Fajr national handicrafts festival


  • Fajr crafts festival 2022-02-15 17:54

    Fajr crafts festival announces winners

    TEHRAN-The winners of the 6th edition of the Fajr national handicrafts festival were honored during the closing ceremony of the event on Monday. 

  • Fajr national handicrafts festival 2022-02-09 18:29

    Exquisite handicraft on display at Fajr festival

    TEHRAN - Over 300 handmade artworks made by Iranian artisans and craftspeople are currently on display at the 6th edition of the Fajr national handicrafts festival, which officially opened to the public on Tuesday at the National Museum of Iran in downtown Tehran.

  • Fajr national handicrafts festival 2022-02-06 18:15

    Tehran museum to host Fajr crafts festival 

    TEHRAN –The 6th edition of the Fajr national handicrafts festival will take place at the National Museum of Iran on Monday.