particularly pay a higher price for the ongoing conflict. Though well aware of the mistaken nature of U.S. policies, European countries have blindly followed U.S. policies. History was telling and will likely repeat.

  • Rishi Sunak 2023-12-10 23:49

    By Ali karbalaei

    UK support for the war on Gaza

    The founder of the Zionist entity is under the spotlight

    TEHRAN- Campaigners and anti-war advocates in the UK have condemned the British government's military and intelligence support for the devastating Israeli war on Gaza and its war crimes in the besieged enclave. 

  • Raisi 2023-12-10 22:34

    Raisi calls America most important supporter of killing of women, children in Gaza

    TEHRAN- Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has called America “the most important supporter of the killing of women and children in Gaza.”

  • Amir Abdollahian 2023-12-10 22:33

    Iran calls for more effective measures to halt Israeli attacks against Gaza

    TEHRAN- Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, in a letter to the high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, called for more effective measures in the face of the ongoing Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip.