Bribed normalization: The reverse effects

In mid-August of 2020, former U.S. President Trump started brokering the normalization of ties between the Wrong State (Israel) and a series of Arab nations, with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco forged open and official ties.
From the outward, it may seem as though the Wrong State has the upper hand and is dictating the rules of engagement on its own terms, but this couldn’t be further from the truth- indeed, the Wrong State is only escaping forward.
When it was established in 1948, the Zionists realized they needed to expand in order to survive; they did not tolerate being limited by the borders that were given to them, such that in front of any siege or war, they were not to be threatened or overtaken. This reality manifested itself with the new 1967 boarders of the Wrong State, that saw the annexation of the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.
“The normalization of ties we are witnessing cannot and should not be considered as a weakening factor for the Axis of resistance, the same Axis that managed to penetrate with its few numbers and resources into the whole region that was all situated in the American camp to begin with, and to thwart all the American plots of giving birth to a ‘New Middle East’, one after the other.” The peak was reached during the 1982 invasion of Lebanon, that saw the Wrong State for the first time attack the heart of an Arab capital- Beirut. Indeed, when Ariel Sharon led the Israeli Army into the heart of Lebanon during the invasion and was asked what the borders of this state signify, he said the borders are wherever their tanks stand.
With the success of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, in addition to the seed of the resistance movements that grew in Lebanon and Palestine, the balance of powers in the region began to shift gradually; what was considered an ‘undefeatable’ army, that sought to expand ‘from the Nile to the Euphrates’ by time began to deteriorate, culminating in the unilateral withdrawal of the Wrong State from Lebanon in 2000 and Gaza in 2005.
With this, the central idea of consolidating their presence, as a State that is capable of life began to diminish; they were unable to expand practically on the ground, since the growth of the real resistance movements and the environment of enmity that surrounded the Wrong State created rules of engagements, that increased in favor of the resistance movements, despite what was considered a betrayal through the normalization tactics with the Arab States, that started at the Camp David Accords (with Egypt), to the Wadi Araba Treaty (with Jordan) and the Oslo Accords (with the PLO itself).
In facing this situation, the Wrong State began to substitute its expansion territorially with expansion through penetrating the political sphere, which includes the use of intelligence to conduct security missions, assassination attempts of resistance figures and Iranian scientists, and the increased open normalization of ties with surrounding Arab states.
Indeed, this shift from territorial expansion to political interference has demonstrated the Wrong State’s diminishing power; the evidence for this is that all the previous assassinations attempt of the Iranian nuclear scientists to stop nuclear program, led to more nuclear enrichment and advancements.
In addition, the normalization of ties with Arab State’s has not succeeded; the evidence for this is that after four decades of the historic treaty with Egypt, economic relations between the signatories have been very limited, whilst 85% of Egyptians oppose diplomatic recognition of the Wrong State.
Indeed, the Palestinian Authority themselves, who have on many levels compromised with the Wrong State, cannot see eye to eye with America’s plans- from the Deal of Century to brokering the open normalization of ties.
The reality is that America, the entity fighting the battle on behalf of the Wrong State is withdrawing from the region because their plots have been defeated, their presence has become increasingly limited and under surveillance, whilst the balance of power is not in their favor. The balance will continue to shift in favor of the Axis of resistance, and the proof of that is America’s continued shrinking presence in the region.
This shift is a reality, whilst the West can’t shift the balance to their favor on the ground, so they resort to illusionary actions and fake talks, and the open normalization of ties is an example of this. The West are seeking to solve the issue with sound bombs, but the reality is that it has changed nothing. The reality is that America is leaving because they have no other choice, what is left for them is their gang actions of boycotts, embargoes, and sanctions- they really have nothing else to do or talk about.
Indeed, the normalization of ties we are witnessing cannot and should not be considered as a weakening factor for the Axis of resistance, the same Axis that managed to penetrate with its few numbers and resources into the whole region that was all situated in the American camp, to begin with, and to thwart all the American plots of giving birth to a ‘New Middle East’, one after the other.
Additionally, it is not the case that the (Persian) Gulf states, Sudan and Morocco were ever a part of the Axis of Resistance for the resistance to have ‘lost’ anything, and it is also not the case that the Wrong State has gained any new allies in their fight against the Axis; the (Persian) Gulf states were coordinating with the Wrong State under the cover and it is now simply a case of exposure.
Indeed, the governments of the UAE, Bahrain, and the others that followed are not active governments that pose real threats, they are just a ‘number’ from the many countries running policies that are not even in their hands and have always been puppets of their masters who direct them; hence they lack effectiveness.
Whilst the normalization of ties in some respects is empowering the West, through facilitating actions that would otherwise not be easily done under the cover, such as preparing the setup and facilitation for them to conduct security and military missions in the open, it is benefiting the Axis of resistance in some important and prominent respects. That is, despite the collapsed and despaired state of the Arab countries, the people of Egypt and Jordan after all these years are predominantly against such normalization, in addition to the (Persian) Gulf states, Sudan and Morocco, which isn’t different from the mainstream public opinion of the Arab world that are and will by default consider normalization a red line and betrayal; indeed, this fact is not being understood by America and their puppets.
This enhances the ability of the resistance to win the hearts and minds of the people of the region and facilitating relations with the people, as the resistance’s credibility surfaces, and its increased popularity and acceptance allows it to navigate with more tools and expand its capabilities in the region.
The reality is that the masses of the people want those who walk the talk, who hold the flag up high, and it is becoming crystal clear who the real forces on the ground and who the traitors are, whilst pressure from the nations people against the corrupt doings of their government will mount onto a threaten against them.
Indeed, the normalization of ties in the apparent is not about opening the way for certain victories, for the normalization has always existed and the sole reason it has gone public is because the masters of the (Persian) Gulf states have asked them to do so. It is also imperative to see such developments in light of the real work being achieved on the ground. On the balance, the Wrong State’s achievements are not real, therefore the curve illustrating their power is declining, nor are they able to reverse the power of the resistance and its development; even if it stays where it is, it is time high for the Wrong State to reach zero point, even without there being a physical war.
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