Today News
  • Hossein Askari 2023-10-30 00:13

    By Hossein Askari

    America descends into the cesspool of history

    TEHRAN– Let’s shout out what the Secretary General of the United Nations has said, the attack on October 7 did not happen in a vacuum.

  • The humiliation of international law 2023-10-28 23:38

    By Sepehr Saremi

    The humiliation of international law

    TEHRAN- What is happening in the Gaza Strip is unprecedented in human history. This densely populated area is being bombarded with hundreds of missiles every day. Thousands of people have been martyred and every second that passes we see more children and women being brutally martyred by the Zionist regime.

  • history of occupation 2023-10-24 22:34

    By Amir Keshtgar

    “Israel’s right to legitimate defense” based on the dark history of occupation

    TEHRAN- Some believe that the researcher (Amir Keshtgar) should always look to the future and stop exploring the past, however, the idea is not accepted in some particular cases. 

  • Saudi-Iran 2023-09-23 00:30

    By Dost Barrech

    Tattered Western order

    “The Saudi-Iran détente brokered by China was a momentous occasion in Middle Eastern politics that caused a huge setback to the U.S. interest” 

    The great power competition between the U.S. and China is in full swing. Both parties are embroiled in major issues of international affairs, and none of the international issues remains immune to their influence. 

  • Nuclear war 2023-09-18 23:39

    By Martin Love

    Nuclear war can be avoided if the U.S. gets wise…

    From afar one gets the impression that Iran’s fortunes are improving. The exchange of prisoners between the U.S. and Iran and the return of $6 billion stolen dollars to Iran is a positive. Iran also has joined BRICS, the Global South is more or less rejecting Western hegemony, Africa is pushing off French colonialism, and U.S. and Western dominance is unraveling some like never before since World War 2. 

  • Dr. Hazem Watan 2023-09-08 21:25

    By Dr. Hazem Watan

    Arbaeen 2023: A message of love and peace from Iraq to the world

    TEHRAN - The data and expectations indicated that the Arbaeen pilgrimage in 2023 would be different in all aspects in terms of the early preparations undertaken by the government of Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.

  • Helmand/Hirmand River 2023/09/04

    By Aylin Javadi

    Caught in an endless loop: The complex water dynamics between Iran and Afghanistan

    The international media and various think tanks had extensively covered the deteriorating water relations between Afghanistan and Iran, particularly concerning the Helmand River.

  • BRICS 2023-08-28 22:57

    By Dr. Jin Liangxiang, SIIS

    Through BRICS Iran is seeing the opportunity to translate political gains into economic profits

    ‘Iran’s accession into BRICS is also a milestone in China-Iran relations’

         August 24 saw BRICS adopted Iran together with five other countries as new members defying Western rhetoric and discourse weakening the mechanism. The historic enlargement of BRICS will create new momentum for the mechanism itself and will enhance global efforts resisting hegemony and unilateralism.

  • BRICS 2023-08-26 11:03

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Another sign of ‘new order’

    TEHRAN - Iran's membership in BRICS can be viewed from various perspectives. The first and most important point about Tehran's membership is that it shows that the United States is no longer the undisputed global superpower that determines where anyone should sit or that anyone has no right to sit at all.

  • Bahraini prisoners are kept at the notorious Jau Prison 2023-08-16 18:50

    By Sondos Al-Asaad

    Manama turns deaf ear to detainees’ empty stomachs

    Hundreds of prisoners of conscience in Bahrain have embarked on a hunger strike – since the beginning of August – to protest against medical negligence and inhumane treatment that violates the most basic international standards for the treatment of prisoners.

  • MEK 2023-08-12 21:50

    By Mohammad Pouladvand

    A glimpse at MEK’s non-existent supporters

    Non-Iranians are invited to attend MEK annual gatherings

    The Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/MKO) was a paramilitary organization that began its activities in Iran in 1965. 

  • civil war in Sudan 2023-07-25 11:45

    By Marco Mossad

    How Egypt could help end the Sudan conflict

    Egypt recently took the initiative to host a summit in order to address the civil war in Sudan. The summit brought together leaders from several countries, including the Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Libya, and South Sudan.

  • Washington Post 2023-07-23 17:50

    By Martin Love

    The U.S. mainstream media is desperate with lies…

    “For the U.S. and its NATO allies, these past 18 months have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Finland and Sweden. Germany has weaned itself from dependence of Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall it has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”

  • Avoid moral decline because the result is failure… 2023-07-17 11:39

    By Martin Love

    Avoid moral decline because the result is failure…

    America in the distant past had a shred of moral decency. Although Russia essentially won World War 2 against the Nazis and Japanese, even at the very end of the war which it rightfully helped “win” it stooped low to drop two atomic bombs on Japan over which it had already triumphed. Why? Because the U.S. wanted to send a threatening message to countries like the Soviet Union that the U.S. aimed to scare and dominate, not to mention the cruel punishment to Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  • Salem Al Ketbi 2023-07-10 21:19

    By Ali Reza Hojati

    The meaning of Iran's diplomatic maneuvering in the region

    TEHRAN - These days the main question in international politics is with which agenda West Asia should press ahead after the wave of normalization between Iran and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council.

  • All the earth is at risk… 2023/07/10

    By Martin Love

    All the earth is at risk…

    There have been announcements by some that when BRICS meets later in August it will announce the creation of a gold-backed trade currency aimed at replacing the dollar as the medium of account for trade among significant countries comprising over half the world’s population.

