

  • Gaza war 2023-11-12 22:59

    By Ali Karbalaei

    More than 160 Israeli military vehicles destroyed 

    "Gaza will be an arena where Israeli troops meet their death"

    TEHRAN- The armed wing of Hamas has announced it has "completely or partially destroyed more than 160 Zionist military vehicles," including tanks and bulldozers since the regime's ground operations began in the besieged Gaza Strip. 

  • Riyadh Summit 2023-11-12 22:27

    Why Riyadh Summit failed to fulfill expectations?

    Gaza needs concrete actions, not words

    TEHRAN – The extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit in the Saudi capital ended with strong communiqué, but no concrete actions against the Zionist regime or its Western enablers. 

  • palestine conflict 2023-11-12 22:07

    By Parsa Ja’fari

    Urgent need for emergency session of the Human Rights Council on Palestine

    TEHRAN- The current conflict in Palestine stands as the utmost priority for both the Islamic world and the global community. The challenges faced by the Palestinian people, coupled with the oppression imposed by the Zionist regime, resonate across the international community, transcending religious, ideological, or national affiliations.

  • Daryl Kimball 2023-11-12 20:47

    By M.A. Saki

    Threatening to use nuclear arms is ‘counterproductive in the extreme’: Kimball

    ACA chief says every country should strongly condemn Eliyahu for threatening to nuke Gaza

    TEHRAN – Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association (ACA) in Washington, suggests that threatening or using nuclear weapons, especially against a non-nuclear state or population, goes against “international law”, is “immoral” and is “counterproductive in the extreme”.

  • Gaza War 2023-11-12 12:09

    Inside the Occupied Palestine:

    It’s Official: Israel Targeted Its Own People on October 7

    After the Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, unveiled last week that the Israeli army has targeted a significant number of Israelis on October 7 while trying to push back the Resistance fighters, new reports are now emerging from different sources supporting his claim.

  • Gaza war 2023-11-12 11:43

    By Reza Sohrabi

    The international consequences of the Gaza war  for the Zionist regime

    TEHRAN- The continuation of the conflict between the Zionist regime and Hamas will bring many negative consequences in the field of politics, security and economy for the regime. 

  • Nasrallah  2023-11-11 23:42

    Iran does not make decisions on behalf of anyone: Nasrallah 

    The Secretary of Lebanon's Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, stated that Iran does not make decisions on behalf of anyone. He also credited Iran, particularly the efforts of the late martyr Haj Qassem Soleimani, for the current state of the Resistance in Lebanon and Gaza despite threats against Iran. 

  • The West confesses to Israeli savagery yet fully backs the regime  2023-11-11 23:09

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Tears but no action 

    The West confesses to Israeli savagery yet fully backs the regime 

    TEHRAN- Weeks of graphic footage reaching the international community showing the Israeli mass murder of civilians in the Gaza Strip has forced the West to speak out. 

  • gaza 2023-11-11 22:50

    By Habib Ahmadzadeh

    How I learned to believe in Holocaust: A look at modern atrocities

    TEHRAN - There is no denying that the Holocaust completely ravaged the Jewish community, but once we are able to go beyond the pointless arguments about whether or not the Holocaust happened during World War II, we may start embracing the fact that the original Holocaust actually happened at least a few thousand years before the twentieth century. 

  • Riyadh summit 2023-11-11 22:42

    Raisi offers at Riyadh summit:

    10 Urgent Solutions to the Gaza War

    TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has presented a series of measures to regional countries, in an effort to address the deadly Israeli onslaughts against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

  • Al-Aqsa Storm 2023-11-11 18:34

    By Sondos Al-Asaad

    A month after the epic of “Al-Aqsa Storm”: Israeli failure to curb Palestinian resistance

    A month has passed since the heroic “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation, and the Zionist enemy has not yet recovered from the security and military shock, which with record speed has penetrated Western consciousness, and exposed the lies and hypocrisy of so-called Western “democracies” publicly and on live television.

  • Gaza war 2023-11-11 14:55

    Inside the Occupied Palestine:

    More Bad News for Ukraine

    It was clear, from day one, that Israeli going for an extensive war against Palestine has terrifying indication for the ongoing war in Ukraine, specifically given the war fatigue Ukraine’s allies in the West have been suffering since the failure of the “summer counter offensive” operation by Ukraine.

  • جنگ غزه 2023-11-11 11:07

    Israel willing to use nuclear bombs whenever is in danger: security and nuclear policy specialist

    ‘NPT signatories should push UN Security Council to act fast to denuclearize Israel’

    TEHRAN - A Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University says countries in the Middle East region should realize that Israel is willing to nuclear weapons whenever it feels it “is in danger”.

  • Gaza war 2023-11-10 22:40

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Did Israelis kill Israelis on October 7? 

    For settlers, the truth is the biggest casualty of the war

    TEHRAN- In the immediate aftermath of the al-Aqsa Storm operation carried out by Hamas on October 7, when the Zionist regime was still in a state of shock from a massive military and intelligence failure, Israeli media offered interesting insight. 

