

  • ICJ hears South Africa's lawsuit that Israel is commiting genocide in Gaza 2024-01-14 12:45

    While joining South Africa at the ICJ is an important step, more is needed

    Arab and Muslim majority countries: It’s time to show backbone and moral courage

    I will refrain from describing the tragedy we can all see livestreaming before our eyes—genocidal intent, acts of genocide and the slaughter of thousands of women and children. Yes, Israel has the right to defend itself, but this does not include committing genocide along the way.

  • Daryl Kimball 2023-11-12 20:47

    By M.A. Saki

    Threatening to use nuclear arms is ‘counterproductive in the extreme’: Kimball

    ACA chief says every country should strongly condemn Eliyahu for threatening to nuke Gaza

    TEHRAN – Daryl G. Kimball, Executive Director of the Arms Control Association (ACA) in Washington, suggests that threatening or using nuclear weapons, especially against a non-nuclear state or population, goes against “international law”, is “immoral” and is “counterproductive in the extreme”.