environmental issues


  • Iran, Finland to discuss environmental co-op 2022-10-30 18:38

    Iran, Finland to discuss environmental co-op

    TEHRAN – In order to expand interactions with leading countries in the field of environment, a meeting will be held between Iran and Finland at the regional center of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions on Monday.

  • Knowledge-based ecosystem comes to solve environmental issues 2022-09-21 22:30

    Knowledge-based ecosystem comes to solve environmental issues

    TEHRAN – The Department of Environment (DOE) decided to use the capacities of knowledge-based companies with the aim of solving environmental problems, DOE chief Ali Salajeqeh has said.

  • Improvement of environmental indicators; dream or reality? 2022-08-19 16:33

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    Improvement of environmental indicators; dream or reality?

    TEHRAN – "Improving environmental performance indicators by at least five steps per year" was approved by the Expediency Council a month ago; however, some experts believe that it is not very possible considering the existing conditions, but if even half of it is realized, it is promising.

  • UNDP pledges support for Iran to address environmental challenges 2022-06-22 19:30

    UNDP pledges support for Iran to address environmental challenges

    TEHRAN – Iranian Department of Environment Chief Ali Salajegheh in a meeting with UNDP Representative in Iran Claudio Providas emphasized the need for cooperation to address environmental challenges.

  • Tehran, Ankara seek enhanced environmental co-op 2022-04-27 16:20

    Tehran, Ankara seek enhanced environmental co-op

    TEHRAN – The head of the international affairs and conventions office of the Department of Environment Seyed Hossein Mousavifar and Turkish Ambassador to Iran Derya Örs, discussed the development of diplomacy to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of environment.

  • Environment precedes development, Raisi says 2021-11-19 17:19

    Environment precedes development, Raisi says

    TEHRAN – President Ebrahim Raisi has highlighted the importance of environmental protection, emphasizing that the preservation of the environment is prior to every development.

  • Coronavirus: an opportunity or a threat to the environment? 2021-11-19 17:18

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    Coronavirus: an opportunity or a threat to the environment?

    TEHRAN – Coronavirus is a double-edged sword for the environment so that at the beginning of the epidemic, it gave new life to the environment, but over time, the situation reversed and got worse than before, as 8.6 million tons of plastic waste have been produced in the world.