

  • kad 2024-03-08 22:51

    Official emphasizes role of public opinion in preventing Israel’s crimes in Gaza

    TEHRAN – In a notable address during the “International Congress on the Occupation of Palestine in Light of International Law, and the Violation of Human Rights in Gaza," Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, a member of the Guardian Council's legal committee and the head of the congress, underscored the crucial role of public opinion in preventing Zionists’ crimes in Gaza.

  • kanaani 2024-03-08 22:47

    Iran issues condemnation of Israel’s mass killing of Palestinian women on IWD

    TEHRAN - On the occasion of March 8 and the International Women's Day, the spokesperson for Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called out the mass killing of women in Gaza by the Israeli forces.

  • Gaza war 2024-03-08 22:47

    UN: Gaza war may ‘slide deeper into the abyss’

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has raised the alarm about the consequences of an anticipated Israeli ground invasion of Rafah. 

  • settlements 2024-03-08 22:43

    UN rights chief: Israeli settlements expand by record amount

    Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories have expanded by a record amount and risk eliminating any practical possibility of a Palestinian state, the UN human rights chief said on Friday.

  • Palestine detainees 2024-03-08 22:38

    UN expert on torture to examine mistreatment of Palestinian detainees

    The UN’s expert on torture said on Friday she was investigating allegations of torture and mistreatment of Palestinian detainees in Israel, Reuters reported.

  • Food convoy 2024-03-06 20:10

    WFP: Israel turned back 14-truck food convoy

    According to the UN World Food Programmed (WFP), a 14-truck food convoy – the first by the WFP since it paused deliveries to northern Gaza on 20 February – was turned back by the Israeli army after a three-hour wait at the Wadi Gaza checkpoint.

  • Ebrahim Raisi 2024-03-06 20:04

    Raisi highlights impending wave of global youth anger over Israeli crimes

    TEHRAN- Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran, has cautioned about an imminent surge of "indignation" among global youth due to the ongoing Israeli offenses against Palestinians.

  • Gaza talks 2024-03-06 19:59

    By Ali karbalaei

    Tel Aviv stalling Gaza peace talks

    Palestinians offered high level of flexibility for a ceasefire

    Amid global demands on the Israeli regime to end its barbaric attacks on Palestinians in Gaza where many are on the brink of famine, Tel Aviv has stalled negotiations despite reasonable grounds to end its genocidal assault.

  • Israel US UK 2024-03-06 19:58

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Warmongers working hand in glove

    US, UK speak out against Israel to appease opposition to Gaza war

    TEHRAN- American and British leaders are facing growing domestic pressure over their failure to bring an end to Israel’s brutal onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip.

  • Arab-Islamic summit 2024-03-06 19:54

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Inaction kills

    Israel is not losing any sleep after the second Muslim gathering since Oct. 7

    TEHRAN - As Israel’s vainglorious patina of invincibility shattered on October 7, the Palestinian question was put back at the top of the agenda among Arab states that had already formed ties with the regime and were looking to further enhance them under the so-called Abraham Accords. 

  • Olive uprooted 2024-03-05 22:15

    Israel uproots 400 olive seedlings in Palestinian village near Bethlehem

    Israeli forces have bulldozed agricultural fields and uprooted 400 olive seedlings in the village of Wadi Fukin, west of Bethlehem.

  • Canada 2024-03-05 22:14

    Palestinian Canadians sue Foreign Minister Joly over arms exports to Israel

    Palestinian Canadians and human rights lawyers are suing Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly over exports of military equipment to Israel, which they argue violate Canada’s obligations under domestic and international law.

  • Hezbollah 2024-03-05 22:14

    Hezbollah strikes Israeli forces

    Lebanon’s Hezbollah said Tuesday that it had struck Israeli soldiers near the border with southern Lebanon.

  • aid 2024-03-05 22:12

    Only 25% of international aid reaches Gaza: IRCS

    TEHRAN – The president of the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) has warned that Israel’s continued obstruction of aid into Gaza is poised to create a devastating humanitarian disaster in the enclave. 

  • Yemen Israel ship 2024-03-05 22:05

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Yemen hits Israeli vessel, U.S. warships

    U.S. officials acknowledge intelligence failures

    The spokesperson for the Sanaa government’s armed forces has announced that Ansarullah has carried out more operations in support of Gaza, targeting an Israeli container ship and U.S. warships.

  • fm 2024-03-05 22:01

    Tehran calls on Islamic nations to intensify efforts against Israel

    TEHRAN – Iran’s Foreign Minister on Tuesday said Muslim countries should take more decisive and concrete steps to pressure Israel to cease its genocidal attacks on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

  • Israel 2024-03-05 21:57

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Smokescreen for battlefield failure

    U.S. pushes for Gaza truce as Israel fails to defeat Hamas

    TEHRAN- More than 150 days have passed since Israel launched its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip which has claimed the lives of nearly 31,000 people and left tens of thousands of others injured.

