Inimical to U.S. health, the greatest poison is the Neocon cabal…

Remember the unguarded conversation the U.S. State Department’s Victoria Nuland had with the then American ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt back in 2014 when they were spending $5 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds to foment a coup in Ukraine and overthrow the elected pro-Russian President there? That conversation was world-widely noted for Nuland’s infamous comment “Fuck the E.U.” (She, long an arch Zionist Jewish Neocon, was making it clear to Ambassador Pyatt that nothing and no one mattered but the U.S. plans to control Ukraine and even the E.U. and ultimately bleed or attack Russia.)
The fine commentator Philip Giraldi, long retired from over two decades with the CIA, recently penned yet another excellent article of many for over a decade focusing on yet another Neocon, the now deceased former Secretary of State for the U.S. and also a Zionist, Madelain Albright, for whom the post office he uses near his home will lamentably be named.
Albright’s lifetime signature comment was claiming the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children leading up to the U.S. invasion in 2003 were “worth it” back in the years after Saddam Hussein had fallen out of U.S. favor. One reason so many children died in Iraq was because an embargo had been placed on Iraq which among their items barred the importation of chemicals to kill bacteria and other pathogens in Iraq’s water supplies. Imagine drinking untreated water from the Tigris River!
Anyway, Giraldi writes in his recent article, this in the “Unz Review”, that Neocons like Nuland for years and crones like Albright over decades had slowly infiltrated powerful policy-making roles in the U.S. government. He also cites a long article written by another Jew, Ron Unz (who founded and manages the website where writer Giraldi often appears) about the rise of the Neocons to achieve their control of U.S. foreign policies, and especially their advocacy of the Israeli Apartheid state no matter what crimes they commit. (Ron Unz, by the way, is a serious publisher of many truths, but even his website and the submissions therein are banned from appearing in many places including even Facebook where the average American might become better informed.)
In contrast to the often buried, honest, accurate and even brilliant articles that show up in nooks and crannies of the Internet, and that few Americans ever get to read because the pieces are not shoved in their faces with morning coffee as they head to work, we have the U.S. mainstream media suffused with clever propagandists supporting Empire and elites at any cost. Newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post are so full of it in the last three decades at least that they do not resemble what I recall they were when I was a youth when they were exposing crimes and especially war crimes in Vietnam and even lies about what caused the war on Vietnam. Take the current postures in the mainstream media about the Prigozhin matter in Russia. Consider The Washington Post as an example.
All eight of the Washpo’s primary opinion writers reflected in their own words and nuances what Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said about the Prigozhin matter. That Russia and Vladimir Putin has been substantially weakened, that dangerous “cracks” have appeared in the Russian “facade” of unity and purpose and those “cracks” were already profound before the attempted Prigozhin coup d’etat. Blinken goes on the cite all the alleged “failures” of the Russian state under Putin’s “aggression” on Ukraine. That Putin managed to bring NATO together, that he’s gotten Europe to move away from Russian energy, to unite Ukrainians and so on. He adds that everything Putin and Russia have tried to do since February 2022 has been a failure and a serious strategic failure. Really? People like David Ignatius at the Washpo, decades ago a fine journalist with sources like few others, ought to be ashamed of himself nowadays because he is little more than an old, seasoned prig now raking in big bucks writing BS.
Put simply, most of the opinions and commentaries by Blinken and his followers at leading newspapers like the NYT and Washpo constitute little more than an organized propaganda campaign full of mostly lies and false innuendos about Russia’s advances militarily and economically even since the war began. And Putin, he is said to be favored by 90 percent of Russians. As for Prigozhin, he was all alone in his mutinous effort. No one person and not a single group in Russia’s government or civil apparatus supported him and he was fast vanquished to neighboring Belarus. He is lucky to still be alive and had Putin been less circumspect, he would not be alive.
It is anyway remarkable that almost no one, it seems, in power in Washington and in the mainstream media can even discern factual truths, much less tell them as they are supposed to do in the jobs they have. Most U.S. “journalists” are not. They are whores and shills to the powerful and one day this will become apparent to most Americans as it already is apparent to over half the world’s population.
But back to Victoria Nuland. Back in 2014 with Ambassador Pyatt part of their conversation involved whom they would finger to become Ukraine’s leader. This was one Arsenly Yatsenyuk who did serve for a while as Prime Minister. He lately revealed that he thought: “We killed our own country!”
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