

  • Biden- Benjamin Netanyahu 2023-10-22 22:23

    By Faramarz Kuhpayeh 

    Brothers in Crimes

    The U.S. throws full weight behind Israel's genocidal aggression against Gaza 

    TEHRAN – Despite his long-simmering differences with the far-right prime minister of Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden threw the full weight of the U.S. behind the Benjamin Netanyahu administration’s war crimes. 

  • Bloomberg 2023-10-22 00:16

    By Zahra Akbari

    Devil's Advocates Play the Blame Game 

    TEHRAN- “Israel May Erase Hamas But Iran Has Already Won” is the title of an article posted on the Bloomberg website on October 11.

  • storm 2023-10-21 23:45

    By Mahdi Mohammadi

    Geopolitics of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm

    TEHRAN- From now on, what really matters is the “geopolitics of war”. A complex matrix of calculations has been created, the elements of which are tightly intertwined. In a short period of time, the volume of complexity of calculations and geopolitical interactions has far exceeded initial expectations.

  • cairo 2023-10-21 23:43

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Cairo summit raises concern over absence of key players, casting doubt on tangible results

    Jordan King says the collective punishment of the besieged and helpless people of Gaza is a “war crime”.

    TEHRAN - Leaders and high-ranking officials from various countries convened in Egypt for the Cairo Summit for Peace on Saturday with the stated goal of deescalating the current conflict between Israel and Palestinians and preventing a possible spillover in the West Asia region. 

  • 20 Aid Trucks vs. 12,000 Bombs 2023-10-21 23:40

    Israel is blocking aid delivery as the genocide continuing in Gaza

    20 Aid Trucks vs. 12,000 Bombs

    TEHRAN – Over the course of its aggression against the besieged Gaza Strip, the Israeli regime dropped nearly 12,000 bombs over the Gazans. Humanitarian aid, however, came belatedly and much less than needed. 

  • Iran sends first humanitarian aid to Gaza 2023-10-21 13:48

    Iran sends first humanitarian aid to Gaza

    TEHRAN – The Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) sent the first shipment of humanitarian aid to Gaza on Friday.

  • Gaza 2023-10-21 10:56

    By Emad Aslani

    Gaza: A touchstone of human rights and resilience in a compact territory

    In the heart of a tumultuous region, Gaza symbolizes resilience and endurance within its modest 360 square kilometers. 

  • Al-Aqsa storm 2023-10-21 10:45

    By Batool Al-Subeiti 

    The balance of forces against the Wrong State

    The Al-Aqsa Flood battle has revealed the extent of the Wrong State’s intelligence, military and field failure at every level, with the existent social fragility of the entity turning into security and military fragility. For the first time the confrontation has moved inside the 1948 borders, with the image of the Wrong State as mighty and superior having been shattered forever. 

  • Israel and its supporters 2023-10-21 10:41

    By Amir Keshtgar

    Israel and its supporters: A shared history of "colonial migration"

    With the issue of Palestine now plastered on the front pages of media outlets across the world, many have found the unequivocal support of Israel’s supposed friends and backers, more revolting than the regime’s heinous crimes against Palestinian civilians. 

  • bagheri 2023-10-20 22:50

    Iran warns against supplying weapons to Israel

    TEHRAN - The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces has warned about the U.S. providing the Israeli regime with weapons for use against the Palestinian people, saying the weapon supplies to the regime would further complicate the situation. 

  • dehghan 2023-10-20 22:47

    Israel committing ‘war crimes’ in Gaza: legal aide

    “Muslims’ silence will swell Israeli crime” 

    TEHRAN – Iran’s Vice-President for Legal Affairs on Friday warned Islamic countries against inaction in the face of Israel’s massive attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip, saying such attitude would only lead to greater crimes by the regime.

  • hitler 2023-10-20 22:42

    “New Hitler” born in West Asia: Iranian commander

    Israel’s military and intelligence dominance has collapsed and will not be repaired anymore

    TEHRAN – Head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization Brigadier General Gholamzadeh Jalali has warned that a “new Hitler” is now killing innocent people in West Asia with the help of Western rulers.   

  • instagram 2023-10-20 22:41

    Tehran Times blacks out front page in support of Gaza, gets suppressed by Instagram

    TEHRAN – The Tehran Times ran a fully black front page on Thursday to mourn the Israeli barbaric attack on a hospital in central Gaza. The paper however has been prevented from posting a picture of the front page on Instagram.

