Court indicts U.S. for sanctions on EB patients


  • Iran following up on case brought by EB patients against U.S. 2022-02-08 17:07

    Iran following up on case brought by EB patients against U.S.

    TEHRAN – Iran is pursuing the case indicting 30 U.S. officials and entities for harsh sanctions which are threatening the lives of hundreds of epidermolysis bullosa (EB) patients in the country.

  • Court indicts U.S. for sanctions on EB patients 2021-11-03 18:04

    Court indicts U.S. for sanctions on EB patients

    TEHRAN – A court was held in Tehran on Wednesday indicting 30 U.S. officials and entities for harsh sanctions against Iran which are threatening the lives of hundreds of epidermolysis bullosa (EB) patients in the country.