Tehran exhibit highlights Palestine through historical documents

December 18, 2023 - 17:21

TEHRAN – A special exhibition on Palestine has put on show 60 items encompassing historical images, stamps, minted coins, maps, and postcards at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts in Tehran.

In a visit to the exhibition, deputy tourism minister Ali Darabi emphasized the significance of displayed documents that “vividly illustrate the essence of Palestine”.

“This exhibition serves as a testament to the authenticity of Palestine, portraying a narrative rooted in its historical heritage,” Darabi said.

The official underlined that the showcased items concern the period of 1905 to 1948, during the Ottoman Empire and from the British mandate over Palestine, and they, among so many other reasons, testify to the Palestinians' rightful claim to their occupied lands.

Furthermore, the exhibition titled “Authentic Palestine: Another Glimpse of Palestinian Documents,” puts the spotlight on minted coins and Palestinian passports, alongside geographical maps.

Addressing contemporary misrepresentations, Darabi said: “Recent attempts by Zionists and their sympathetic historians to discredit the existence of Palestine before the establishment of Israel contradict the historical evidence presented within these documents.”

Darabi emphasized the significance of postcards during the early 20th century as an influential medium in global communication. He underscored “These postcards not only served as a means of correspondence but also evolved into symbolic representations of Palestinian identity, depicting cultural heritage, architectural marvels, and societal norms prevalent in Palestine.”

The official concluded that the displayed documents clearly reaffirm the historical legitimacy and inherent rights of the Palestinian people in their ancestral land.

Palestine is an area of the eastern Mediterranean region, comprising the Israeli-occupied territories, the Palestinian territories of the Gaza Strip (along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea), and the West Bank (west of the Jordan River).

Since the 20th century, Palestinian land has been the object of conflicting claims between Jewish people and Arab national movements, leading to a prolonged series of violence and, in many instances, open warfare.


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