The U.S. mainstream media is desperate with lies…

“For the U.S. and its NATO allies, these past 18 months have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Finland and Sweden. Germany has weaned itself from dependence of Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall it has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”
This above is what passes for “honest” commentary in the Washington Post. This is what the mainstream media in the U.S. essentially tells the beleaguered American people nowadays. If it were not such a raft of lies, it would be quite funny. It’s nothing but lies. This demonstrates how corrupted the mainstream media has become as a cheerleader for the American hegemony and Empire. Perhaps it’s obvious to say that losers often cling to any fantasy to convince themselves and others they are not losing. But consider.
The proxy war on Russia through Ukraine was long in the making. Especially since the coup in 2014 and actually several years earlier. All it required was the U.S. provoking Russia so rabidly that Russia invaded Ukraine and it did so last year primarily because Ukrainians under Zelensky had already murdered some 14,000 of its own citizens in Ukraine’s east. Most of the dead happened to be Russian speakers.
Look at the Washington Post’s assertions. Russia “rocked”? (The Russian economy is doing okay, two percent growth, ruble stable, and it has allegedly ample “supplies” to maintain the war effort on the Zelensky regime to neutralize Ukraine. NATO stronger? Not sure on that even with Sweden and Finland sucked in. There are some cracks in NATO despite the additions. Germany energy is secure paying multiples more for US LNG especially? Sense of “values” recovered in Germany as it is de-industrialized when all Germany WAS doing was buying cheap Russian natural gas and prospering? “Triumphal” summer when it’s clear the Ukrainians have all but lost the proxy war with an estimated 350,000 soldiers dead or defunct and the Ukrainian army allegedly low on ammo even after the US and vassals sent them well over $150 billion in arms and ammo? This is much more than Russia’s entire defense budget pre-war anyway.
The primary question now is what is going to take to force the U.S. mainstream media to tell the truth to the American people and accept reality: that the proxy war on Russia is the greatest failure of U.S. policy ever (worse than the wars on Vietnam or Iraq), having wrecked Europe, having helped bankrupt the U.S. morally and financially, having encouraged de-dollarization across the Global South and the imminent rise of BRICS plus with perhaps the addition of a gold backed trading currency, and above all the loss of U.S. credibility, respect and even Empire. Not to mention what this is going to do to average Americans: significant loss of American living standards which have anyway been eroding slowly for decades. Certainly the highest water mark for the U.S. in the last century probably occurred in 1991 when the USSR had disintegrated, but successive U.S. administrations completely wrecked the advantages it had with this “gift” from Russia which had earlier overextended itself in Afghanistan, too.
As the American novelist and Nobel Prize winner Ernest Hemingway wrote in the 1920s about how bankruptcy occurs in a famous quote from his first novel — “slowly, then all at once”. The U.S. as a whole has about reached the “all at once” phase in this process. But note that psychopath Neocon Victoria Nuland is going to South Africa just before the BRICS summit later in August. No doubt she will arrive with threats and above all try to kill any move by BRICS nations to create the alleged new trade currency which will de-dollarize much of the world’s population and create high inflation in the U.S. as dollars return home, no longer needed. South Africa should NOT give Nuland a visa to visit. She is largely responsible for the Ukraine mess, too.
There is, however, one slug of good news and it may involve Apartheid Israel becoming accountable for its many human rights and war abuses. The International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague is allegedly set to unveil an online electronic platform to allow the Palestinians and other victims to sue the “Israelis” who commit war crimes. The platform will allegedly enable people to submit multimedia complaints to the ICC. But what the ICC ought to do is simply charge Israeli leaders like Netanyahu with war crimes and more, or better the entire country with the devastating crime of Apartheid. If the ICC can create any charge against Vladimir Putin as it has done, who looks heroic to most of the globe, NOT going after Israeli leaders just shows total hypocrisy and the degree to which the U.S. and allies have “captured” the ICC.
*************** H
The proxy war on Russia is the greatest failure of U.S. policy ever, having wrecked Europe, having helped bankrupt the U.S. morally and financially, having encouraged de-dollarization across the Global South.
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