

  • Kanaani 2023-04-05 20:28

    Iran slams Israeli brutal assaults on Palestinians at Al-Aqsa Mosque

    TEHRAN- The savage assault by Israeli troops on Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan was denounced on Wednesday by the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson.

  • Israeli forces attack worshippers in Al-Aqsa Mosque raid 2023-04-05 19:33

    Israeli forces attack worshippers in Al-Aqsa Mosque raid

    Israeli soldiers assaulted Palestinian worshippers inside al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem on Tuesday night and forcibly removed hundreds from the site who were peacefully observing the holy month of Ramadan.

  • Bagheri 2023-04-04 21:00

    Developments pushing Israel towards collapse: Iran’s top general

    TEHRAN- The current regional and global events show that the Zionist regime is on the verge of falling apart, Iran’s military chief said on Monday while noting that global arrogance is waning as the Islamic Republic is rising.

  • World Assembly of Islamic Awakening 2023-04-04 20:55

    Israel at its darkest time in history: Islamic body

    TEHRAN- The World Assembly of Islamic Awakening has harshly denounced the assassination of two military advisers from Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in an Israeli bombing near Damascus, noting that the Tel Aviv regime is at its darkest moment in its history.

  • Iravani 2023-04-04 20:54

    Iran says will take decisive measures to fend off forces in Syria

    TEHRAN- Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations on Monday issued a warning asserting that his nation will take “decisive measures” to protect its forces in Syria from any threat by the U.S. or others.

  • Kanaani 2023-04-04 20:54

    Israel cannot avoid fall: Foreign Ministry

    TEHRAN- The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry asserted on Tuesday that the Israeli regime, that is founded on conflict and instability, cannot avert internal disintegration.

  • Bahadori Jahromi 2023-04-03 20:12

    We will never let Israeli terrorism go unanswered: government

    TEHRAN- Tehran on Sunday promised retaliation for Tel Aviv’s latest atrocity which had resulted in the assassination of two Iranian military advisors in Israeli airstrikes on Syria, saying that the usurper regime’s terrorist activities “will not go unanswered.”

  • Netanyahu 2023-03-19 08:33

    By Ali Karbalaei

    White House snubs Netanyahu

    More than eleven weeks into his third term as prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has yet to receive an invitation to visit Washington.

  • Ibrahim Nablusi 2023-03-18 17:49

    By Ehsan Ehtesham

    How a teenager changed the West Bank equation?

    TEHRAN- Ibrahim Nablusi's martyrdom is the beginning of the end of Israeli occupation.

  • "Ali Haider," an expert in Israeli affairs 2023-03-18 17:23

    By Warda Saad

    Expert in Israeli affairs: The language of resistance is the only way to address the enemy

    TEHRAN- It seems that the situation in Israel has never been as dangerous as it is today; on the one hand, the internal turmoil that has severely shaken this regime, and on the other hand, the growth and expansion of resistance from Gaza to the West Bank, as well as the increasing power and influence of the resistance axis around the Zionist regime.

  • Man of the year 2023-03-18 11:41

    Man of the year

  • Ibrahim al-Nabulsi 2023-03-18 05:21

    By Mohammad Mohsen Fayezi

    Generation Z Palestine

    TEHRAN- Generation after generation, Palestine follows a path that seems to be predetermined for it, a destiny of support and betrayal, defeat and victory, politics and opportunities, leaders and legends.

  • Ibrahim Nablusi 2023-03-18 05:16

    By Hadis Hosseini

    vengeful lion

    TEHRAN- Who are Palestinians? They are heroes who die young and rise to fame quickly. Although sometimes their achievements go unnoticed, they never give up and continue on their path. One of these heroes was Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, who was as brave as a lion and martyred at the age of 18.

  • Nablusi 2023-03-18 05:14

    By Ali Esmaeil

    Everything, everywhere, the West Bank

    refers to everything and everywhere being on the West Bank. Israeli military journalist Amir Bokhbot, citing former army officers, has stated that what is happening on the West Bank is actually a war, as every time Israeli soldiers raid Palestinian areas in the West Bank, especially Jenin and Nablus, they become targets of gunfire.

  • Ibrahim Nablusi 2023-03-18 05:08

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Why Ibrahim?

    TEHRAN- Choosing is always a difficult task, especially when it comes to selecting the face of the year. In 1401, there were many candidates for this title, but for various reasons, our choice was Ibrahim Nablusi, a young Palestinian martyr.

