Today News
  • Holocaust 2023-04-19 23:09

    By Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam

    Holocaust: The Zionist myth

    The Holocaust refers to those people belonging to the Jewish religion, about whom the Zionists have propagated to the world on the basis of lies and deception that they were brutally murdered by the German Nazis between the years 1933 and 1945.

  • boys go to Baghdad, real men go to Tehran 2023/04/19

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    They had plan, but not "real men"

    TEHRAN- Ayatollah Khamenei, in a meeting with high-ranking military commanders two days ago, referred to the US's violations after the September 11 attacks and their invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, stating that the main target of these attacks on Iran's eastern and western neighbors was the Islamic Republic. 

  • Al-Quds Day 2023-04-17 20:32

    By Sabir Abu Maryam Sec. Gen. of PLF

    Al-Quds Day is the guarantor of Palestine's freedom

    The last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan is observed worldwide as the day of the liberation of al-Quds Sharif.  People all over the world come out in favor of the oppressed Palestinian people on this day and assure their support by protesting against the Zionist illegitimate state of Israel and its occupation on the First Qibla, including Palestine.

  • Ali Akbar Salehi and Mehdi Zare 2023/04/14

    By Prof. Ali Akbar Salehi and Prof. Mehdi Zare

    Lessons from recent quakes in Turkey and Syria: the importance of science and technology

    The terrible scenes of earthquake damage and the loss of tens of thousands of people in the earthquakes of 6 February 2023 in southern Turkey and northern Syria are a reminder that earthquakes are still the deadliest type of natural disaster in the world.

  • Mojtaba Rezakhah 2023-04-09 13:46

    By Mojtaba Rezakhah

    Iran’s peaceful and tolerant approach has seldom been returned in kind

    Iran ready to help other nations to demand equal share of power

    TEHRAN- “People are of two groups. They are either your brothers in faith, or your equals in humanity.” 

  • Ukraine first, Iranian diaspora second and Dutch people maybe the last! 2023-03-18 21:55

    By Ehsan Etesam

    Ukraine first, Iranian diaspora second and Dutch people maybe the last!

    TEHRAN – Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte along with some other officials of the country, including Minster of Justice and some members of the Parliament, had a meeting on March 16 with one of the most infamous Iranian diaspora members, Masumeh Alinejad Qomi Kollaei, aka Masih Alinejad, and made some remarks in regards to recent events in Iran.

  • Ibrahim al-Nabulsi 2023-03-18 05:21

    By Mohammad Mohsen Fayezi

    Generation Z Palestine

    TEHRAN- Generation after generation, Palestine follows a path that seems to be predetermined for it, a destiny of support and betrayal, defeat and victory, politics and opportunities, leaders and legends.

  • Ibrahim Nablusi 2023-03-18 05:16

    By Hadis Hosseini

    vengeful lion

    TEHRAN- Who are Palestinians? They are heroes who die young and rise to fame quickly. Although sometimes their achievements go unnoticed, they never give up and continue on their path. One of these heroes was Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, who was as brave as a lion and martyred at the age of 18.

  • Iran - Saudi Arabia 2023-03-14 21:57

    By Batoul Sbeity

    Indicators of where the Chinese brokered Iranian-Saudi Arabian deal is heading

    The Chinese brokered deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia to resume diplomatic ties holds the prospect of the U.S. coming to a point of recognition of the regional power balance, that has been shifting in favour of the resistance axis in West Asia, spearheaded by Iran, for a long time now. This deal may therefore be the preliminary introduction to a larger deal pertaining to U.S.-Iranian relations through the nuclear negotiations.

  • How has liberal capitalism contributed to the collapse of the family institution? 2023-03-07 15:54

    By Mahdyeh Saeedi

    How has liberal capitalism contributed to the collapse of the family institution?

    The formation of the "Women's Liberation Movement" in the West has often been used to promote the superiority of the capitalist system as a symbol of developed Western society based on liberal values.

  • Israel 2023-03-01 19:08

    By Martin Love

    Someday a day of reckoning for cruelties…

    The Zionists think they are winning. They are not. They continue to push their violence in Palestine too far. They are despised worldwide. It’s one thing to be an idiot, but quite another to be a violent idiot. I remember a morning well years ago.

  • Hossein Askari 2023/03/01

    By Professor Hossein Askari

    Sanctions are an instrument of death, destruction and global rift

    Let me cut to the chase, sanctions can end up being more harmful than your average war: they can involve many more countries than two parties to an armed conflict; cause more human suffering and last much longer; inflict more widespread economic loss, impede economic and human recovery; leave more hatred in their wake; and yes, sanctions have hardly ever achieved their intended goal. So what’s so good about sanctions?

  • Guardian Council spokesman Abbasali Kadkhodaei 2023/02/27

    By Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei

    Legitimate presence

    International legal scholarship has strongly emphasized the legality of intervention. According to a famous dictum by the International Court of Justice in 1986, it is believed that if valid consent is given by a representative and a still effective government, intervention by invitation is always legal and there is no prohibition of invited intervention.[1]

  • Raisi, 2023-02-26 22:35

    By Adkhamjon Janobiddinov

    Uzbekistan–Iran relations: Historical ties and modern cooperation

    Since ancient times, Persia and the countries in the area of modern Uzbekistan had diplomatic relations in terms of trade, economy, and many other important factors.