  • Victoria Nuland 2023-07-02 11:12

    By Martin Love

    Inimical to U.S. health, the greatest poison is the Neocon cabal…

    Remember the unguarded conversation the U.S. State Department’s Victoria Nuland had with the then American ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt back in 2014 when they were spending $5 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds to foment a coup in Ukraine and overthrow the elected pro-Russian President there? That conversation was world-widely noted for Nuland’s infamous comment “Fuck the E.U.” (She, long an arch Zionist Jewish Neocon, was making it clear to Ambassador Pyatt that nothing and no one mattered but the U.S. plans to control Ukraine and even the E.U. and ultimately bleed or attack Russia.)

  • Indispensable ones 2023-06-25 23:50

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Indispensable ones

    TEHRAN- “There are men who struggle for a day and they are good. There are men who struggle for a year and they are better. There are men who struggle many years, and they are better still. But there are those who struggle all their lives: These are the indispensable ones.”

  • Iran's hypersonic missile called Fattah 2023-06-06 21:26

     By Mehdi Bakhtiari

    Fattah's impact on the missile defense systems of the region

    TEHRAN -The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps unveiled its first hypersonic missile, Fattah. With a range of 1400 kilometers and a speed equivalent to 13 Mach, or 16000 kilometers per hour, this missile also utilizes a solid fuel spherical motor and a movable nozzle for maneuverability in all directions.

  • Amir Abdollahian  2023/06/06

    By Hossein Amir-Abdollahian

    BRICS and Iran’s Multilateralism Policy

    Cape Town in South Africa was hosting the foreign ministers of the BRICS and “Friends of BRICS” on 2 June 2023. My delegation and I also attended this meeting upon the invitation of my dear colleague Dr. Pandor, the honorable Foreign Minister of South Africa.

  • Iran NAvy Force 2023-05-22 21:33

    By Mohammad Sarfi Editor-in-Chief

    Iranian gunboat diplomacy

    "An aircraft carrier is 100,000 tons of diplomacy," said Henry Kissinger, about half a century ago during his tenure as US Secretary of State. The roots of this phrase date back to the nineteenth century, when Western colonial powers used a special method to secure their colonial interests.

  • Greedy American officials 2023-05-19 21:32

    By Martin Love

    Greed is the downfall of Western and U.S. power…

    The rare word “pleonexia” comes to mind. It means, simply, a psychiatric ailment of excessive, overweening greed that dominates the afflicted and determines most of what they are about, even as so-called “public servants” in government and who in fact rarely serve anyone but themselves. 

  • Coronation of King Charles III 2023-05-06 22:35

    By Sadra Torabi

    Absurd Theatre

    The very expensive coronation of Charles III held with the opposition shouting "Not My King"

    TEHRAN – On Saturday, the 74-year-old man was anointed and crowned. Charles III, the longest-serving monarch-in-waiting in British history, finally ascended to the throne after the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II.

  • Terrorism 2023-05-03 22:52

    Why a terrorist group can never condemn a terrorist regime?

    By Habilian Association Staff Writers

    The issue of Palestine has always been a hot topic in countries of the region. Over 7 decades have elapsed since the occupation of Palestinian lands by the Israeli regime. Meanwhile, the regime’s violence against the natives of the land, slaughtering them and expelling a significant number of them from their hometown to neighboring or other foreign countries have drawn the attention of the public opinion as well as human rights activists all over the world. Besides arousing humanitarian objections, Israel’s measures against Palestinian people have always led to the issuance of a significant number of resolutions by the United Nations and the Security Council.

  • Syria-Iran 2023-05-03 21:59

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Long live the resistance, Hail to victory

    TEHRAN- ​​​​​​​About ten years ago, when the sound of bullets from multi-national terrorists reached the vicinity of the presidential palace in Damascus, even the most optimistic people thought that Bashar al-Assad's reign had come to an end. Even his supporters believed that they should think about the post-Assad era. From America to European countries and often Arab leaders, they said Assad had to go.

  • Enemy - Friend 2023-04-30 11:30

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Fateful "line"

    TEHRAN- A review of Ayatollah Khamenei's speeches over the past few decades shows that he has repeatedly emphasized the necessity of drawing a line with the enemy.

  • Chang Hua 2023-04-27 00:19

    By Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Iran

    Taiwan question is the core of the core interests of China

    Lately, out of the sinister intention of interfering in China's internal affairs and plotting to use Taiwan to contain China, several countries have claimed that they oppose “changing the status quo with force” in the Taiwan Strait, accused China of challenging the so-called rules-based international order, and of disrupting peace and stability across the Strait.

  • General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan-Hemedti 2023-04-27 00:14

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    The price of betrayal to "The Three Noes of Khartoum"

    TEHRAN- After the six-day war between Arabs and Israel in 1967, Arab leaders gathered in Khartoum. The Arab League summit ended on September 1st with a seven-point resolution. This meeting and resolution became famous and historic because of its third point.

  • military industrial complex 2023-04-23 21:57

    By Martin Love

    The U.S. is on a suicide mission…

    The U.S. may be self-destructing in front of the world. This may be a good thing and no one will be blamed for it except Joe Biden and the Presidents and administrations that came before him after Ronald Reagan, each with their own miserable moves and policies after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

  • Ayatollah Khamenei 2023-04-23 21:16

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    A strategy for victory

    TEHRAN- An Iranian proverb states: "The well must have its own water." This means that if something does not have the capability, positive change cannot be imposed on it by external factors.