

  • Yemen has said from now on U.S. and British ships are not safe from attack in Red Sea 2024-01-17 11:27

    Biden, by escalating tension, has bolstered Yemen’s Ansarullah: analysis

    Ansarullah mocks Biden and Sunak’s effort to re-establish deterrence against Yemen

    Yemen’s Ansarullah has already succeeded in “inflicting a cost onto Israel’s economy and making a mockery” of U.S. President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s effort to re-establish deterrence in the Red Seat against Yemen, the Time magazine said in a commentary on January 15.

  • Frank N. von Hippel 2023-11-14 21:59

    By M.A. Saki

    Israel’s Eliyahu is criminally insane: nuclear physicist

    ‘Suggesting to nuke Gaza refugees wouldn’t significantly increase Israel’s deterrence’

    TEHRAN – A senior nuclear physicist describes Israeli far-right minister Amihai Eliyahu who proposed using nuclear arms against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as “criminally insane”.