2025-02-02 15:21
Migratory birds wintering at Hour al-Azim
Hour al-Azim wetland in the southwestern Khuzestan province is hosting migratory birds such as white-tailed sea eagles, marbled ducks, herons, African ospreys, crested ducks, black storks, oak ducks, flamingos, white pelicans, and gray pelicans that come annually to the region for wintering.
2024-11-20 15:11
Water scarcity haunting Hour al-Azim
Hour al-Azim wetland in the southwestern Khuzestan province is grappling with a severe shortage of water.
2024-08-07 15:58
Rare long-tailed nesokia seen in Hour al-Azim wetland
TEHRAN – New images of the long-tailed nesokia (Nesokia bunnii), one of the rarest and endangered rodents of the world, were recorded in Hour al-Azim wetland on Tuesday.
2023-12-25 17:35
Migratory birds at Hour al-Azim wetland
Hour al-Azim wetland is an important wetland on the border of Iran and Iraq. Unique species such as cormorants, margerdans, giant herons, African egrets, marble ducks, white-headed ducks, long-tailed ducks, and many other types of water and waterside birds live there.
2023-06-05 16:26
First flamingo breeding colony identified at Hour al-Azim wetland
TEHRAN – The first flamingo breeding colony has been identified at Hour al-Azim wetland, the southwestern province of Khuzestan.