desecration of Quran


  • quran 2023-08-25 17:51

    Denmark to ban desecration of holy texts

    Recent Quran desecrations have sparked anger in Muslim states 

    TEHRAN – The Danish government will be proposing a bill that would prohibit the desecration of holy books, including the Quran. 

  • IRAN MALAYSIA 2023-08-21 19:06

    Iran, Malaysia agree on prisoner swap 

    Amir Abdollahian says Islamic nations looking into possible boycott of Danish and Swedish products

    TEHRAN – Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Monday hosted his Malaysian counterpart Zambry bin Abdul Kadir in Tehran.

  • Protest against desecration of Holy Quran in Iran 2023-08-01 21:02

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Timeline: How Iran has reacted to desecration of Holy Quran

    TEHRAN - Sweden and Denmark are currently facing global fury for authorizing several Quran desecration acts while using the notion of “freedom of speech” as a pretext.

  • momika 2023-07-25 21:04

    Iran intelligence ministry exposes ulterior motives behind Quran burning  

    TEHRAN - A string of public desecration of the holy Quran in Sweden and Denmark has set off outrage across the world. The man that raised up hell for the first time and started this show of madness was an Iraqi immigrant living in Sweden named Salwan Momika.

  • desecration of Quran 2023-07-25 18:44

    Iran’s House of Cinema condemns desecration of Quran

    TEHRAN – House of Cinema in a message denounced the desecration of the Quran -the holy book of Muslims- in two European countries. 

  • IRAN LEADER 2023-07-22 23:06

    By Mona Hojat

    “Eye-opener”: How Ayatollah Khamenei wants us to deal with anti-Islam events

    TEHRAN - Muslims around the world are horrified at the revolting Islamophobic events taking place in Europe over the past few weeks. This is not the first time the holy Quran has got desecrated but the blatant support of Western governments for the provocative acts has led to further outcry in the Islamic world.

  • quran 2023-07-19 17:30

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Israeli instigation of burning holy books intended to incite religious war

    TEHRAN - The past month has been an eventful and appalling time for millions of Muslims around the globe. The Islamic world was shaken on a Wednesday morning in June when an Iraqi man living in Sweden was granted permission by the government to insult the religious beliefs of 1.8 billion people.

  • desecration of Quran 2023-07-04 22:30

    Iranian theater artists condemn desecration of Quran

    TEHRAN –A number of Iranian stage artists and the employees of the General Office for Dramatic Arts at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance have condemned the burning of a copy of the Quran outside a mosque in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.