  • raisi erdogan 2023-11-10 22:03

    Iran President urges Muslim nations to sever ties with Israel

    TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has urged Muslim countries around the world to refrain from engaging with Israel and sever all diplomatic ties with the regime in response to its relentless killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip. 

  • Gaza vs. Ukraine 2023-11-10 21:57

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Gaza vs. Ukraine: The Ugly Face of Israel and West

    TEHRAN- “It’s hard to look at what he is doing in Ukraine, what his forces are doing in Ukraine and think that any ethical moral individual could justify that,” John Kirby, the White House National Security Council spokesperson, expressed in April of 2022 when talking about Putin’s “depravity” in Ukraine.

  • Merkava tanks 2023-11-09 00:05

    Inside the Occupied Palestine:

    Great Famine Hits Israeli Army 

    After almost 32 days of a miserable symphony of rhetoric and unexplainable failures on the battlefield, more bitter news from the logistic situation of the army and its inventories start to appear every moment which will be understandable only if one can red in between the lines.

  • Gaza war 2023-11-08 23:31

    By Martin Love

    Death comes with arrogance, hubris and greed…

    Narratives, especially about conflicts such as the war mounted directly by the United States in Ukraine (beginning with the 2014 coup in Kyiv), or indirectly by way of vast support for Israel’s obscene genocide in Gaza (the pretext to which was supplied by Hamas “freedom fighters” in the Gaza area on October 7) are critically important.

  • pres 2023-11-08 23:11

    Recent events prove legitimacy of Iran’s concerns regarding Israel: Raisi

    TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said on Wednesday that Iran has been warning the world about the criminal and perilous nature of the Israeli regime for years, adding that recent events serve as evidence that Iran’s stance on the regime has been accurate all along. 

  • gaza 2023-11-08 23:10

    Current situation in Gaza result of Arab states’ inaction: Iranian MP

    TEHRAN – An Iranian parliament member has condemned Arab countries for their inaction and impotence against the Israeli regime, saying today’s dire situation in the Gaza strip is the result of their largely pro-Israeli policies. 

  • Economic tailspin 2023-11-08 22:18

    Initial cost of Gaza war for Tel Aviv amounts to $51B, about 10% of Israel’s GDP

    Economic tailspin

    TEHRAN- The consequences of the al-Aqsa Storm Operation carried out by Hamas on October 7 have seen Israeli companies in tatters as settlers face an unfamiliar situation, not seen before, amid a lack of government financial guidelines for them. 

  • Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei 2023-11-07 23:44

    Prominent Iranian lawyer calls for thorough UN reports on Israeli crimes in Gaza

    TEHRAN – Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, the Head of the Islamic Public Law Association of Iran, has addressed 16 UN special rapporteurs in a letter, asking them to help raise awareness about Israel’s relentless war crimes in Gaza.

  • vahidi 2023-11-07 22:32

    Major changes unfolding in the region: minister

    TEHRAN – Iran’s Interior Minister on Tuesday stated that the Hamas October 7 offensive against Israel will give rise to fundamental changes in a wide arc and change all previous predictions.

  • israel 2023-11-07 22:31

    Religious leader of Iranian Jews slams Israeli crimes against Gazans

    TEHRAN – The religious leader of Iranian Jews on Tuesday slammed Israel’s massacre of Palestinians, saying both the regime and its actions are antithetical to Jewish values.

  • slm 2023-11-07 22:28

    Spending on Israel will bear no benefit for Washington: IRGC chief

    TEHRAN - The Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Monday said Washington’s resources that are being spent on Israel are essentially being squandered. 

  • Here to stay 2023-11-07 22:02

    By Sadegh Fereydounabadi

    Here to stay

    Why are the Palestinians not willing to leave Gaza despite Israel's endless brutality?

    TEHRAN – After more than a month of relentless bombardment and ruthless massacre, the Israeli regime has miserably failed to displace the people of Gaza. 

  • Spanish Newspaper 2023-11-06 23:44

    Inside the Occupied Palestine:

    Mercenaries Actively Being Used in Israel’s Army, Spanish Newspaper Unveils

    From day one into the invasion of Gaza by the Israeli army, speculations started to circulate about the possible capabilities of what is no called “the paper tiger” against the background of the epic defeat of October 7.

  • Atomic bomb can’t bring Israel back before October 7 2023-11-06 23:18

    By Mohammad Sarfi Editor-in-Chief

    Atomic bomb can’t bring Israel back before October 7

    The number of martyrs of the crimes of the Israeli regime and the US in Gaza exceeded ten thousand persons on November 6. The Israelis have taken their crimes to the extreme and have no limit or boundary for their savagery.

  • Gaza Hospitals 2023-11-06 23:11

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Gaza's collapsing health sector 

    Hospitals crammed, bombed and doctors performing surgery without anesthesia 

    TEHRAN- Since the beginning of the war on Gaza, the Israeli military has shocked international bodies and organizations with its regular attacks on hospitals and health centers. 

  • iaea 2023-11-06 22:50

    Tehran criticizes IAEA double standards on Iran’s nuclear program 

    TEHRAN – The deputy chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) has condemned the double standards of the International Atomic Energy (IAEA), saying the body allows Western countries to politicize nuclear energy and use it as a political tool.