Iranian, South African navy commanders explore pathways to naval cooperation

August 16, 2024 - 19:57

TEHRAN – Commander of the South African Navy Admiral Monde Lobese has concluded a significant visit to Iran, aimed at strengthening military ties and exploring potential areas of collaboration between the two countries' naval forces.

Leading a high-ranking delegation, Admiral Lobese engaged in a series of strategic discussions and tours, underscoring the growing relationship between South Africa and Iran in the realm of maritime security.

The visit, which lasted from August 11 to August 16, was hosted by the Iranian Navy and included a comprehensive agenda. Admiral Lobese's delegation was warmly received at the headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Navy, where he held in-depth discussions with Rear Admiral Shahram Irani, the Commander of the Iranian Navy. The two leaders focused on enhancing cooperation between their respective naval forces, sharing insights on operational strategies, and discussing regional security challenges.

In addition to his meeting with Rear Admiral Irani, Admiral Lobese also met with Brigadier General Alireza Tangsiri, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Navy.

These discussions further highlighted the strategic importance of maritime cooperation between Iran and South Africa, particularly in the context of safeguarding vital international sea lanes and addressing shared security concerns.

As part of his visit, Admiral Lobese was given a detailed tour of the Iranian Navy's Southern Fleet and the Noshahr Naval Sciences University. These visits provided him with a firsthand look at Iran's naval capabilities, including its advanced equipment, operational readiness, and academic initiatives designed to train the next generation of naval officers.

He expressed particular interest in the scientific and educational aspects of the Iranian Navy, noting the potential for future collaborations in these areas.

A highlight of Admiral Lobese's visit was his tour of the First Naval Zone in Bandar Abbas, where he inspected the Dena destroyer—a fully Iranian-built warship that had previously docked in Cape Town during the 86th Naval Fleet’s global circumnavigation.

Admiral Lobese and his delegation also visited the Army's Command and Staff College, where they were briefed on Iran's military education programs and strategic planning initiatives.

Expressing his satisfaction with the hospitality and the well-organized itinerary provided by the Iranian Navy, Admiral Lobese voiced optimism about deepening the bilateral relationship.

The visit, which was part of an official invitation from the Iranian Navy, marks a significant step in enhancing the defense and security ties between Iran and South Africa. Admiral Lobese and his delegation departed Tehran for Pretoria on the morning of August 16, concluding a visit that has set the stage for future collaboration in maritime security and naval training.

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