Iran never delays taking severe measures following Israeli wrongdoing: Envoy

TEHRAN- Amir Saied Iravani, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the UN, strongly denounced on Wednesday Israel’s threat to use force against the nation’s non-military and fundamental infrastructure as a flagrant violation of international law.
In a letter to Antonio Guterres, the UN secretary general, and Pedro Comissario Afonso, who is now serving as the rotating president of the UN Security Council, he emphasized that Tehran would not reluctant to retaliate powerfully to any threat or wrongdoing by the Tel Aviv regime.
Below is the text of Iravani’s letter:
Pursuant to the letter dated 1 February 2023 (S/2023/78), I would like to draw the attention of the United Nations Security Council to the Israeli regime's latest violations of international law and the United Nations Charter wherein on 21 February 2023, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, resorted to utilizing the Israeli regime’s repeated lies and false claims in order to openly threaten to use military force against Iran’s critical infrastructure, including Iran’s peaceful nuclear facilities. He made a statement that "The only thing that has credibly stopped rogue nations from developing nuclear weapons is a credible military threat or a credible military action. You can couple that with crippling economic sanctions, but that's not a sufficient condition. A necessary condition, and an often-sufficient condition, is credible military action". He added, "I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.". Taking a similarly threatening stance, on 17 February 2023, Yoav Gallant, Defense Minister of the Israeli regime, declared that “when we speak of preventing Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon, we must keep all the possible means on the table”.
The threats to use force, especially against civilian and critical infrastructures, are a blatant violation of international humanitarian law and the United Nations Charter, specifically Article 2(4) of the Charter, and have devastating consequences on regional and international peace and security.
Therefore, the United Nations Security Council must shoulder its Charter responsibility and unequivocally condemn the Israeli regime’s warmongering statements and malevolent activities, which are a real threat to international peace and security. This regime must be forced to comply with international law and abandon its dangerous plans for the region.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has made it clear time and again that it will not hesitate to take the necessary measures, in accordance with international law and the United Nations Charter, to respond decisively to any threat posed by the Israeli regime wherever and whenever it deems it necessary and to defend its national and security interests as well as to protect its people.
The Islamic Republic of Iran also reiterates that all those who will aid, abet or otherwise assist, support and facilitate the Israeli regime to carry out any military action must bear responsibility and accountability for their part in such an internationally wrongful act.
I should be grateful if you would have the present letter circulated as a document of the Security Council.
Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
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