

  • Philosophy professors express solidarity with Palestinians 2023-11-26 12:14

    Philosophy professors express solidarity with Palestinians

    A group of philosophy professors in the universities of North America, Latin America and Europe have declared their support for the Palestinian nation by signing a petition.

  • Biden and Netanyahu 2023-11-26 07:48

    Behind the scenes of intense talks that led to Israel-Hamas hostage deal

    In an article published on November 22, The Times of Israel reveals behind-the-scenes talks that led to a deal between Israel and Hamas on exchanging prisoners. It wrote: Netanyahu is pressuring Joe Biden to implement this agreement by consulting with the Emir of Qatar because Netanyahu needed this agreement.

  • World after October 7 2023-11-26 07:43

    By Mohammad Mohsen Faezi

    Israel faces decision-making challenges following 4-day truce

    TEHRAN – After almost 50 days of conflict, the global community witnessed a temporary cessation of military actions by the Zionist regime against the innocent people of the besieged Gaza Strip. 

  • politics 2023-11-25 22:48

    Zionists suffered great defeat in world of politics: military spokesman

    TEHRAN – The spokesman for Iran’s defense ministry stated on Saturday that the Israeli regime has incurred a political loss while suffering immense military and security blows during the Hamas October 7 operation in the occupied territories.

  • es 2023-11-25 22:31

    International organizations display double standards regarding Israel, says Iran’s nuclear chief

    TEHRAN – Iran’s nuclear chief has criticized international organizations for their inaction regarding the Zionist regime's crimes in Gaza, pointing out that their reluctance to recognize the Israeli military's actions as war crimes has revealed their double standards to the world.

  • iran 2023-11-25 22:27

    Iran’s diplomatic campaign pays off in Gaza

    Tehran secures release of Thai captives, while pushing for Palestinian rights

    TEHRAN - Iran has assumed a key mediation role in the recent conflict in Gaza, successfully facilitating the release of 10 Thai nationals who were captured and brought to the Gaza Strip during a Hamas operation on October 7. 

  • Palestinians Jubilant as Israelis Look on with Concern  2023-11-25 22:09

    Chants in support of Hamas as Palestinian women and children are freed

    Jubilance after 50 Days of Resistance

    TEHRAN - The first batch of Palestinian prisoners who were freed from the Israeli Ofer military prison near Ramallah were met with large crowds in celebratory mood. 

  • Major General Abdullah Al-Jafri 2023-11-24 22:46

    Senior Yemeni military official confirms to Tehran Times: 

    Palestinian cause is one of the first priorities of Yemen’s policy 

    On November 19, the Yemeni Armed Forces seized an Israeli-linked cargo ship in a crucial Red Sea shipping route and took its crew members hostage over the Israeli aggression against Gaza. With this step, the Yemenis have forced the major countries to reconsider their absolute support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza. The Yemeni army has also noted that through its savage acts the Israeli entity is involved in sabotaging global trade, 12% of which passes through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. 

  • Gaza war 2023-11-24 22:44

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Point of Return 

    Gazans return to north of Gaza on the first day of truce in the Israeli war on the Palestinian enclave

    TEHRAN- Large convoys of Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers have left the Gaza Strip amid a Qatari-mediated ceasefire for a four-day truce that began at 07:00 local time on Friday. 

  • war 2023-11-24 20:03

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    What is a war crime and is Israel guilty of it?

    A short look at 48 days of deadly violence unleashed against Palestinians

    TEHRAN - Despite a 4-day ceasefire holding in Gaza, the unsurmountable grievances and immense suffering inflicted by Israel on the 2.3 million inhabitants of the besieged territory continue to cast a long shadow.

  • AA 2023-11-24 20:02

    U.S. signals disinterest in wider war, Iran FM says amidst Gaza truce

    TEHRAN - In the wake of a four-day truce in the war between Israel and resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip, Iran's foreign minister has revealed that the United States has conveyed messages indicating a lack of interest in escalating the conflict.

  • sharif 2023-11-24 20:01

    Iranian mothers slam Israeli crimes in Gaza

    TEHRAN – A group of Iranian mothers studying at the Sharif University of technology, along with a group of graduated students, gathered in front of the school’s main entrance to protest the latest wave of Israeli crimes against Palestinian civilians, especially children.

  • Gaza truce take effect 2023-11-24 11:52

    Hamas-Israel truce begins after seven weeks of war

    Four-day Gaza truce agreed by Hamas and Israel takes effect for first time after seven weeks of war, al Jazeera reported.

  • Biden has refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza carnage 2023-11-22 23:09

    Biden's sanguinary stance on Gaza runs counter to wishes of most Americans: analyst

    It is no wonder some sources are referring to Biden as “Genocide Joe”

    TEHRAN – A political analyst says President Joe Biden’s ruthless position on the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip even contravenes the views of most American citizens.

  • mp 2023-11-22 19:59

    Killing of two Journalists further exposes Israel’s crimes against humanity: Iranian MP

    TEHRAN – Iranian parliament member Mojtaba Zolnouri strongly condemned the killing of two journalists from the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen television.