  • Israel bombs mosque in Gaza, hitting families sheltering nearby 2024-03-05 15:41

    photo: Al Jazeera

    Israel bombs mosque in Gaza, hitting families sheltering nearby

    One woman was killed and 20 people were injured in the makeshift tent encampment in Deir el-Balah. Deir el-Balah, Gaza – At dawn on Saturday, Israeli aircraft bombed a mosque next to makeshift tents housing displaced people in the city of Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip.

  • ICJ 2024-03-04 23:00

    By Sepehr Saremi

    International Court of Justice, ha-ha

    TEHRAN - On October 28, 2023, an article titled "The Humiliation of International Law" was penned by me for the Tehran Times. However, witnessing South Africa initiate proceedings against the Zionist regime on December 29, 2023, regarding violations of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip at the International Court of Justice (ICJ/ Court), my perspective shifted.

  • Hezbollah 2024-03-04 22:58

    Hezbollah: Israeli attack on Lebanon will ignite new version of 2006 war

    The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has warned that any Israeli act of aggression against the country would ignite an advanced version of the 33-day war fought back in the summer of 2006, when the occupying regime suffered a humiliating defeat.

  • Israeli captives 2024-03-04 22:58

    Israeli captives in Gaza call for help before being killed by the regime’s army

    The Israeli Broadcasting Authority (KAN) aired audio late Sunday of two of three Israeli captives in Gaza who were accidentally killed by the Israeli army in December last year as they pleaded to be rescued.

  • Gantz in U.S. 2024-03-04 22:22

    By Shahrokh Saei

    “Subversive Trojan horse” in Washington

    Rifts grow within Israeli leadership as Gantz visits U.S.

    TEHRAN- Cracks are further widening within the Israeli wartime leadership throwing a spotlight on the regime’s failed policy toward the war on Gaza.

  • Hezbollah attack 2024-03-03 22:39

    Hezbollah targets Israeli military base with heavy-caliber Burkan missile

    Fighters from the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement have targeted an Israeli military base in the north of 1948 Israeli-occupied territories, amid exchanges of near-daily fire between the two sides since the occupying regime attacked Gaza, Press TV reported.

  • Hamas 2024-03-03 22:38

    Hamas: Israel’s targeting of Deir el-Balah aid truck is ‘insistence on genocide’

    Hamas says Israel’s targeting of relief convoys, the latest of which was an aid truck in Deir el-Balah in the central Gaza Strip, is “an affirmation and insistence on its part to continue the war of genocide”, Al Jazeera reported.

  • Israel embargo 2024-03-03 22:26

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Calls for global energy embargo on Tel Aviv

    Palestinian groups say the ban will pressure Tel Aviv to a ceasefire

    TEHRAN- Palestinian organizations have called on the international community to enforce an energy embargo on the Israeli regime to pressure Tel Aviv to end its genocidal campaign against the people of Gaza.

  • Gaza hunger 2024-03-03 22:21

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Starvation as a Weapon: Gaza Tragedy

    U.S. cooks up airdrop scheme as publicity stunt

    TEHRAN- Since Israel launched war on the Gaza Strip nearly five months ago, it has perpetrated massacre after massacre and used starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in the besieged Palestinian territory.

  • Gaza suffers on brink of hunger and thirst 2024-03-03 19:22

    photo: Anadolu

    Gaza suffers on brink of hunger and thirst

    Thousands of Palestinians are reported to be at risk of starvation and thirst in the Gaza Strip as Israeli attacks continue. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find food in the town of Rafah, where tens of thousands of Palestinians fleeing the attacks have taken refuge. Food cooked on wood fires by volunteers has been distributed to Gazans sheltering in the town.

  • نوار غزه 2024-03-03 00:09

    Christiane Amanpour confronts CNN brass about “double standards” on Israel coverage

    Other CNN staffers describe a climate that is hostile to Arab journalists

    CNN employees, including the renowned international news anchor Christiane Amanpour, confronted network executives over what the staffers described as myriad leadership failings in coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza, according to a leaked recording of a recent all-hands meeting obtained by The Intercept.

  • Hezbollah’s skilled shooters humiliate the Zionist Air Force 2024-03-02 22:38

    By Sondoss Al Asaad

    Hezbollah’s skilled shooters humiliate the Zionist Air Force

    After four months of accumulating tactical and strategic achievements, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance's behavior confirms the keenness of its leadership to deprive the Zionist enemy of restoring the prestige of deterrence.

  • Israeli captives 2024-03-02 22:34

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Israeli bombings kill 7 more captives in Gaza

    Number of captives killed by Israeli airstrikes “may have exceeded 70”

    TEHRAN- Hamas has said seven more captives have been killed by Israeli airstrikes after contact was lost with the group responsible for safeguarding them.