Asia and the Pacific


  • By 2030 we must eliminate rabies in Asia and the Pacific Today 14:17

    By Jong-Jin Kim, FAO Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

    By 2030 we must eliminate rabies in Asia and the Pacific

    Discussion around the topic of rabies is almost exclusively related to the dangers it poses to humans from dog bites. And it’s no wonder, because if a rabid bite is left untreated it is almost always fatal. Indeed, human deaths from rabies – almost always caused by dog bites – account for an estimated 59,000 fatalities each year.

  • Agents of Change – Making all countries in Asia and the Pacific more dynamic, healthier, wealthier, and better 2024-02-18 15:33

    By QU Dongyu, FAO Director-General

    Agents of Change – Making all countries in Asia and the Pacific more dynamic, healthier, and better

    We all know that we live in a changing world. In the vast area of Asia and the Pacific that change is most evident. Over the past 20 years, the economies of many nations in the region have been moving out of the category of ‘least developed’ and graduating into a ‘middle income’ status. However, the positive changes that help to make our lives better, healthier, and more prosperous, are not happening at the same time equally across all countries, or even equitably within them.