

  • Missiles rain down on Israeli sites 2023-12-02 22:38

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Missiles rain down on Israeli sites

    Hamas responds powerfully to renewed Israeli bombardment of Gaza 

    TEHRAN- In a show of its military strength the armed wing of Hamas, the al-Qassam brigades, responded immediately to the Israeli massacres after the week-old truce agreement collapsed in the early hours of Friday morning. 

  • Saving Gaza… maybe next time! 2023-12-02 22:19

    West suffering reputation damage as Israeli crimes drag on

    Saving Gaza… maybe next time!

    TEHRAN - As Israel’s seismic assaults continue to devastate more than 2.3 million people in the besieged Gaza Strip, people around the world have begun to question the sincerity of human rights proclamations from Western leaders.

  • Shargh 2023-12-02 19:35


    Emphasizing the resumption of nuclear negotiations

    In a commentary, Shargh addressed the recent demand of Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and wrote: After the failure of the Iranophobic project and the political propaganda of Western countries against the peaceful nuclear program of our country, Grossi demanded the resumption of nuclear negotiations with Iran to resolve the remaining safeguards issues.

  • gaza 2023-12-01 21:15

    Iran urges immediate halt to Israel’s renewed attacks on Gaza

    TEHRAN – Iran has strongly condemned Israel’s violation of truce and the resumption of military aggression, calling for more effective measures to stop the attacks on Gaza.

  • REPORT 2023-12-01 21:14

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Finding a way out of the Israel-Palestine crisis

    Why a referendum might be the only solution

    TEHRAN - In the wake of Hamas's successful October 7 operation in the occupied territories and Israel's subsequent disproportionate response, many countries— including the U.S. and several Arab states— have once again begun to advocate for the two-state solution as the only viable path to lasting peace.

  • Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip 2023-12-01 21:04

    Israel resumes cruel, carpet bombing of Gaza

    America greenlighting genocide

    TEHRAN - As the indiscriminate Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip resumed, news agencies from around the world were scrambling to get the first photos from the war zone. 

  • علی اکبر محرابیان وزیر نیرو 2023-12-01 13:28

    Iranian team leaves UN meeting in UAE in protest to Israeli presence

    TEHRAN – The Iranian delegation on Friday left the United Nations climate conference in the UAE in protest over the presence of the Israeli regime’s officials in the international event.

  • غزه 2023-12-01 11:21

    Israel resumes Gaza bombing

    More than 20 Palestinians killed since Israeli army resumed attacks on Gaza after expiration of truce, according to health officials.

  • امیرعبداللهیان 2023-12-01 02:32

    Iran unhappy with presence of Israel at UN summit in UAE

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Thursday expressed Tehran’s unhappiness with the presence of the Zionist regime’s official at the UN climate summit hosted by the United Arab Emirates.

  • مراسم استقبال از رئیس جمهور در بازگشت از سفر به تاجیکستان و ازبکستان 2023-12-01 01:25

    Raisi skips UN climate summit in UAE due to attendance of Israeli president

    TEHRAN – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will not take part at the UN climate conference in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as the president of the Zionist regime of Israel has been invited to the forum.

  • Iravani 2023-11-29 22:00

    Iran calls on UN to resurrect resolution linking Zionism to racism, racial discrimination

    TEHRAN- Iran’s UN envoy has called on the United Nations to resurrect its 1975 resolution that referred to Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination, and has underlined the Islamic Republic’s strong condemnation of the Israeli murderous onslaught on the beleaguered Gaza Strip.

  • Fakhrizadeh 2023-11-29 21:46

    Car of martyr Fakhrizadeh unveiled

    TEHRAN- Iran has unveiled the car of nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in which he was martyred on November 27, 2020 by the Israeli regime. 

  • The WHO warns more Palestinians may die from diseases 2023-11-29 21:38

    By Ali Karbalaei

    War against Hamas or Gaza?

    Israelis have no idea how many Hamas members have been killed

    TEHRAN- This week, an Israeli military spokesman said the regime has, so far, notified the families of 392 soldiers who have been killed, or as Daniel Hagari put it "fell in battles".

  • leader 2023-11-29 21:36

    Leader in a meeting with Basij members: 

    Al-Aqsa Storm led to de-Americanization

    TEHRAN - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, has met with thousands of members of the Basij on the occasion of National Basij Week. The meeting took place at the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on November 29, 2023.

  • Why should Israel be barred from Paris 2024 Olympics? 2023-11-28 23:43

    Why should Israel be barred from Paris 2024 Olympics?

    TEHRAN– The Zionist Israeli regime has to be barred from competing in the Paris 2024 Olympics after committing so many horrific crimes in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank against the Palestinians.

  • pa 2023-11-28 22:24

    Al-Aqsa Storm shook Israel’s foundations: IRGC commander

    TEHRAN – A high-ranking commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has declared Hamas’s October 7 operation against Israel as a decisive blow to the Zionist regime’s security and governance apparatus.

