Today News
  • lebanon 2021/06/06

    By Yanis Iqbal

    Lebanon's financial meltdown

    The Lebanese pound has depreciated about 90% in the past 18 months, driving annual food inflation to 400%, erasing salaries and savings, and pushing more than half the nation into poverty. All this comes at a time when the country is battling the devastation wrought by COVID-19, as well as the ravages from the 2020 Beirut blast.

  • national information 2021/06/02

    By Imad al-Din Payande

    National information network: More than just a “flash in the pan”!

    In recent years, some countries have successfully collaborated with the tech giants such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter. Facebook introduced its legal representative in Turkey to set the agenda for cooperation under the country’s new cyberlaw.

  • Gaza 2021/05/26

    By Martin Love

    Imagine what Gaza could become if the siege were lifted…

    Words are not sufficient to describe the horrors of what “Israel” (and the U.S. as an enabler) have done in the last two months around al-Aqsa, Sheikh Jarrah and across Palestine, and then Gaza for almost two weeks.

  • Munir A Saeid 2021/05/26

    By Munir A. Saeed

    Sometimes it takes a volcano to start the healing 

    Let me start by saying something some may consider outrageous. 

  • Palestine 2021/05/26

    By Ahmad Abiyat

    Two-state solution: Settlement or prolongation of suffering

    After a grinding war launched by the Israelis on the Gaza Strip and desecration of Muslim’s first qibla, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, many international organizations, humanitarian institutions and observers are raising questions about the settlement based on a two-state solution: Palestine and Israel. 

  • منشی پور 2021/05/26

    By Professor Mahmood Monshipouri

    Israel losing the war of moral awakening

    The recent war between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza has raised many questions.

  • palestine 2021/05/21

    By Anthony Mathew Jacob 

    Palestine, to whom does it belong?

    Palestine is considered sacred to all three religions that trace their roots to Prophet Abraham: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. 

  • Simon Mabon 2021-05-21 15:59

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Recent escalation reflecting Netanyahu’s efforts to remain in power: professor

    TEHRAN – A professor of international politics at Lancaster University says that the recent escalation in Palestine reflects Benjamin Netanyahu’s efforts to secure his base in power.

  • Palestine 2021/05/19

    By Batoul Sbeity

    Britain's historic responsibility in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine

    By 1913, the British Empire was the largest to have ever existed, covering 25% of the world's land surface, including India, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan and most of the South and East African continent. 

  • Travel a thousand miles for dream and Meet in Beijing 2021-05-19 17:18

    By Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Iran

    Travel a thousand miles for dream and Meet in Beijing

    “You and me, From one world, We are family. Travel dream, A thousand miles, Meeting in Beijing.” At the opening ceremony of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, British singer Sarah Brightman and Chinese singer Liu Huan sang the beautiful Olympic theme song “You and Me”, which still lingers on after the great success of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

  • Palestine 2021/05/15

    By Batoul Sbeity

    What makes the Palestinian catastrophe incomparable to any crime that has occurred for humanity? 

    Why is Palestine considered the core issue when it comes to human justice, such that Al-Quds Day- a day to raise awareness about the plight of all oppressed groups is done in the name and the sanctity of Al-Aqsa? 

  • Normalization 2021/05/14

    By Batoul Sbeity

    Bribed normalization: The reverse effects

    In mid-August of 2020, former U.S. President Trump started brokering the normalization of ties between the Wrong State (Israel) and a series of Arab nations, with the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco forged open and official ties.

  • Steven Sahiounie 2021/05/10

    By Steven Sahiounie

    The normalization is a betrayal by the Arab monarchies

    The resistance is stronger and more united than ever before

    The current situation in West Asia is volatile and many-faceted. On the one hand, you have military conflicts and threats; while on the other hand, you have diplomatic negotiations proceeding. For example, there is tension between the Palestinian people and their Israeli occupiers and between Syria and Israel after the missile strike near Dimona nuclear reactor, and between Iran and Israel. On the side of diplomacy, there are the U.S. and international negotiations concerning a revival of Iran's nuclear deal.

  • David Yaghoubian 2021/05/09

    By Professor David N. Yaghoubian

    Selling out Palestine will not result in regional security and stability

    Normalization between expansionist Zionism and regional monarchial despotisms is inherently oxymoronic

    The United States is on its back foot in West Asia.

  • PAlestine=Israel clash 2021/05/09

    By Sonja van den Ende  

    Quds Day: To remember the injustice and criminal deeds of the Zionists

    The current situation in West Asia is deteriorating; even there is a new administration in the U.S., which many thought would be promising for the peace process between Israel and Palestine and the stability for peace in Syria, and Iraq.

  • Driss Addar 2021/05/09

    By Driss Addar

    The International Quds Day: Heading towards a historic decisive confrontation 

    (The end of Israel may come at a lower cost than the resistance fighters expect)

    The International Quds Day embodies the protection of memory, before the land and properties, from abuse. And the holy places always anticipate the sacred act.

