IOF Is Making the “Death” Routine for Israelis

December 11, 2023 - 22:45

As the war on Gaza further intensifies and more IOF terrorists are eliminated, the Israeli public shows more sensitivity about the possible schedule of IOF for ending the war and claiming the results. But contrary to the public demand, Israeli Occupation Forces shows no interest in setting a time limit for its invasion which has so far turned out to be an utter defeat. 

To shape public expectation, many Israeli officials along with their mouthpieces (media outlets) have made it absolutely clear that expecting the end of the war, any time soon, equals an act of treason if nothing else. They have even repeatedly reminded the Israeli pseudo-society that more and more Israeli lives will be lost during the course of the invasion, no matter how the public feels about it.

In a recent case, an Israeli media outlet assessed the situation in Gaza and contemplated the different scenarios ahead of IOF in the coming weeks and months. The main talking point of the article, published Monday, is that unless a sensible, meaningful, and deterrent victory is achieved in Gaza, it’s an essential defeat to talk about ending the war.

According to the outlet, “As the ground maneuver deepens in Gaza and reaches the most problematic areas, the risk for the soldiers and the anxiety for their families increases dramatically. The war is going to be long and murderous. But there’s also an existential urgency into it: whoever wants to deter Hezbollah and other enemies of Israel in the region, must achieve a crushing and fearsome victory in Gaza. This is the main message Israel should send out on the last day of the war. All observers, indeed, are looking at the final result and the consequent response will be in line with that result. The complete defeat of Hamas should be carried out according to the plans”.

Tying the ending of the war to a complete elimination of Hamas is something nearly all pro-Israeli realistic commentators have been warning about since the invasion of Gaza began. For those in their right minds, it is as clear as daylight that, for IOF, a “complete elimination of Hams” discourse is nothing but wartime militaristic trash talks and political rhetoric to keep the Israeli public satisfied for some time. The Zionist regime woke up to this fact shortly after the invasion of Gaza and tried to modify the stance quietly without making much of a fuss. Although it was largely noticed by many inside and outside the Occupied Palestine.

It seems that IOF is now caught in its own trap. The target prematurely claimed by Israel’s officials as the ultimate objective of the war proves to be more impossible each day the war lasts. And this is exactly the type of situation that could be best described as a “swamp” - no way in, no way out.

The Israeli media tries to ease public opinion by alleging that “after destroying more than 22000 targets in Gaza, 34 Hamas commanders have been killed”, but it can’t deny the fact that “senior officers of the organization have not been touched”. This serves as a basis for the outlet to make the idea of a long/murderous war acceptable. In simpler words, after wasting the [worthless] lives of hundreds of IOF terrorists inside Gaza, the lives of hundreds (if not thousands) of other IOF terrorists must be claimed simply because the missions defined for the army have not been accomplished. This is the core of the article, hidden underneath layers of useless statistics and a combination of facts and fictions.
The Israeli public has to realize that after October 7, the face of Israel changed forever. The myth of an “invincible army” is history now. But for Israel to become merely a shadow of its former self, Israelis have to pay an enormous price; with their lives and the lives of those they love. And that stands side by side with the fact that even achieving this objective is something nearly next to impossible. 

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