By Hassan Babaei

Ridiculous British sanctions

December 13, 2022 - 17:32

Human rights, as one of the most important indicators of civilization, is of particular importance in international relations. 

The western countries claim – through propaganda – to observe human rights and accuse other countries of violating them. 

The UK is one of these countries that claim to observe human rights in its foreign policy and in relations with other countries. Using its news agencies, the UK takes it as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of countries.

Although the occasional reports are published by this old colonialist on the deterioration of the human rights situation in other countries, especially the independent ones, the UK is committing numerous human rights violations in its domestic and foreign policy.

It is confirmed by many experts that violating the rule of law, judicial independence, freedom of speech, and legal protests as the main elements of political life are always used by the UK as tools to suppress – through information despotism – free and independent countries, and words like "national security" and "fighting terrorism" are this well-known colonialist’s constant excuses for violating these principles.

The world has rarely forgotten 106 anti-human rights findings of inspection concerning the UK’s non-compliance with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, for which the British government did not provide any appropriate response; and the breach of humanitarian laws – reported by the International Committee of the Red Cross to the Coalition forces – during the war against Iraq when the British army had occupied Iraq. 

That is while this insidious colonialist continues to undermine basic human rights, the rule of law, and judicial independence in the media coverage of defending human rights. 

Concern about the violation of human rights by the British government is not new and has frequently been highlighted in the monitoring reports on human rights in the UK by The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, the United Nations Committee against Torture, the United Nations Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT).

Having a look at the history, the Iranian people notice the tyranny and strife of this old colonist within the borders of our old territory more than any other issue. 

The famine and genocide of about 6 million Iranian Plateau inhabitants (out of a population of 18 – 20 million) between 1917 and 1919, despite the declaration of neutrality by Iran, is only one of the achievements of British human rights for Iranians. 

This occurred when the hostile forces of Britain and Tsarist Russia entered the country from the north and south borders, and collected all the grains and food necessities of the Iranian people. 

The famine caused by the British was very widespread as Mohammad Qoli Majd, the author of the book "Great Famine" wrote: No country has been harmed by the world war like Iran. 

This was the biggest famine in the history of Iran and also the biggest disaster in the history of Iran, which is far beyond the Mongol attack in the 13th century AD.

According to Majd, in this famine, nearly 40% (25% in some other sources) of the population of Iran died out of hunger, malnutrition, and the resulting diseases. 

According to him, the British government was the main root of this crisis as it did not purchase wheat and other food grains in mass amounts in Iran; prevented imports of foodstuff from India and Mesopotamia, and the USA, and adopted financial policies including not paying oil revenues to Iran.

Perhaps the most concise account of this great famine was narrated by "Mohammed Ali Jamalzadeh". In his words, three scary horsemen entered the city: "The First World War was about to end, when in the middle of a dark and terrifying night, three scary horsemen, each carrying a sword and a whip, slowly passed through the walls of the city and entered it. 

One rider was famine, another was Spanish flu, and the last one was cholera. The poor classes, young and old, were like autumn leaves falling due to the attack of these merciless riders. 

There was no food to be found, people had to chew and eat whatever they could. Soon cats, dogs, and crows could not be found. 

Even the mice had lost their generation. Leaves, grass, and plant roots were traded like bread and meat. In every corner, the bodies of the dead were scattered. After a while, people began to eat the flesh of the dead."

Other examples of the British government's criminal cooperation with the hostiles of Iran, which is still in progress in the form of conspiracies and interference by the London government against the Iranian nation are as follows: Violating Iran's territorial integrity at the outbreak of World War II; looting Iran's oil in numerous contracts, coup d'état on August 28, 2012, which led to the overthrow of Mosaddegh's government and the return of British colonialism to Iran's oil interests; cooperation with Saddam Hussein during the attack on Iran by selling "Hawk" fighter planes and delivering tank spare parts to the Ba'athist regime as well as by selling large quantities of bullets containing poisonous gases such as henselin, troniate and incendiary bombs (similar to the bombs used by America in Vietnam); Separating Afghanistan from Iran in 1875 based on the Paris Treaty; creating the sects of Babbit and Baha'i with the intention of religious degeneration; separating Iran’s Baluchistan in 1887 in order to secure the borders of India and as a defense belt in the southwest of India, which was considered a British colony; and occupying and destructing the Iranian embassy in London and taking as hostage 26 people by six armed men in 1359 which led to the martyrdom of two staff of Iran embassy in London.

Undoubtedly, considering such a historical record of a colonist and a real violator of human rights, demonstrative actions such as sanctioning 10 Iranian judicial officials under the pretext of human rights violation are nothing more than a joke, while the coherent, independent judicial system which is based on the intellectual and jurisprudential grounds is one of the honorable achievements of the Islamic Revolution.

The awful reminder of "Sarah Everard", the British woman who was kidnapped, raped, and killed by London police, Wayne Couzens, in March 2021 and whose body was burned, along with many other similar cases, is a good clue to the depth of the human rights so-called claims by the old colonist whose news agencies seek to prescribe it to the world.

The author is the head of the State Organization for Registration of Deeds and Properties

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