The normalization will not make the Palestinian cause disappear: Political analyst

Abu Ali al-Ansari, a political analyst and Islamic scholar based in London, tells the Tehran Times that the Arab–Israeli normalization is a betrayal by Arab monarchies and it will not lead to the disappearance of the Palestinian cause.
“This normalization is one of the final nails in the occupation of Palestine, and it will be one of the reasons for the final destruction of both the Arab and European Zionist project in the region,” notes Abu Ali al-Ansari.
He believes that the Arab people are not in favour of the normalization, and he explains “the reality is that the Arab “monarchs” have very little to do with the Arab people; they are closer to their Zionist masters and to the Empire – be it the British or the U.S. Empires.”
Following is the text of the interview:
Q: How do characterize the current situation in West Asia?
A: The situation in West Asia is at a pivotal stage in history at this time. Most of the so-called Arab monarchies, including those who consider themselves to be the “custodians of the two holy places”, are firmly in the pocket of the Empire and the forces of the real Axis of Evil.
However, with His grace, there is also a massive resurgence within the populations of the Arab and Muslim countries, and the Axis of Resistance, the forces who have fought against various Western and Zionist projects like DAESH and so-called “Israel” are stronger than ever.
I believe that we are living in a historic time when soon we will see the demise of the Empire, and along with it its Axis of Evil, and the dawn of a new age in the region While the propaganda mechanism against the Resistance Axis is in full swing, and working tirelessly, every move that the enemies make thinking they can harm the Axis of Resistance fails. It appears as if the Empire and its allies are stuck in quagmire after quagmire in the West Asia region (and elsewhere), and with the advent of the Coronavirus, their predicament becomes far worse.
I believe that we are living in a historic time when soon we will see the demise of the Empire, and along with it its Axis of Evil, and the dawn of a new age in the region, with His grace.
Q: What is your thought on the Arab–Israeli normalization?
A: This normalization is an academic exercise. It is nothing new. These Arab “sheikhdoms”, these oilfields and shopping malls with flags, run by the most corrupt of the corrupt people, have always been partners with the Zionist entity. Some even reference entities such as so-called Saudi Arabia and the so-called UAE as the Arab Zionists.
They have only ever given lip service to the plight of the people of Palestine. Providing “charity”, but never actually providing any useful support – be it diplomatic or military to the Palestinians in their resistance to Zionist occupation.
The reality is that the U.S. has finally managed to get these Arab “leaders” to be honest, to express publicly that they are with the Zionists; and indeed, that the Palestinians need to give up the struggle for their rights and freedom from occupation.
This is a fatal mistake for these Arab “rulers” and given the way they have abused their own populations, it is but a matter of time till they are dealt the final and fatal blow.
These Arab “sheikhs” – who in reality are just DAESH but with formal attire – failed in Syria and Iraq, they are failing catastrophically in Yemen, and they should understand that the fire they have ignited in Yemen will burn them, and will be a means to the ultimate liberation of Palestine.
Q: Do you think the normalization can lead to forgetfulness of the resistance and the Palestinian cause?
A: I believe this is the intention of the Empire, this is exactly what they want. They want the Arabs to forget Palestine, to become taken in with the material “benefits” that they will allegedly obtain as a reward for the so-called “normalization”. However, I have no doubt that this is a mistake.
This normalization is an academic exercise. It is nothing new. These Arab “sheikhdoms”, these oilfields and shopping malls with flags, run by the most corrupt of the corrupt people, have always been partners with the Zionist entity. Even if – sadly – the majority of the people of these Arab oil fields and shopping malls with flags support this “normalization”; this normalization will not make the Palestinian cause disappear.
It will in fact polarise and make clear those who are with the oppressed and those who are with the oppressors.
This normalization is one of the final nails in the occupation of Palestine, and it will be one of the reasons for the final destruction of both the Arab and European Zionist projects in the region.
Q: Basically, can the normalization be generalized to Arab nations or it is considered a betrayal by Arab monarchies? In your view, will Arab nations come along with this betrayal?
A: I believe that the normalization is something for the Arab “monarchs” (who in and of themselves lack any real legitimacy, but that’s another discussion for another time), I do not believe the Arab people are in favour of this.
