Tehran, Moscow discuss maritime cooperation in Caspian Sea during China visit

September 15, 2024 - 20:9

TEHRAN – While visiting China, senior military officials from Iran and Russia seized the opportunity to discuss security and areas of bilateral cooperation in the Caspian Sea.

Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, deputy chief of the Iranian Army for Coordination, and Alexander Fomin, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, were in Beijing on Sunday to attend the Xiangshan Security Forum, China's premier military diplomacy event, which commenced on Thursday and attracted over 500 representatives from more than 90 countries to the capital.

During a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the forum, the two high-ranking officials highlighted the growing military and strategic cooperation between Tehran and Moscow, while exploring ways to further enhance the two countries’ partnership. 

A key focus of the meeting was the Caspian Sea, which Rear Admiral Sayyari described as a "sea of peace and friendship." He emphasized the importance of collective security efforts among the countries bordering the Caspian, advocating for regional stability without foreign intervention. 

The talks also covered enhancing cooperation in maritime activities, including proposals for joint maritime patrols and specialized combined exercises. This initiative aims to bolster defense capabilities and foster closer military ties between Iran and Russia, as stated by Russian media. 

In addition to security matters, both officials recognized the importance of educational exchanges. They discussed plans for increasing interactions in academia, including the exchange of professors and students, which could pave the way for deeper cultural and intellectual collaboration.

Furthermore, the two sides highlighted the need to strengthen pathways for expanding cooperation in utilizing the North-South Corridor, which is a vital route for enhancing trade and connectivity between Iran, Russia, and other countries in the region.

=====Commander expresses Iran’s readiness to support humanitarian initiatives

During his stay in China, Rear Admiral Habibullah Sayyari also engaged in productive discussions with Gilles Carbonnier, the Vice-President of the International Committee of the Red Cross. They focused on the significant contributions of the Iranian armed forces to international humanitarian efforts.

Rear Admiral Sayyari emphasized Iran's readiness to share its expertise in managing natural disasters and providing essential equipment and resources to support humanitarian initiatives. The ongoing conflict in Gaza was also a critical topic of discussion, highlighting the urgent need for collaborative responses to global crises.

In addition to his meeting with Carbonnier, Rear Admiral Sayyari visited the National University of Defense Technology and a Chinese military-affiliated think tank. At the university, he participated in discussions on various security issues, addressing both internal and external dimensions, as well as the current geopolitical landscape in the West Asian region.

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