World is waiting for revenge for Haniyeh

August 2, 2024 - 19:42

TEHRAN - Kayhan dedicated its headline to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran.

It wrote: The unfortunate and bitter news of Ismail Haniyeh's martyrdom indicates a new crime of the Zionist regime and its Western supporters in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Zionist regime and the frustrated government of Netanyahu, which after ten months of the start of the war in Gaza, finds itself internationally disgraced, commits assassinations so that it can justify its disgraceful political life inside the occupied territories for the Zionist society. Undoubtedly, this vicious assassination was carried out with the support of Congress and the American government, which supported Netanyahu and gave the green light in the past few days, and the American terrorist government is the main partner of the Zionist regime in the recent crime. The Zionists know very well that repeating their crimes against Iran and violating the sanctity of the soil of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be costly this time. The Zionists will undoubtedly pay for the blood of martyr Haniyeh with blood.

Iran: Tehran will avenge Haniyeh’s assassination

The criminal act of the Zionist regime and the assassination of Martyr Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, while he was a guest of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was accompanied by a wave of condemnation from all political figures and parties. The majority of observers saw this assassination as a desperate struggle of the Zionist regime not only to deal with the resistance front and its leaders but also as a reaction to a new period of national reconciliation in Iran and a move towards solving some foreign issues. This crime will not go unanswered and the Zionists will soon see the results of their cowardly and terrorist act. Although this was not the first time, the choice of place and time to commit this terrorist crime was largely due to the regime's serious fear of pursuing the policy of supporting the resistance front by the new president of Iran, as well as his specific foreign policy plan to restore relations and resolve regional and international issues, a process that will undoubtedly narrow the field for the continuation of the crimes of the Zionist regime.  This regime has always made desperate efforts to prevent that.

Jam-e-Jam: Three points in the assassination operation of martyr Haniyeh

In a note, Jam-e-Jam discussed the reasons for the quick publication of the news of Ismail Haniyeh's assassination as the first news in the world and quoted international relations expert Reza Sadr al-Hosseini as saying: One of the reasons for the martyrdom of Haniyeh was that they wanted to act in such a way that the news would spread quickly and create a deterrent for them. In other words, it can be said that the subject of martyrdom, presence in Iran, and the reason for presence in our country increased the prominence of this news. In fact, in this way, they tried to create deterrence by making this news as wide and prominent as possible. Another point that should be noted is that martyr Haniyeh had a diplomatic passport and entered our country officially. For this reason, it is possible to pursue this terrorist act in terms of international laws, and the condemnation of the crime of the Zionist regime will be several hundred times. Another issue that should be taken into consideration is Netanyahu's recent trip to America and the increase in terrorist acts by the Zionist regime. In this regard, it can be said that without a doubt, the Americans were aware of this issue. In fact, the Americans proved that they have always supported the Zionist regime in the past 10 months.

Hamshahri: The desire to cooperate again

In a commentary, Hamshahri dealt with the trip of Enrique Mora, the deputy chief of the EU foreign policy, to Tehran to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Pezeshkian and wrote: Enrique Mora (Thursday) by publishing a video together with Abbas Araghchi, who was Iran's former nuclear negotiator, expressed his desire to continue working with him in the new government of Masoud Pezeshkian and said that meeting and reconnecting with Mr. Araghchi in the new chapter for Iran which has started was a source of satisfaction. Mora's visit to Iran has angered some representatives of the European Parliament, including the representative of Poland, who described such an action as "in direct conflict with the values ??and principles" of the European Union. By accusing the Islamic Republic, he has claimed that Iran is a threat to global security. Of course, this reaction is not a new thing and European Union countries have made many human rights accusations against the Islamic Republic in recent years.

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