  • Tim Anderson 2021/05/08

    By Tim Anderson

    The Arab–Israeli normalization is just a removal of masks

    The so-called ‘normalisation’ process, catalysed by Trump, is really just a removal of masks. The UAE for example, has been working with Israel for many years. No resistance state or people has changed its position. Biden has yet to announce his position on Palestine. But his options are now highly constrained.

  • Paul Larudee  2021/05/08

    By Paul Larudee 

    This is a time of change in West Asia 

    This is a time of change in West Asia, and it is having worldwide consequences. Israel is at the origin of the change because without it the U.S. would not have so many Zionists in its government and its foreign policy would be very different.

  • By Kevin Barrett  2021-05-08 09:00

    By Kevin Barrett

    Ordinary Arab people will never permanently accept Arab–Israeli normalization

    West Asia is currently bogged down in an apparent stalemate between the Zionist-imperialist aggressors and the forces of resistance. Neither side has been able to score a clear victory and eliminate or subjugate the other. The Zionists have not been able to erase the Palestinian question, nor have they succeeded in their efforts to neutralize the Axis of Resistance. So the fires are smoldering, and could blaze up into flames at any time.

  • گفتگو با ناصر ابوشریف و ناصر القدومی 2021/05/07

    By Khalid al-Qaddumi

    Al-Quds sparks the flames of resistance again

    In this piece, I want to address the messages and implications of the Bab al-Amoud uprising and some of the developments in Palestine.

  • Chang Hua 2021/05/01

    By Chang Hua, Chinese Ambassador to Iran

    China's economy gets off to a good start

    According to the statistics recently released by China's National Bureau of Statistics, China's GDP increased by 18.3% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2021.

  • Saudi-Lebanon 2021/04/30

    By Mohammad Ali Saki

    Hezbollah is the main target of Riyadh's ban on Lebanon

    Tehran - Riyadh has kicked off a series of widespread economic pressures on Beirut to push the Lebanese government to exclude Hezbollah from the country's political and military scene.

  • Martin Love 2021-04-27 13:43

    By Martin Love

    War is not the solution but patience is…

    If ever a nation was severely stuck between various hard places, the U.S. is it, and the only blame that can be meted out is to the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Bank after several decades of mismanagement and bad policy.

  • Energy diplomacy 2021-04-20 21:55

    By Chris Cook, University College London lecturer

    Energy diplomacy

    Now the U.S. administration has made the transition to President Biden we see the U.S. engaging with Iran indirectly in Vienna via the other JCPOA participants. Meanwhile although the global Covid demand shock lingers, the recovery of the oil price which began immediately after the U.S. election has been more or less sustained. 

  • Jim W. Dean 2021/04/20

    By Jim W. Dean

    Duante Wright, a senseless death due to family and police negligence

    America saw another tragedy in the senseless death of this young black man. Two lives are now destroyed, a 20 year old young man struggling with competency and responsibility issues, and a 26 year female police veteran who when attempting to tase the resisting arrest man, drew her service revolver from her right hip when the taser was on her left hip.

  • Natanz 2021/04/17

    By Sonja van den Ende  

    Natanz sabotage: A sign of Biden's unwillingness to revive the JCPOA

    The attack on Iran’s nuclear facility Natanz, coincidentally, happened on the day that the U.S. secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin visited Israel. Lloyd Austin, who was heavily involved in the Afghanistan and Iraq U.S. occupation (war), was the senior military commander in charge of all U.S. and remaining coalition forces in Iraq, since 2010.

  • Natanz 2021-04-16 14:32

    By Martin Love

    Zionism is the Ebola virus of American political afflictions…

    A Palestinian boy is shot in the eye by an Israeli sniper with a rubber bullet, and loses the eye, while he is browsing in a food store. A Palestinian grandmother is run over and killed by a “settler” for no reason. A man is released from an Israeli prison after more than a decade of solitary confinement, but when he arrives home his mind has been so scrambled that he does not recognize any of his relatives, including his mother.

  • Tim Anderson 2021/04/16

    By Tim Anderson

    West Asian endgame when the lying dead is in the morgue

    It seems fairly clear that Israel was responsible for Natanz sabotage, as (1) the sabotage is consistent with a long line of Israeli attacks; (2) the Israeli media rapidly gloated over it and (3) quoted anonymous sources saying that the Mossad was responsible.

  • JCPOA nuclear deal 2021-04-11 12:49

    By Mehrdad Pahlavani

    An accessible passkey to the West Asia crisis

    How the nuclear deal can create a new solution?

     The circle of tensions in West Asia runs slow, and after a slow or modest pace, it can potentially plunge. Like a multi-pointer watch, West Asia has several cogwheels. As one of the cogwheels of conflict bounces, the rest will pursue. Alleviation of a single tension in the region doesn't help immune others, but the escalation of tension in West Asia needs to be defused, at least by quitting one of the cogwheels of pointers.

  • Abir bassam 2021/04/05

    By Abir Bassam

    The second coming of Ben-Gurion

    The reasons behind capsizing the Taiwanese cargo ship "Ever Given", on the 24th of March, have become clear.