

  • Naftali Bennett 2023-12-29 20:13

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Wishful thinking amid Gaza fiasco

    TEHRAN- Nothing could be more telling of Israel's growing fear, anger, and helplessness than an op-ed by former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett asking the U.S. to “take Iran on directly.” 

  • Iran's Defense Minister 2023-12-27 23:26

    Iran vows to respond to Israel at proper time and place

    TEHRAN- Iran's Defense Minister vowed to retaliate against the Zionist regime for its cowardly terrorist act that claimed the life of IRGC General Razi Mousavi in Syria. 

  • sh 2023-12-27 23:19

    IRGC addresses assassination of senior commander, promising swift response

    TEHRAN - Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has asserted its commitment to respond to any disruptive actions in the region, particularly in the aftermath of the recent martyrdom of Iranian Commander Seyyed Razi Mousavi.

  • Gaza war 2023-12-26 22:43

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Hamas rejects any temporary truce 

    Palestinian resistance firm on its stance toward a ceasefire 

    TEHRAN- Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have confirmed that they are negotiating an end to the Israeli war on Gaza, the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the besieged Gaza territory, and the release of all Palestinian prisoners from the Israeli jails in return for the captives they are holding. 

  • taeb 2023-12-26 22:26

    U.S. naval presence in region aimed at compensating Israel defeat: advisor

    TEHRAN – Hossein Taeb, the advisor to the commander-in-chief of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), has asserted that the deployment of U.S. naval forces in the region is a strategic move aimed at compensating for Israel's recent defeats against the resistance movements in Palestine.

  • General Seyed Razi Mousavi 2023-12-26 21:47

    By Sadegh Fereydounabadi 

    Israel's futile scramble to restore deterrence

    TEHRAN - As Iran approaches the fourth anniversary of General Qassem Soleimani's martyrdom, the nation mourns the death of yet another influential commander in the fight against terrorism.

  • Mousavi 2023-12-25 21:44

    IRGC commander martyred in Israeli attack on Syria

    TEHRAN – Seyyed Razi Mousavi, an Iranian military advisor and IRGC commander, valiantly met his martyrdom in the Zeinabiyeh region on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria.

  • 17 more Israeli troops killed in Gaza  2023-12-25 21:41

    By Ali Karbalaei

    17 more Israeli troops killed in Gaza 

    Hamas says the death toll is higher 

    TEHRAN- The Israeli military announced on Monday that two more Israeli troops have been killed in northern Gaza. A day earlier, it announced that 15 soldiers had been killed in combat over 48 hours in Gaza. Another was killed on Friday by rocket fire from Lebanon. 

  • Gaza 2023-12-24 22:18

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    "Gaza now a different color from space" 

    Experts view Israeli war in Gaza as the most destructive in modern warfare 

    TEHRAN- The 10-week Israeli war on Gaza is viewed as one of the most destructive in the history of wars, according to experts.  

  • Shebaa Farms 2023-12-24 22:18

    By Alireza Akbari

    The defeated party cannot impose conditions on Lebanon

    TEHRAN- Lebanese Labor Minister Mustafa Bairam said on Saturday that Israel as a “defeated party” cannot impose conditions on his country.  The remarks by the minister came in response to statements by the occupation regime’s authorities who threatened to use force to resolve the border issue with Lebanon.

  • The Persian Achaemenid Empire at its greatest territorial extent, under the rule of Darius the Great (522–486 BC). 2023-12-24 16:48

    Persian Achaemenid ruins among Gaza treasures ‘mostly destroyed’ by Israeli invasion

    TEHRAN - A new report suggests that a site containing Persian Achaemenid ruins, among other archaeological discoveries dating back to the Iron Age, Roman, and Hellenistic eras, has been seriously harmed by Israeli actions in Gaza.

  • UN Security Council 2023-12-23 22:54

    By Ali Karbalaei

    The world told the Israeli regime to stop, but the U.S. said carry on 

    UN Security Council resolution falls short of ending indiscriminate Israeli attacks 

    TEHRAN- The UN Security Council has passed resolution 2720, which calls on more aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip but falls short of calling for an end to the indiscriminate Israeli bombardment of the enclave. 

  • NAGHDI 2023-12-23 22:34

    IRGC commander warns U.S. might be blocked in more waterways if war on Gaza continues

    TEHRAN - The deputy coordinator of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps said on Saturday that the U.S. and its allies might have to halt their activities in several more waterways due to their persisting crimes in the besieged Gaza Strip. 

  • raisi 2023-12-23 22:23

    U.S., Zionist regime should be tried for genocide in Gaza: Raisi

    TEHRAN – Iraian President Ebrahim Raisi has asserted that the U.S. and the Zionist regime should be brought to trial for their role in the Gaza genocide.

  • Yemen’s Ansarullah 2023/12/22

    By Maryam Geshani

    Analysis: How real is the threat of Yemen’s Ansarullah in the Red Sea?

    TEHRAN- "Peace with the (Zionist) Jews is in Confrontation, Not in Shaking Hands with Them". This is the title of an article featured on Yemen’s Almaseera website on October 6, just a day before Hamas launched an attack on the southern occupied territories. 

