Avoid moral decline because the result is failure…

America in the distant past had a shred of moral decency. Although Russia essentially won World War 2 against the Nazis and Japanese, even at the very end of the war which it rightfully helped “win” it stooped low to drop two atomic bombs on Japan over which it had already triumphed. Why? Because the U.S. wanted to send a threatening message to countries like the Soviet Union that the U.S. aimed to scare and dominate, not to mention the cruel punishment to Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This was the beginning of America’s steep moral decline and in some respects its amoral “empire”. Only two years after the war ended the U.S. created the CIA, which has been up to no good ever since and may have even set up the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and his brother in 1968. The next notable move, with help from the British, was to begin its still continuing pursuit of toppling other governments that simply wanted to own its own resources and be left alone, such as Iran which saw its elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh cast aside to make way for a puppet that Iran finally kicked out with its fascinating revolution in 1979. The list of countries attacked, governments toppled, citizens murdered, resources plundered and so on since Mossadegh’s day is almost too numerous to list. But every major crime provoked by the U.S. and all of them mostly on false pretenses (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, the former Yugoslavia and lately Ukraine to cite just a few of scores of U.S. interventions of various kinds on every continent, most often directly military) did not result in any kind of victory that the U.S. expected, even promised its citizens.
In fact, the REAL defeats of the U.S. after decades of interventions have just begun to occur in the past few years and will continue for many years ahead.
Many of these defeats are self-defeats marked by exhaustion and they are at last becoming apparent and are well deserved. Take Vietnam alone: the U.S. finally walked away realizing it was spinning its wheels and budgets in Southeast Asia despite having killed an estimated four million Vietnamese while Ho Chi Minh and his great general, Vo Nguyen Giap, stood firm. Vietnam today is a fast-growing land of superlatives still under its “communist” government.
Now, largely, Americans have to deal with Joe Biden and the Zionist Neocons to whom he is subservient and the proxy war on Russia through Ukraine and the Zelensky regime. One can say with that this proxy war debacle is one of the most stupid interventions by the U.S. and the last that the U.S. will ever be capable of mounting against its alleged enemies, in this case Russia. (Unless it ends up sparking a nuclear war especially in which case no one wins).
The recent NATO summit in Vilnius was a disaster, showing some fractures within NATO and marked especially by the refusal to offer a petulant and embarrassing Zelensky NATO membership “unless Ukraine defeats Russia”, which is highly unlikely.
In the meantime, Russia’s Putin has been extremely patient and focused on incremental war gains, largely because he does not want to go ballistic (but could) to crush Zelensky’s Ukraine quickly. He does not want to spark the EU and the U.S. to enter the war directly with troops or whatever, or World War 3. Putin also apparently recognizes that Ukrainians are centuries-long Slavic “brothers” of a sort, minus the Nazis there.
From the beginning Putin has almost exclusively aimed to create a “neutral” Ukraine outside of NATO. It has been estimated that Ukraine has lost over 350,000 soldiers to date, and Russia maybe 50,000 (roughly the same number of U.S. troops that died in the Vietnam War.) But one would never know WHAT Putin’s aims have truly been via only the mainstream media in the U.S., which has been suffused with propaganda, keeping most Americans ignorant and thereby allowing the war to continue so far. This was NOT the case during the Vietnam War, which ended in 1975: the U.S. government was largely exposed by a mostly honest primary media and young people in protest who had faced the military draft, which was abolished after the war for a “volunteer” force of severely dumbed down soldiers. So why has the U.S. media been dishonest about Ukraine? Corruption and maybe the realization that it cannot expose the truth because so many power brokers in government and elsewhere, the extant oligarchy, would be disenfranchised by an angry American public realizing that real “democracy” in the U.S. has been discarded over the past 30 years.
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