criminally insane


  • A scene of tragedy in Gaza 2024-01-26 13:34

    Only criminally insane minds can cause so much panic in Gaza

    Israeli rulers, even those considered rather moderate, have been seeking a plan to depopulate Palestinians from their motherland. Probably the October 7 attack by Hamas on southern Israel provided the ill-wishers in Israel with an excuse to go ahead with the plan more speedily and more cruelly.

  • Frank N. von Hippel 2023-11-14 21:59

    By M.A. Saki

    Israel’s Eliyahu is criminally insane: nuclear physicist

    ‘Suggesting to nuke Gaza refugees wouldn’t significantly increase Israel’s deterrence’

    TEHRAN – A senior nuclear physicist describes Israeli far-right minister Amihai Eliyahu who proposed using nuclear arms against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as “criminally insane”.