2024-05-11 18:08
Ultan Qalasi: salvage work unveils ancient burial site in Ardabil province
TEHRAN - In a race against time to preserve archaeological heritage, an emergency excavation has unearthed a burial site at Ultan Qalasi in Ardabil province, revealing artifacts dating back to the Iron Age.
2024-01-29 17:44
Burial site, estimated to date from Ilkhanid era, unearthed in west-central Iran
TEHRAN – A team of archaeologists and cultural heritage experts has unearthed ancient ruins and remains of what they believe is related to a burial site most probably dating from the Ilkhanid era (1256-1335).
2023-04-04 19:18
Archaeologist elaborates on Iron Age burial chambers
TEHRAN - Mostafa Dehpahlavan, an Iranian archaeologist who is credited with having found a wide variety of Iron Age burial chambers, has recently elaborated on discoveries his team made in Tepe Sagz Abad of Qazvin province.
2022-04-26 21:30
Ancient burial places discovered in northern Iran
TEHRAN – Archaeologists have discovered ancient burial spaces during a special survey they conducted in Rudsar, northern Iran.