  • Gaza war 2023-11-22 19:21

    By Ali Karbalaei

    First signs of victory for Hamas 

    The resistance group agrees to a short pause on its own terms

    TEHRAN- The Hamas political group and its armed wing have emerged stronger and unscratched as the Israeli occupation faces a global backlash.

  • Al-Mayadeen’s journalists 2023-11-21 23:16

    By Sondos Al-Asaad

    On Lebanon’s Independence Day, criminal ‘Israel’ intentionally assassinates 2 journalists

    Today marks the anniversary of “Lebanese Independence Day,” which was achieved thanks to the persistent jihad of the people of the South and the Bekaa and their outstanding courageous resistance to the brutal French occupation that inflicted great losses on Lebanon, the most notable of which is its separation from Greater Syria, especially in the wake of the signing of the ill-fated “Balfour” Agreement. 

  • Ship seized by Yemen belongs to Israeli company  2023-11-21 23:09

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Ship seized by Yemen belongs to Israeli company 

    Ansarullah has vowed to target all ships owned or operated by Israeli companies

    TEHRAN- Following the seizure by Yemeni naval forces of the cargo ship, Galaxy Leader, in the southern Red Sea on Sunday, Israeli officials were quick to claim that it was British-owned and Japanese-operated.

  • ejei 2023-11-21 22:10

    Iran judiciary chief slams Israeli attacks on Gaza as historically 'unprecedented' 

    TEHRAN – The Head of Iran’s Judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei, on Tuesday slammed Israel’s continuous attacks against the Gaza Strip, saying the regime is committing crimes barely witnessed throughout history. 

  • kid 2023-11-21 22:03

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Dehumanization of Palestinians: How Israel justifies its crimes 

    TEHRAN - For many around the world the Israeli war minister referring to Palestinians as “human animals” in the early days of war, was indicative of what Israel had in store for Gaza's 2.3 million inhabitants.

  • World after October 7 2023-11-21 21:33

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    World after October 7

    The Strategic Consequences of Operation al-Aqsa Storm

    TEHRAN - Israel suffered an egregious blow on October7 while its leaders seemed to have been asleep at the wheel. Many believe that the successful Hamas operation marked a strategic shift in global equations.

  • Israeli settlers 2023-11-20 23:50

    Inside the Occupied Palestine:

    An Eye for An Eye; and They Know About It!

    40 days into the invasion of Gaza by the terrorist army of the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF), and still no signs of a meaningful effort by the criminal government of the Zionist Regime to retrieve those settlers still captive in Gaza.

  • Richard Falk 2023-11-20 23:43

    By Mohaddeseh Pakravan

    Ex-UN official urges boycotts, sanctions against Tel Aviv

    TEHRAN – Referring to the lack of self-defense rights for the Israeli regime, the UN's former rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories called for punitive and substantive actions against Tel Aviv.

  • Israeli apartheid 2023-11-20 23:39

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Israeli and South African apartheid

    South Africans who fought for freedom were labeled as terrorists. So are Palestinians. 

    TEHRAN - South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) party said on Thursday that it would support a parliamentary motion calling for the Israeli embassy in South Africa to be closed and diplomatic relations to be suspended.

  • Amoui 2023-11-20 21:49

    Biden’s involvement in Gaza conflict shaping the next five decades: Iran MP

    TEHRAN – A member of Iranian Parliament’s National Security Committee has commented about the consequences of U.S. President Joe Biden’s role in the ongoing Gaza conflict.

  • gaza 2023-11-20 21:47

    Entire region must take action against Zionist regime: Iranian MP

    TEHRAN – An Iranian lawmaker on Monday stressed Muslim countries should take a united stance against Israel in order to bring an end to the brutal massacre of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. 

  • IRGC chief 2023-11-20 21:42

    Israel defeated by Palestinians’ resistance: IRGC chief 

    TEHRAN- Major General Hossein Salami, commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), stated that the enemy has been defeated by its own mistakes and the resistance of the oppressed Palestinian people. 

  • raisi 2023-11-20 21:40

    Raisi calls for upping pressure on Israel in letter to 50 world leaders

    TEHRAN – Iran’s President has once again demanded world leaders turn Israel into a pariah by severing all economic and political ties with the regime in the face of its relentless attacks on the Gaza Strip.

  • "You are dealing with me" 2023-11-20 21:39

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    10 million Iranians express readiness to face off Israel

    TEHRAN - Just days after Israel initiated its genocidal assaults on the blockaded Gaza Strip, the Iranian youth felt compelled to demonstrate unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian cause in a more outreaching manner. 

  • Map of Gaza's gas riches 2023-11-20 19:55

    Israel's "ultimate objective" is to confiscate Gaza's multi-billion-dollar gas resources: expert

    TEHRAN - An expert on Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University says the “ultimate objective” of the extremist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu in its mad war on Gaza is to relocate the Palestinians from “their homeland” and “confiscate Gaza's multi-billion-dollar gas resources”.