U.S. unilateralism


  • Unilateralism 2023-06-17 22:05

    By Abbas-Ali Kadkhodaei

    Unilateralism and regulatory policy

    International law is the result of multilateralism and the functioning of international governmental organizations. Over the past decades, international decisions, to some extent, have been reflections of unilateral mechanisms developed and endorsed by certain world powers outside the framework of international law. Such mechanisms continue to permeate basic pillars of international law, imposing the will of the world’s major powers on many international subjects.

  • Iravani 2023-01-13 22:55

    U.S. unilateralism undercuts UN Charter, rule of law: envoy

    TEHRAN - The United States has come under fire from Iran's ambassador to the UN for utilizing the international body to advance its "illegal political goals," stressing that such actions violate the UN Charter and the rule of law.