Palestinian prisoners


  • The notorious Sde Teiman prison 2024-08-09 20:38

    By Matin Jamshidi

    Shocking scandal for Israeli army

    The criminal-in-chief who claimed Israeli army is ‘most moral army in the world’ must now feel more shameful

    TEHRAN - On Tuesday, Israel’s Channel 12 news aired surveillance footage that shows Israeli soldiers sexually assaulting a Palestinian prisoner at the Sde Teiman facility in the Negev desert in southern Israel.

  • Palestine prisons 2024-07-12 19:24

    Xavier Villar

    Hell on Earth: Uncovered accounts of brutal torture by Israel against Palestinian detainees

    MADRID- Recently, several media outlets have exposed new accounts of brutality by the Zionist regime against Palestinians. In recent weeks, the Zionist colonial regime released 55 Palestinian prisoners who were detained in Gaza during the genocidal operation initiated by Israel months ago.

  • Prisoners 2024-04-17 22:38

    Israel has imprisoned over 9,500 Palestinians

    More than 9,500 Palestinians are held in Israeli prisons, prisoners' affairs groups said.

  • Khalil Awawdeh 2023-09-17 00:47

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Prominent Palestinian prisoner secures early release 

    Another victory for the Palestinian prisoner’s resistance 

    TEHRAN - Israel has freed prominent Palestinian prisoner Khalil Awawdeh earlier than he was expected to be released, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society has announced.  It is another victory for the Palestinian prisoner's resistance. 

  • Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli dungeons 2023-04-19 16:15

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israeli dungeons

    TEHRAN- Around 5,000 Palestinians, kidnapped by the Israeli occupation regime, are suffering in Israeli prisons. Among them are women and children.

  • Explosion in Israeli prisons imminent  2023-02-20 22:48

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Explosion in Israeli prisons imminent 

    TEHRAN- As Israel's fascist leaders press on with a crackdown on Palestinian prisoners, the inmates are set to escalate their response.