2025-02-24 16:38
Intl. Fajr Festival of Handicrafts extended due to popularity
TEHRAN - The exhibition showcasing works from the 9th International Fajr Handicrafts Festival, also known as Sarv-e Simin, has been extended until Friday, March 1, due to significant public interest. The festival's secretariat announced the extension following widespread enthusiasm from artists, researchers, and traditional art enthusiasts.
2025-01-25 17:28
Deadline for 9th Fajr Intl. Handicrafts Festival registration extended
TEHRAN - Artists eager to showcase their talents at the 9th Fajr International Handicrafts Festival, also known as Sarv-e-Simin, have been granted an additional 72 hours to register. The new deadline for registration and submission of works is now Monday, January 27, 2025.
2022-04-23 18:14
Exhibit of recovered prehistorical bricks extended due to popularity
TEHRAN – An exhibition of prehistorical glazed bricks devoted to objects recovered from a smuggler in Switzerland has been extended by two weeks due to popular demand, the National Museum of Iran said on Thursday.