Science Fiction


  • “Palestine + 100” 2024-06-22 18:02

    By Ali Hamedin

    “Palestine+100”: What will Palestine be like in 2048?

    TEHRAN - “Close your eyes, imagine Palestine 100 years after the Nakba, and now, describe it as a story.” This was the request of Basma Ghalayini, editor, to twelve famous writers, which was published in the book "Palestine +100" in 2019 by Comma Press.

  • Star Trek 2024-04-14 21:05

    By Ali Hamedin

    Science Fiction: a fanciful way to tell stories of colonialism : Part 2

    TEHRAN- Throughout history, humans have harbored a fascination with envisioning the world of tomorrow and its potential appearance, a concept that has been imaginatively translated into literature through the genre of science fiction.

  • Science Fiction 2024-04-13 19:39

    By Ali Hamedin

    Science Fiction: a fanciful way to tell stories of colonialism : Part 1

    TEHRAN- Throughout history, humans have harbored a fascination with envisioning the world of tomorrow and its potential appearance, a concept that has been imaginatively translated into literature through the genre of science fiction. Unlike utopian visions, sci-fi narratives frequently paint a future that is far from peaceful and perfect, often portraying scenarios involving alien invasions, malevolent empires, authoritarian dystopias, and the exploration and colonization of new territories – which can sometimes more closely resemble the past than the future.