Hezbollah: Israeli attack on Lebanon will ignite new version of 2006 war

March 4, 2024 - 22:58

The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has warned that any Israeli act of aggression against the country would ignite an advanced version of the 33-day war fought back in the summer of 2006, when the occupying regime suffered a humiliating defeat.

“The Zionist enemy continues to threaten us with military aggression, and we respond by means of steadfastness, resistance, and retaliatory strikes,” Hezbollah’s Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem said at the sixth International Conference for the Union of Resistance Scholars in Beirut on Monday, Press TV reported. 

“We, hereby, declare that if they commit a foolish act and attack our territories, there would then be a new version of the 2006 July war,” Sheikh Qassem said.

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