Mohammad Sarfi


  • BRICS 2024-09-14 13:58

    7th BRICS Media Summit underway in Moscow

    TEHRAN-The 7th BRICS Media Summit is underway in Moscow, Russia, with representatives from Iranian media including the Tehran Times, Mehr, and IRNA in attendance. The summit was inaugurated on September 13 and will run until September 17.

  • Mohammad Sarfi 2024-02-23 22:16

    By Sadegh Fereydounabadi 

    White House is principal employer, Meta serves as contractor

    TEHRAN — Mohammad Sarfi, the editor-in-chief of the Tehran Times, has weighed in on Meta's decision to block KHAMENEI.IR's media activities, portraying it as a piece in a larger puzzle, noting, "Meta was a contractor for the White House."