  • Nejafi 2023-11-28 22:23

    'Israel must go on trial for perpetrating four intl. crimes in Gaza'

    TEHRAN- The Israeli regime should face accountability for the four main crimes it committed against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip during its most recent massive military campaign, according to the deputy foreign minister of Iran.

  • meeting 2023-11-28 22:22

    Iranian officials strategize legal action against Israel in meeting with FM

    TEHRAN – A high-level consultative meeting, attended by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, former ministers, and senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, convened to address legal pursuits against Israeli perpetrators on the international stage.

  • fakhrizadeh 2023-11-28 22:14

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Has Israel hindered Iran’s nuclear program with Fakhrizadeh's assassination?

    A look at Iran’s nuclear achievements three years after the assassination of top scientist

    TEHRAN - "My body was full of shrapnel from the van explosion. Pain was pulsing through my entire body, but all my attention was on Mohsen. I had him in my arms; blood was flowing from his waist, staining the concrete with its glistening crimson. I pleaded for someone, anyone, to come to our aid," recounted the wife of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist, describing the haunting scene of her beloved husband's assassination.

  • A comparison between the Resistance's treatment of captives and Israel's humiliation of them 2023-11-28 22:09

    Israeli captives speak

    "My daughter felt like a queen in Gaza"

    A comparison between the Resistance's treatment of captives and Israel's humiliation of them

    TEHRAN- Hamas treated their hostages so well that the Israeli regime has gone as far as censoring those who were released from speaking to the media. This is whilst the regime physically assaults and tortures Palestinian prisoners. 

  • Gaza effect 2023-11-28 16:13

    The Gaza effect

    “Nothing else matters right now. ... I can’t live a normal life.” These are the words of a young American woman who participated in a protest rally around the Capitol in Washington D.C. on October 17. She uttered these words after a reporter asked her why she left her job at this hour, took the risk of being arrested or suspended from college, and came here for a demonstration in support of the people of Gaza.

  • Draining Gaza resistance is just an illusion  2023-11-27 23:19

    By Batool Al-Subeiti

    Draining Gaza resistance is just an illusion 

    Israel has been unable to achieve any military objective on the ground

    At the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting earlier this month, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken laid the American vision for Gaza after the current confrontation. He said: “There should be no use of Gaza as a platform for terrorism. No reoccupation of Gaza after the conflict ends.

  • f 2023-11-27 22:44

    Al-Aqsa Storm marked absolute defeat of Israel: IRGC

    TEHRAN – The second-in-command of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has hailed Hamas’s October 7 operation against Israel as the usurping entity’s point of defeat.

  • tehran 2023-11-27 22:40

    2015 letter by Leader to Western youth back into limelight amid Gaza war

    TEHRAN – A letter by the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution urging young people in the West to gain unbiased understanding of Islam has been brought to the spotlight as the youth around the world show interest in the Holy Quran following the massacre of Palestinians in recent weeks.

  • Gaza quagmire 2023-11-27 22:39

    The coordination in releasing hostages shows the resistance’s network is intact

    Gaza quagmire

    TEHRAN- Hamas has succeeded in showing that it is not close to being defeated? by the Israeli military, especially in the northern Gaza Strip, where it has recently showcased its power by releasing some Israeli captives. 

  • Palestinian resistance forces 2023-11-27 21:11

    Israel can’t eliminate or even contain its enemies:  Stimson Center

    Israel has tried repeatedly to eliminate its enemies but wound up with more lethal foes

    In a commentary on its website, the Stimson Center says Israel “cannot eliminate or even contain” the Palestinian resistance groups if it fails to address their legitimate demands.

  • Gaza War 2023-11-26 23:53

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    West Bank faces brutal aggression under the shadow of war

    Eight killed by Israeli forces in West Bank, including a child, in the latest raids 

    TEHRAN - Palestinian health officials say Israeli occupation forces have killed at least eight people in the occupied West Bank over the past 24 hours. 

  • is 2023-11-26 23:39

    By Mohammad Mohsen Faezi

    Navigating internal rifts: Israel’s hopeless search for identity

    TEHRAN – Upon Hamas’s surprise operation on October 7, Israeli officials were confronted with a significant revelation, laying bare entrenched internal conflicts that have pervaded the political landscape of the Zionist regime in recent years.

  • pa 2023-11-26 23:33

    By Elaheh Tahmasbi

    Spain takes resolute approach against Zionist aggression

    TEHRAN – In a span of 50 days during the Israel-Hamas conflict, Spain made significant moves in response to the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime.

  • Chances are high for extending the truce on the last day of Gaza pause 2023-11-26 23:19

    By Sadegh Fereydounabadi

    Truce Extension?

    Chances are high for extending the truce on the last day of Gaza pause

    TEHRAN – With the temporary truce in the Israeli-Gaza war nearing its end, efforts are underway to turn it into a long-term ceasefire.