Iranian mothers slam Israeli crimes in Gaza

November 24, 2023 - 20:1

TEHRAN – A group of Iranian mothers studying at the Sharif University of technology, along with a group of graduated students, gathered in front of the school’s main entrance to protest the latest wave of Israeli crimes against Palestinian civilians, especially children.

“We, Sharif Mothers, have gathered in this place with our children to tell our brothers and sisters in Palestine that we are proud of this heroic stand and we are by your side until the final victory, and our hearts are connected to each other with the faith in God's help,” said a statement read at the gathering.

Demonstrators praised the firm resilience of the Palestinian people, noting they were able to leave a lasting impression on masses across the world. 

“You made the world's tyrants and arrogant powers suffer from your faith and courage and amazed the people of the world with your enlightened free spirits”.

The statement added that the bloodshed of Palestinian Women and children in the besieged Gaza Strip has exposed the double standards of the self-proclaimed defenders of human rights, ultimately causing them to lose all credibility. 

“It is necessary for international organizations to act on their inherent duty and to take urgent and persistent measures to end the crimes of this detested regime so that in the eyes of nations around the world, they do not become a partner in these crimes with their disgusting silence and inaction,” the protesters demanded.

People also condemned regional and Arab countries for their impotence against Israeli crimes, warning that such misconduct will ultimately lead to resistance inside their own countries. 

“We warn the criminal Zionist regime and those who support them, particularly the United States, that this genocide in Gaza will not help them achieve their disgraceful goals,” they added, explaining that the entire world has already tuned against Israel and its patrons. 

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