  • Shahab Esfandiary 2023-02-25 22:02

    By Shahab Esfandiary

    Stoning Iran: Examining western media's disinformation campaigns against Iran

    TEHRAN- A few years ago, I co-authored a chapter titled 'Stoning Iran: Strategic Narratives, Moral Authority and the Reporting of a Stoning Sentence' in a collection of essays published by I.B Tauris with the title 'Reporting the Middle East' (2017).

  • Japanese Americans 2023-02-19 23:24

    By Sara Atta

    Commemoration of unjust incarceration of Japanese Americans

    TEHRAN – 81 years ago, the U.S. president issued an executive order ordering more than 100,000 Japanese who were considered a threat to the country's national security to be detained and sent to internment camps.

  • Wikileaks 2023-02-18 23:49

    By Sara Atta

    Wikileaks: Leaks of US secret documents that shook the world

    TEHRAN – On February 18, 2010, WikiLeaks published a leaked diplomatic cable provided by Chelsea Manning who provided the website with hundreds of thousands of classified documents in what was believed to be the largest unauthorized release of state secrets in US history.

  • J. Michael Springmann 2023-02-11 23:28

    By J. Michael Springmann

    Washington DC gun laws apply only to citizens—not criminals

    Background.  Like most medium to large American cities, Washington, D.C., i.e. the State of Confusion, is “governed” by Democrats who have failed every city they govern in terms of criminal activity and heinous crimes.

  • China's economy 2023-02-07 19:46

    By Fu Lihua

    China's economy continues to be a growth engine for the world economy

    Currently, the world economy is facing many challenges. High inflation, rising interest rates, shrinking demand, and weakening expectations, combined with the continued impact of the pandemic, have cast a shadow over global economic growth.

  • Hossein Askari 2023-01-30 12:11

    George Washington University must be held accountable for taking advantage of the generosity of Iran

    This is a brief story of a gift from the Ministry of Higher Education of Iran to the George Washington University (GW) in 1974, which inexplicably evaporated into thin air some 45 years later in 2019 and then miraculously reappeared in 2022. 

  • war in Ukraine 'helps' US military-industrial complex 2023-01-21 11:54

    By Martin Love

    “The Die is Cast” for the U.S. …

    This past week for an evening in North Carolina I had the pleasure of speaking briefly with Medea Benjamin and hearing her opine about Ukraine to an audience at a local church. A petite, elegant, straight talking Jewish lady, now 70, who for decades has been at the forefront of trying to explain to far more “average” and largely perplexed American multitudes and the world at large just what the U.S. government has been doing — criminally — across the globe but especially in the Middle East with its war machine over and over again, especially in the last 30 or so years but beginning primarily elsewhere Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s.

  • Qassem Soleimani 2023-01-03 15:03

    By Martin Love

    Soleimani was a great man. Period. 

    TEHRAN- As an elderly American now, I have witnessed the apparent decline of my country in most all respects (except perhaps in military power) in to what appears to be an insane number of wrong-way turns since I was a youth in in the 1960s. It was with the Vietnam War that the pretensions or fact of “Empire” really began to take hold.

  • Journalist and senior editor Yuram Abdullah Weiler poses at his home in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 2023-01-03 14:16

    By Yuram Abdullah Weiler

    Hajj Qassem: On the cutting edge of Islamic Resistance

    “And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah’s way as dead; nay, they are alive, but you do not perceive”—Quran 2:154

  • Zelensky- Macron 2022-12-28 20:43

    By Muslim Shaito, head of the Russian-Arab Cultural Center

    Does Macron want to sit on two chairs?

    The conference that took place was not even a French initiative to support Volodymyr Zelensky, but just another meeting of representatives of the Western bloc, who decided: how can they again skillfully build a scheme of grey financial flows through Ukraine?

  • "Iranian footballer sentenced to death:" what Western media headlines 'forgot' to mention 2022-12-25 23:53

    By Damian Lenard

    "Iranian footballer sentenced to death:" what Western media headlines 'forgot' to mention

    The case of Amir Reza Nasr-Azadani needs a preamble: Iran is a country where having an occupation doesn't automatically grant you legal immunity, especially from crimes as significant as mob lynching or armed insurrection.

  • Bajestan 2022-12-20 12:03

    By Seyedhossein Hosseiniseddiq

    Bajestan: the land of red rubies

    At the invitation of one of my close friends, who is originally from Bajestan city in Razavi Khorasan province, I attended the national pomegranate festival on November 3rd, 2022 in the land of red rubies. This city is known as the land of red rubies because of its saffron fields, pomegranate orchards, and red marble stone mountains.

  • Tragedy of human rights 2022/12/13

    By Hassan Babaei

    Ridiculous British sanctions

    Human rights, as one of the most important indicators of civilization, is of particular importance in international relations. 

  • Tragedy of human rights 2022-12-10 00:12

    By Fatemeh Saberi

    Tragedy of human rights

    TEHRAN- This year marks the 74th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Although the modern concept of rights and human rights has been raised throughout the discourse of the West since the 17th century, the historical evidence shows that while the hypocritical West has been engaged in murder, looting, mass murder, torture, pressure, enslavement, slavery over the past three centuries, its intellectuals and thinkers have been promulgating human rights law for the world. And today it is the mask of human rights that gives a human gesture to their liberal democracy!

  • Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commissioner 2022-12-05 09:53

    By Dmitry Babich

    The mistake of Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commissioner

    The horror is that mediocrity and demagogy have become a system in modern Germany.

  • Basij 2022-12-05 09:31

    By Fatemeh Saberi

    Basij is best example of volunteerism

    TEHRAN- December 5 is named International Volunteer Day (IVD). It highlights the power of collective humanity to drive positive change through volunteerism.