A month after the epic of “Al-Aqsa Storm”: Israeli failure to curb Palestinian resistance

A month has passed since the heroic “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation, and the Zionist enemy has not yet recovered from the security and military shock, which with record speed has penetrated Western consciousness, and exposed the lies and hypocrisy of so-called Western “democracies” publicly and on live television.
For their part, the Palestinians have shown an exceptional level of steadfastness despite all the siege and genocide. Yes, Palestinians are an outstanding nation who are now drafting an unprecedented historical epic that will be immortal for future generations despite the pain and dear sacrifices, and they will not submit to the conspiracy to expel them once again from their land.
In the meantime, the normalization project with the Zionist regime has ultimately failed as the temporary colonial entity is unable even to protect itself.
Besides, the pro-resistance axis is in a continuous and advanced state of escalation and possesses many cards, and thus the qualifications for an immense victory.
Many pro-Zionist Jewish movements have even expressed their rejection of the criminality of Netanyahu and his government. Historically, sympathy for the Palestinian cause at the global level was not at the same pace today, as alternative media platforms and satellite channels supporting the resistance like Press TV & Al Mayadeen - despite all restrictions - have helped refute the Zionist-Western narrative, as well as exposing the hypocritical Western diplomacy, which unconditionally supports the ongoing Zionist aggression. As for the major Western mainstream media institutions, they have continued their bias towards the occupation manipulating terminologies that serve the heinous actions carried out by the apartheid Israeli regime.
During the first month of the war, everyone in the world awaited the speech of Hezbollah’s leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, after an event that shook not only the occupation entity but the entire world. Since the second day of the epic of the “Al-Aqsa Storm”, Hezbollah has entered the battle, offering dozens of martyrs. The resistance movement has since been on the rise, this has been confirmed by Sayyed Nasrallah, who has spoken as an international leader, waging an existential battle - a humanitarian one - “whoever remains silent must reconsider his humanity.”
Sayyed Nasrallah has once again demonstrated his ability to examine the fragility of the colonial Zionist entity. He has reaffirmed his historic vision that “Israel is weaker than a spider’s web,” and that Washington is the master of the arrogant and imperialist scheme in West Asia; he has detailed how the Palestinian resistance is strong and capable, and that its relationship with other resistance factions is an integrated rather than a hierarchical one.
Psychologically speaking, the speech of Sayyed Nasrallah has inflamed the Islamic and humanitarian conscience, has awakened the flame of the human liberation sentiment, and has aborted seditious divisive conspiracies.
Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech has recalled Imam Khomeini’s famous saying that states “If every Muslim poured a bucket of water on Israel, it would be erased from existence.”
Sayyed Nasrallah has transcended “slogans” to the state of leadership, and has pioneered, and made a new human history. His speech will inevitably be a historical document circulated by research centers and studied by successive generations. His Eminence has stressed that all options are open and has warned that Netanyahu has put the interests of the global imperialist powers on fire because of his foolishness, arrogance, and madness.
Sayyed Nasrallah has further demonstrated the extent of the Palestinian resistance’s steadfastness in the face of the Zionist enemy, which is preoccupied with extermination and killing. Despite the blackout of his speech, his stances have penetrated the minds of the colonial settlers occupying Palestine, esp. when he reminded them that their government is foolish, extremist, and brutal, and this is what will hasten its end, that their army is defeated and has not learned from its previous experiences. On the other hand, the resistance forces are not defeated!
A month has passed, and the resistance forces are becoming more intertwined, cooperative, and synergistic! Indeed, the deliberate attempts to show the Palestinian resistance as a “subservient” have failed, and even the battle of the “Al-Aqsa Storm” has proven that it is not “an arm of Iran” as the mainstream media has repeatedly tried to show in its psychological warfare, but rather a righteous resistance defending an oppressed, oppressed and besieged people.
Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech warned the herds of colonial settlers occupying Palestine about a new reality that cannot be overcome, meaning that they will face a very painful future, especially in light of the expansion of the resistance movement in the occupied West Bank.
Today, the Palestinian cause has gained the support of international public opinion, while all major propaganda campaigns led by the Zionist lobby to whitewash the face of the occupation have failed.
Sayyed Nasrallah has also confirmed that all options are open; the pro-resistance axis -with all its factions - is present and ready, and the Zionist madness will hasten the elimination of its illegal presence. The resistance has moved beyond the “action” stage to the “reaction” stage. The vicious attempts to export crises have all failed, and only the occupying entity suffers from crisis after crisis.
The people of Palestine today - the people of the West Bank in particular - are determined to regain their rights. Sayyed Nasrallah’s threat to American battleships and fleets is real as the resistance is committed to a “strategic ambiguity” and “preparing to deter the enemy” and its hostile attacks. The vision that Sayyed Nasrallah has drawn is crystal-clear, and this has been proven by his previous sincere promises, including this time: Gaza’s victory, the emptying of occupation’s prisons from Palestinian prisoners, the failure of sectarian skirmishes bets, the growing divisions within the apartheid regime, and perhaps the full liberation of Palestine and Levantine occupied lands.
Today, the resistance is making a glorious history, the history of liberation and heroism. The conflict that exists today is between two camps: the camp of honour and heroism and the camp of arrogance. The Palestinian people are demonstrating honorable epics along with the people of Lebanon, the barefoot people of Yemen, the free people of Iraq, and the rest of the world. There is no surrender, no humiliation, but the beginning of the end of the Zionist entity, no matter the dear sacrifices it costs.
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