Interior minister highlights Sacred Defense education to counter enemies' schemes

TEHRAN- Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi stressed the significance of educating the youth about the heroic deeds of the Sacred Defense to effectively thwart the enemies' plots.
During a meeting held on Monday, Vahidi highlighted the vital role of upholding the values of the Sacred Defense, describing it as a remarkable cultural, social, and political movement that serves as a pillar of national strength.
The Sacred Defense refers to the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s.
Lauding the Sacred Defense as a source of pride and honor for all Iranians, Vahidi emphasized the need for every Iranian child to cherish the achievements of this pivotal period in the nation's history.
Referring to the directives of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Vahidi underscored the importance of preserving the legacy of the Sacred Defense for generations to come, stating, "We must strive to ensure that the glories of the Sacred Defense remain etched in the hearts of the people for the next 100 or even 200 years."
Vahidi attributed the identity crisis experienced by some youth to their detachment from the glorious history of the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense, stressing that educating the younger generation about the triumphs of the Sacred Defense can significantly impact societal attitudes and neutralize the enemies' plots.
Citing contemporary developments in Yemen, Iraq, Gaza, and other regions, he highlighted the global reach of the late founder of the Islamic Revolution's message.
In conclusion, Vahidi emphasized the need to embrace "Revolutionary identity" as a cultural movement in all domains of society.
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