

  • Greedy American officials 2023-05-19 21:32

    By Martin Love

    Greed is the downfall of Western and U.S. power…

    The rare word “pleonexia” comes to mind. It means, simply, a psychiatric ailment of excessive, overweening greed that dominates the afflicted and determines most of what they are about, even as so-called “public servants” in government and who in fact rarely serve anyone but themselves. 

  • China brokered agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia 2023-03-14 11:24

    By Martin Love

    If a World War, pushed by U.S., is avoided, real multipolarity and much less conflict is ahead

    Few developments are as positive for the Middle East and the Global South than the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to reestablish diplomatic relations. And better still is that the Chinese, after long discussions between the two countries with Chinese help, brokered the deal.