

  • Steven Sahiounie 2021/05/10

    By Steven Sahiounie

    The normalization is a betrayal by the Arab monarchies

    The resistance is stronger and more united than ever before

    The current situation in West Asia is volatile and many-faceted. On the one hand, you have military conflicts and threats; while on the other hand, you have diplomatic negotiations proceeding. For example, there is tension between the Palestinian people and their Israeli occupiers and between Syria and Israel after the missile strike near Dimona nuclear reactor, and between Iran and Israel. On the side of diplomacy, there are the U.S. and international negotiations concerning a revival of Iran's nuclear deal.

  • Palestine 2021-05-10 16:01

    By Amir Mohammad Esmaeili

    The normalization will not make the Palestinian cause disappear: Political analyst

    Abu Ali al-Ansari, a political analyst and Islamic scholar based in London, tells the Tehran Times that the Arab–Israeli normalization is a betrayal by Arab monarchies and it will not lead to the disappearance of the Palestinian cause.

  • Andrew Korybko 2021-05-10 15:49

    By M. A. Saki

    The Arab–Israeli normalization is a betrayal of the Palestinians' political cause

    Andrew Korybko, an American scholar based in Moscow, believes that the Arab–Israeli normalization is a betrayal of Palestinian’s cause and it seems to be an inter-elite process which doesn't reflect the view of Arabs nations.

  • Tarad Hamadah 2021-05-09 18:59

    By Mohammad Ali Saki

    Resistance is entrenched in Arab literature: ex-Lebanese minister

    TEHRAN - Noting that some Arab regimes seek reconciliation and negotiation with Israel, former Lebanese labor minister Tarad Hamadeh says that the concept of resistance is entrenched in Arab literature and media.

  • David Yaghoubian 2021/05/09

    By Professor David N. Yaghoubian

    Selling out Palestine will not result in regional security and stability

    Normalization between expansionist Zionism and regional monarchial despotisms is inherently oxymoronic

    The United States is on its back foot in West Asia.

  • وافادت وكالة مهر للانباء، ان رئيس المكتب السياسي لحركة المقاومة الاسلامية حماس "إسماعيل هنية" قال: "ان اتفاق التطبيع الذي تم بين الإمارات والكيان المحتل لا يقل خطورة عن الحريق الذي تعرض له المسجد الأق 2021-05-09 18:45

    Hamas chief writes to Leader, asks Muslim world to support al-Quds

    TEHRAN— In a letter to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement's political bureau, elaborated on current events in the occupied Quds and called on the Islamic world to take a tough position in favor of the citizens of Quds and stop the Israeli occupiers' atrocities.

  • PAlestine=Israel clash 2021/05/09

    By Sonja van den Ende  

    Quds Day: To remember the injustice and criminal deeds of the Zionists

    The current situation in West Asia is deteriorating; even there is a new administration in the U.S., which many thought would be promising for the peace process between Israel and Palestine and the stability for peace in Syria, and Iraq.

  • Haydar Oruç 2021-05-09 16:48

    Reza Moshfegh

    Signatories of peace deal with Israel failed to internalize their decision: West Asia expert

    TEHRAN – A Turkish researcher says Arab regimes that normalized their ties with Israel failed to internalize these relations.  

  • Driss Addar 2021/05/09

    By Driss Addar

    The International Quds Day: Heading towards a historic decisive confrontation 

    (The end of Israel may come at a lower cost than the resistance fighters expect)

    The International Quds Day embodies the protection of memory, before the land and properties, from abuse. And the holy places always anticipate the sacred act.

  • Amir-Abdollahian 2021-05-08 21:37

    Amir-Abdollahian demands immediate end to Zionist atrocities

    TEHRAN— Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the special aide to the Iranian Parliament Speaker for International Affairs, has reacted to the brutal actions of the Zionist regime in Al-Aqsa Mosque, calling for an immediate end to the crimes of the fake and terrorist Israeli regime and the systematic violation of the Palestinian human rights.

  • The tragedy of Sheikh Jarrah  2021-05-08 21:34

    The tragedy of Sheikh Jarrah 

    In the aftermath of the 1948 expulsion of Palestinians by Zionist gangs to pave the way for the creation of the state of Israel, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced to flee their homes in historical Palestine to neighboring countries.

  • Khatibzadeh 2021-05-08 21:30

    Iran strongly condemns Al-Aqsa mosque attack

    TEHRAN— Saeed Khatibzadeh, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, has reacted to the Zionist regime’s brutalities at Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied West Bank.

  • Brian Terrell 2021-05-08 16:55

    By Ehsan Etesam

    Agreements to bring peace, or agreements to sell more weapons?

    TEHRAN- Brian Terrell, an Iowa-based peace activist who has spent more than six months in prison for protesting targeted assassinations at U.S. military drone bases, believes that peace accords between some Arab regimes and Israel not only has nothing to do with “peace” but also doesn’t improve the lives of people in Palestine or anywhere else in the region.

  • Iranians gather to support Palestine 2021-05-08 15:26

    Iranians gather to support Palestine

    TEHRAN— On the anniversary of International Quds Day (last Friday of Ramadan, May 7), Iranians gathered to declare their support for the Palestinians and urge them to move forward and continue their fight against the usurping regime. 

  • Robert Inlakesh 2021-05-08 14:05

    By Hamid Reza Ahmadian

    Quds Day would perhaps develop into a new Intifada: analyst

    TEHRAN - A British political analyst, Robert Inlakesh, believes that Quds Day is important as it can mobilize the people in the occupied territories.