  • Ibrahim Nablusi 2023-03-18 05:02

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Ibrahim Nablusi: The Lion of Nablus

    An 18-year-old martyr whose death still scares Israel

    TEHRAN- Ibrahim Nablusi is the symbol of a new armed resistance led by the youth of the occupied West Bank.

  • Kanaani 2023-03-15 22:19

    Iran says Israel protests indicative of identity crisis

    TEHRAN – Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry, has reacted to massive protests in Israel, saying they are emblematic of an identity crisis.

  • Gaza prepares to join West Bank resistance 2023-03-14 19:30

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Gaza prepares to join West Bank resistance

    TEHRAN- A Gaza-based group has carried out military drills in preparation to join the West Bank resistance.

  • Iranian newspapers 2023-03-12 21:13

    Tehran-Riyadh-Beijing message to U.S.

    The region must be safe for Chinese business. It is for some time that Saudi Arabia has also been trying to distance itself from the U.S. and adopt a foreign policy independent of the U.S., Arman-e-Melli writes in its editorial.

  • Bennett 2023-03-12 16:14

    Saudi-Iran deal is a fatal blow to Israel, says ex-Israel PM

    TEHRAN - Former prime minister Naftali Bennett on Friday harshly criticized the restoration of ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran, saying it represented the failure of Israeli efforts to create a regional alliance against Tehran.

  • Iran, Saudi Arabia 2023-03-11 21:14

    One agreement and seven achievements

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    The agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia to resume bilateral relations after seven years is tangible and analyzable from various aspects.

  • Iran-Saudi relations 2023-03-11 21:07

    By Sadegh Fereydounabadi

    Who won, who lost?

    Iran-Saudi deal unleashes wave of optimism

    TEHRAN – In a surprise deal that put an end to seven years of tensions, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to patch up their ties. The deal had many winners and losers. 

  • U.S. intelligence community 2023-03-10 21:42

    Iran disfavors to produce testable nuclear device: report

    TEHRAN- The U.S. intelligence community issued its 2023 annual threat assessment on Wednesday, highlighting that Iran is “not currently undertaking the key nuclear weapons-development activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device.”

  • Iranian FM in joint press briefing with Cavusoglu 2023-03-08 20:42

    Iran issues serious warning against Israel’s presence in Caucasus

    TEHRAN – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian warned on Wednesday that Iran considers presence of the Zionist regime in the Caucasus region as a “serious threat to regional peace and security,” insisting that Israel must not be allowed to find a foothold in the region.

  • The Israeli protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 2023-03-06 20:59

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Israelis fighting Israelis on how to kill Palestinians 

    TEHRAN- The Israeli protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's "judicial reforms" are expanding, but how will they affect Palestinians?

  • Butcher regime:  One Palestinian killed every day since 2023 2023-03-05 21:10

    Butcher regime:  One Palestinian killed every day since 2023

    In a speech delivered before the 52nd Human Rights Council on behalf of the Arab countries, the Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Hend Al Muftah, said that the Israeli occupation government has committed grave violations, war crimes, crimes against humanity and apartheid against the Palestinians, and it continues to enact discriminatory laws and arbitrary declarations for the expansion of illegal colonial settlements in occupied Palestine in flagrant violation of international laws.

  • Crisis in Israel 2023-03-04 20:53

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Israel on the path to "collapse"

    TEHRAN- The apartheid Israeli regime has recently been rocked by many scandals that experts predict will hasten its collapse.

  • Iravani 2023-03-03 20:46

    Iran never delays taking severe measures following Israeli wrongdoing: Envoy

    TEHRAN- Amir Saied Iravani, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the UN, strongly denounced on Wednesday Israel’s threat to use force against the nation’s non-military and fundamental infrastructure as a flagrant violation of international law.

  • Israel 2023-03-01 19:08

    By Martin Love

    Someday a day of reckoning for cruelties…

    The Zionists think they are winning. They are not. They continue to push their violence in Palestine too far. They are despised worldwide. It’s one thing to be an idiot, but quite another to be a violent idiot. I remember a morning well years ago.

  • Israel 2023-02-27 23:10

    Horrified and Howling

    TEHRAN- The Israeli regime officials are addicted to daydreaming their superficial threats against the regional countries, especially Iran in a bid to vindicate their devilish crimes against the Palestinians.