After all, if your brother’s home were stolen, his family killed, his daughters raped and his sons massacred, and then your brother is told he cannot fight back, would you expect your brother to accept this? Would you accept this? No person with any honor or dignity will ever accept this – regardless of which faith they follow.
The reality is that the Arab “monarchs” have very little to do with the Arab people; they are closer to their Zionist masters and to the Empire – be it the British or the U.S. Empires. They are servants of the Empire and only seek to occupy the Arab countries and peoples.
As I’ve said, this normalization is one of the final nails in their coffins.
Q: As you know, the Israeli regime has been violating human rights in the case of Palestinians, including the recent Israel blockage of covid vaccines from entering Gaza. How do you assess this brutal decision? Why have international organizations, especially the UN, been playing a passive role there?
A: Honestly speaking, this is not unexpected. There is little humanity when it comes to the Zionists, they are a fascist supremacist entity, who care little for anyone else.
For them to block the COVID vaccination from the people of Palestine is completely expected; as far as the Zionists are concerned the sooner all the Palestinians are removed from existence the better for the Zionists.
Arab leaders – including organizations like the so-called Arab League – have done nothing to help the people of Palestine The real tragedy is that the Arab leaders – including organizations like the so-called Arab League – have done nothing to help the people of Palestine (aside from the customary lip service).
As for the so-called United Nations. The United Nations cannot be expected to do anything as long as it is owned and controlled by the masters and supporters of the Zionists, this is a reality. The UN is the one that is responsible for the occupation of Palestine, by doing nothing, doing less than nothing to help the Palestinians, even after UNSC resolution after resolution condemning the Zionists and declaring their behaviour in cases as war crimes.
The UN is impotent and will remain impotent as long as the veto remains (especially while it remains with the U.S., UK, France who are known and strong allies and partners of the Zionist entity).
Sadly, to expect these “intentional” organizations to do anything that would counter U.S. foreign policy is wishful thinking.
Q: The Western media is trying to introduce the Axis of Resistance as a kind of expansion of the Shiite influence over the region. What do you think?
A: This is nothing new. The Western media is not really a news forum that provides real analysis; rather it is a mouthpiece for the foreign policy – Zionist-inspired and controlled – of the Empire. This needs to be understood.
The Western media is more interested in keeping the people comatose and in their happy little delusions, worrying about non-issues than to educate the people on the reality that their so-called “elected officials” are committing, the crimes being committed in their names, and so on.
The current line taken by the Western media is nothing new at all. It must be understood that the Islamic Republic of Iran, more so the Islamic Revolution Guard Corp, and more so its Quds Force, that was led by the great martyr of Islam, Hajj Qassem Soleimani, may God rest his pure soul, and that now continues its march led by Sardar Ismail Qa’ani, may God protect him; and led by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, may God protect him, have taken the most important steps in ensuring that the West Asia region is kept free and to minimize the influence of the Zionist Axis.
Yes, Islamic Iran has supported unwaveringly the Palestinian Resistance, the Lebanese Resistance, the Yemeni Resistance, and more besides, because they are humane causes, they are causes where a people are standing up to oppression, occupation, and to tyranny.
The Empire and its mouthpieces – the Western Media – have a problem with this, because this is a war on the information arena as well as the physical arena.
For every victory that the Resistance Axis has on physical arena, the enemies have to reduce the pain of that victory by creating an operation on the information arena (the soft war arena). This is why, the Islamic Resistance, the people standing against the forces of the Empire, must become stronger on the Soft War arena; that way, for every victory on the physical arena, there is also a monumental victory on the information arena; which ultimately will further break the back of the Empire.
Q: What will be Biden's foreign policy toward this dispute? Do you think the normalization continues in Biden's presidency?
A: As far as the U.S. is concerned, especially in matters of foreign policy; and more so than the foreign policy that is related to the Zionist entity, absolutely nothing will change (except to give more support to the Zionist entity). The U.S. is a firm ally to the Zionists, be it with a Democratic or Republican or any other party government. The same is the case with other Western countries, including the UK, France, and such.
While the formalization of “normalization” was started during the Trump regime, it will continue, and mark my words, become more expansive during Biden.
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