  • Firas Al Najim 2021-05-08 13:56

    By Reza Moshfegh

    The majority of Arab regimes are betraying the Palestinian cause: human rights activist

    The western powers continue to play the double standard role or fully support the Zionist occupiers of Palestine

    TEHRAN - A human rights activist says that most Arab monarchies are betraying the Palestinian cause witnessing continuous Israeli oppression against the Palestinians.

  • Paul Larudee  2021/05/08

    By Paul Larudee 

    This is a time of change in West Asia 

    This is a time of change in West Asia, and it is having worldwide consequences. Israel is at the origin of the change because without it the U.S. would not have so many Zionists in its government and its foreign policy would be very different.

  • Seyyed Hadi Seyyed Afghahi 2021-05-08 13:15

    By Reza Moshfegh

    Normalization is a process Arab nations will never embrace

    In Egypt, after 40 years of normalization, people never agreed to have normal ties with the Zionists

    TEHRAN- Seyyed Hadi Seyyed Afghahi, an expert in West Asia affairs tells the Tehran Times that there are many puppet Arab regimes which were created by the colonialism and part of what we see today as so-called “normalization” of relations between these Arab regimes and Israel, is derived from the origins of those regimes.

  • Temel Karamollaoglu 2021-05-08 12:38

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Zionist lobby instigating ethnic and sectarian fault lines among Muslims: Turkish politician

    TEHRAN - leader of the Felicity Party in Turkey says that the Zionist lobby makes every effort to sow seeds of discord in the Muslim world.

  • Shojaei-Tabatabai 2021-05-08 00:08

    By Samaneh Aboutalebi

    Anti-Israel cartoonists have always been under attack from Israel and its allies: Shojaei-Tabatabai

    TEHRAN – Artists from across the world showcased their artworks in a Tehran exhibit last week to express their solidarity with Palestine.

  • Quds Day 2021-05-07 21:41

    Iran calls for referendum in Palestine

    TEHRAN – The Iranian Foreign Ministry has called for the settlement of a number of issues related to the Palestinian crisis, including the determination of Palestine’s future system based on a referendum attended by all main residents of Palestine.

  • Hossein Amirabdollahian 2021-05-07 16:08

    By Ali A. Jenabzadeh

    Normalization is only at the rulers' level, it has not influenced public opinion

    TEHRAN- Hossein Amirabdollahian, the former Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs in Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and current Special Aide to the speaker of the Parliament in International Affairs tells the Tehran Times that hence most of the Arab regimes which normalized ties with Israel never had a significant role in supporting Palestine and Palestinian cause, their absence in Palestine equations due to normalization will not have any significant impact on the process of Palestine’s liberation.

  • Front cover of “Palestine, the Land of Prophets”. 2021-05-04 18:35

    Book reviewing Iran’s top leaders’ outlooks on Palestine published in Urdu

    TEHRAN – The Iranian Culture Center in Pakistan has published a book in Urdu that discusses the views of the top leaders of Iran on Palestine.

  • Martin Love 2021-04-27 13:43

    By Martin Love

    War is not the solution but patience is…

    If ever a nation was severely stuck between various hard places, the U.S. is it, and the only blame that can be meted out is to the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Bank after several decades of mismanagement and bad policy.

  • Art Bureau showcases Palestine Is Not Alone 2021-04-27 12:15

    Art Bureau showcases Palestine Is Not Alone

    TEHRAN – An exhibition showcasing a selectin of artworks submitted to the Palestine Is Not Alone International Cartoon, Caricature and Poster Contest opened at the Abolfazl Aali Gallery of the Art Bureau in Tehran on Monday.

  • Saeed Khatibzadeh 2021-04-24 21:35

    Stop crimes against Palestinian nation, says Iran

    TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh on Saturday condemned the actions and aggressions of the Zionist regime and Israeli settlers against the holy places and the inhabitants of al-Quds (Jerusalem), stressing it is urgent to stop the brutal actions by the Zionists.

  • Al-Quds uprising puts Israel in a bind 2021-04-24 19:54

    Al-Quds uprising puts Israel in a bind

    TEHRAN – Palestinians from all walks of life took to the streets last night in the occupied Jerusalem (al-Quds) for the 11th night in a row to protest against Israeli police and settlers’ provocations against the city’s Palestinians. 

  • کودکان فلسطینی 2021-04-07 12:06

    Israeli forces detained 230 Palestinian minors since January

    Israeli military forces continue to target young Palestinians and violently arrest them across the occupied territories, having detained 230 minors since the beginning of the current year.

  • Anis Naqqash 2021-03-12 10:53

    By Mohammad Haghdoust

    Palestine was reflected in Anis al-Naqqash’s entire life: political activist

    TEHRAN – An Iraqi political activist says that Anis al-Naqqash’s life was greatly impacted by the Palestine cause as he spent his life to support the oppressed Palestinian people.

  • Masoud Maalouf 2021-03-08 11:52

     By Mohammad Ali Saki

    Ex-Lebanese diplomat doubts MBS will be allowed to enter U.S.

    “It does not seem that the Palestinian cause is a priority for most of the Arab states,” says Massoud Maalouf

    TEHRAN – A former Lebanese Ambassador to Chile, Poland and Canada predicts that the Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) will not be invited to the U.S. even if he becomes king.