  • Palestinian resistance strikes Tel Aviv  2023-12-22 23:09

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Palestinian resistance strikes Tel Aviv 

    "740 Israeli military vehicles destroyed" since the regime began the ground offensive in Gaza 

    TEHRAN - 77 days after Israel’s slaughter of innocent women and children in the Gaza Strip and amid Israeli propaganda that Hamas and other Gaza-based militant groups may have run out of rockets, Tel Aviv witnessed one of the most powerful missile salvos to date. 

  • Iravani 2023-12-22 21:05

    Iran warns about regional implications of Israeli regime provocations

    TEHRAN- The Permanent Representative and Ambassador of Iran to the UN issued a strong warning against any aggressive acts by the Israeli regime that could have a major impact on regional peace and security.

  • india 2023/12/22


    New Delhi abandons pro-Israel stance as war in Gaza takes global stage

    Why India tried to strike a balance after initially siding with Israel

    India is a country deeply wounded by colonialism. Apart from millions of people losing their lives during Britain’s centuries-long rule over India, the repercussions of the dark days continue to reverberate in the country's societal fabric to this day.

  • Golani Brigade incurs crushing defeat and escapes Gaza 2023-12-22 19:40

    By Soheila Zarfam 

    Abject Failure

    Golani Brigade incurs crushing defeat and escapes Gaza

    TEHRAN - Israel's Channel 13 reported on Thursday that the Israeli military has withdrawn one of its most highly decorated infantry units, the Golani Brigade, to undergo restructuring following 60 days of combat in the besieged Gaza Strip.

  • Tehran hosts 7th assembly of Ancient Civilizations Forum 2023-12-22 17:19

    Tehran hosts 7th assembly of Ancient Civilizations Forum

    TEHRAN – On Thursday, Tehran played host to the 7th assembly of the Ancient Civilizations Forum, which brought together representatives from the member nations.

  • Economist website 2023-12-22 14:44

    By Zahra Akbari

    CPR of a mass murderer

    TEHRAN- “Iran’s regime is weaker than it looks, and therefore more pliable” is the title of an article posted on the Economist website on December 14.

  • دریای سرخ 2023-12-21 16:05

    Riyadh reluctant to derail Iran detente over U.S. Red Sea taskforce: Reuters

    Saudi Arabia's name was conspicuously - perhaps surprisingly - absent from a list of countries the United States announced as part of its new naval coalition protecting Red Sea shipping from Yemen's Ansarallah, Reuters said in a commentary on Wednesday.

  • Hamas 2023-12-21 08:36

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Israel under pressure to accept ceasefire 

    Yemen is shaping the course of the Gaza war

    TEHRAN- The Israeli regime is under increasing pressure to accept another ceasefire. According to the Washington Post, citing Israeli and American sources, the regime is mulling a two-week ceasefire to free Palestinian prisoners in exchange for Israeli captives. 

  • Gaza war 2023-12-20 22:44

    By professor Hossein Askari

    Gaza war lays bare the immorality of the Western world

    The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, claimed that the Hamas attack of October 7 did not happen in a vacuum. If not in a vacuum, what was in that space? 

  • naghdi 2023-12-20 22:28

    IRGC General: U.S. confronted by significant military and economic challenges

    TEHRAN – Deputy IRGC Commander-in-Chief for Coordination General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi has shed light on the multifaceted challenges confronting the United States, encompassing both military and economic dimensions.

  • The world waking up to the griefs of Palestinians  2023-12-19 23:05

    By Faramarz Kuhpayeh 

    The world waking up to the griefs of Palestinians 

    TEHRAN- Other than biased and ideologically driven persons and except those who seek the backing of Zionist lobbies in the West, particularly in the United States, people who are noticing the sufferings of people in the Gaza Strip are asking what are the motives for so much Israeli barbarity and savagery in Gaza?

  • erdogan 2023/12/19


    Turkey’s support for Gaza heartwarming, but nowhere near enough

    TEHRAN – While Turkey was the world’s first Muslim country to recognize Israel as a “state”, it has concurrently maintained a pro-Palestine  rhetoric for much of its 74 years of ties with the regime. 

  • Red Sea 2023-12-19 22:53

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Shipping giants halt Red Sea route 

    U.S. announces military maritime alliance to stop Ansarullah attacks 

    TEHRAN- A growing number of shipping firms have halted shipments through the Red Sea amid increasing attacks by Yemen's Ansarullah naval forces. 

  • KANAANI 2023-12-18 22:48

    Iran calls for Intl. probe after Israeli raid on Gaza hospital

    TEHRAN – Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has called for an international probe into Israel’s Saturday raid on the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza after reports showed that Israel has committed harrowing war crimes at the facility. 

  • Gaza deadliest place for journalists 2023-12-18 22:33

    Gaza deadliest place for journalists: UN

    The UN Human Rights Office in the occupied Palestinian territories has expressed concern over the high number of journalists who have been killed in Gaza since Israel launched its genocidal war on the besieged territory on October 7.