2025-01-26 17:49
Nahavand’s Nagarechi Hill may hold clues about Seleucid era in Iran
TEHRAN - Nagarechi Hill situated in Nahavand country of Hamedan province is emerging as a pivotal archaeological site that could shed more light on the Seleucid era in Iran.
2023-10-10 17:55
Archaeologists still hoping to unearth Laodicea Temple despite vain attempts
TEHRAN—A team of archaeologists is still hoping to unearth the ancient Laodicea Temple despite several unsuccessful attempts, the latest of which ended recently in the city of Nahavand, west-central Iran.
2023-07-21 18:04
Lost ancient wonder: archaeologists remain hopeful in their pursuit of Laodicea Temple
TEHRAN – Iranian archaeologist Mohsen Khanjan has said he is still hoping to find Laodicea Temple following several failed attempts made in the city of Nahavand, west-central Iran.
2023-05-06 20:38
Archaeologists still hoping to find Laodicea Temple
TEHRAN – A team of Iranian archaeologists is still hoping to find Laodicea Temple following several failed attempts made in the city of Nahavand, west-central Iran.
2022-06-14 17:55
Archaeologists discover Seleucid tumulus, find no traces of missing deceased
TEHRAN – Efforts made by an archaeological team finally failed to discover the corpse of a high-ranking Seleucid official following the discovery of the ruins of an ancient tumulus in west-central Iran.
2022-05-15 20:10
Archaeologists hail find of 'Seleucid satrap tomb’ in west-central Iran
TEHRAN – Archaeologists said on Saturday they had discovered what was believed to be the tomb of a Seleucid satrap or general in Hamedan, providing an extraordinary insight into the Hellenistic life in west-central Iran.