  • Ex-Israeli PM: Netanyahu must go 2023-10-20 15:31

    In a secret audio file

    Ex-Israeli PM: Netanyahu must go

    TEHRAN – The Israeli regime is in turmoil unable to make up its mind and separate revenge from policy planning. This is on full display in regard to the bluster of the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza.

  • سردار باقری 2023-10-20 01:51

    Iran military chief warns ‘other actors’ may get involved if Israel doesn’t halt Gaza crimes

    TEHRAN – A senior Iranian military official has warned it is possible that “other actors” get involved in support of the people in the Gaza Strip if Israel doesn’t stop its dreadful crimes in the coastal strip.

  • Yemen's missiles 2023-10-20 01:14

    Pentagon claims US navy intercepts 3 missiles fired from Yemen 'potentially' at Israel

    A U.S. Navy warship traveling near Yemen claims it has intercepted multiple projectiles, a U.S. official told Reuters on Thursday.

  • Iran's FM talking to reporters in Jeddah 2023-10-20 00:00

    'Biden can't whitewash Netanyahu’s image in bombarding hospital'

    Iranian FM likens West Asia to ‘powder keg’ ready to explode

    TEHRAN - Iran’s foreign minister on Thursday has likened the current situation in West Asia to a “powder keg” ready to explode, expressing hope for an end to Israel’s “war crimes” against the Palestinians in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

  • Biden 2023-10-19 09:31

    Biden stands by Zionists' genocide in Gaza Strip

    TEHRAN - Joe Biden, the U.S. president, claimed on Wednesday that it seems that the attack on the Al-Ahli Hospital in the city of Gaza on Tuesday night was the result of a rocket fired mistakenly by a group in Gaza. The U.S. failed to provide any evidence for his claim.

  • Screen grab captured from a video shows the doctors of the al-Shifa Hospital making a press statement among the corpses after the injured and dead are brought there following the Israeli attack on Gaza's Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, in Gaza City, Gaza on October 17, 2023 2023-10-19 09:28

    Al-Ahli Hospital turns into a pool of blood 

    TEHRAN- Tel Aviv’s brutality peaked on October 17, when 500 Gazans were martyred and some 600 injured.

  • Celina R. Caesar-Chavannes 2023-10-19 09:21

    United front needed to stop genocide against Palestinians: Trudeau's former parl. sec.

    TEHRAN – Urging for an international united front to stop Israel including sanctioning Tel Aviv, Celina R. Caesar-Chavannes says what is happening in Gaza is genocide against the Palestinian people.

  • Israel’s Projecting to avoid war crimes 2023-10-19 09:12

    Israel’s Projecting to avoid war crimes

    While the worldwide protested against Tel Aviv’s genocide, Israeli officials deny committing war crimes in Gaza.

  • Iranian medical staff 2023-10-19 08:57

    Iranian medical staff ready to give hand to Palestinians

    TEHRAN- Condemning the Zionists genocide, over 4000 medical staff, raised their hands to voluntarily be sent to Gaza.

  • bombardment of the Al-Ahli Hospital 2023-10-19 08:48

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Resistance continues after hospital massacre

    More than 5,000 Israeli air strikes on Gaza fail to stop rocket fire 

    TEHRAN- The Palestinian resistance has continued its attacks against Israeli forces and settlements, especially those close to the Gaza Strip amid the latest Israeli massacre against civilians.

  • bombardment of the Al-Ahli Hospital 2023-10-19 08:44

    Global anger over hospital bombardment 

    The death toll from the bombardment of the Al-Ahli Hospital in the city of Gaza on Tuesday night, which was by far the highest of any single tragic incident in Gaza, has triggered protests worldwide. 

  • demonstrations 2023-10-19 08:37

    Israel’s war crimes make people's blood boil   

    TEHRAN - Palestinians people in the West Bank went on a mass strike to show their protest against the Tuesday night bombardment of the al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza which is a concrete example of “crime against humanity”.

  • abdol 2023-10-19 00:07

    Iran calls on Islamic nations to sanction Israel in response to its war crimes

    TEHRAN – Islamic countries should impose sanctions against Israel, including an oil embargo to punish the regime for its heinous crimes against Palestinian civilians, said Iran’s foreign minister on Wednesday.

  • Iranian, Saudi tourism ministers condemn attack on hospital in Gaza 2023-10-18 17:09

    Iranian, Saudi tourism ministers condemn attack on hospital in Gaza

    TEHRAN – Iranian tourism minister Ezzatollah Zarghami and his Saudi counterpart Ahmed Al-Khateeb on Wednesday condemned Israel’s strike on a hospital in Gaza.

  • Gaza war 2023-10-17 22:15

    By Ali Karbalaei 

    Gaza "running out of body bags"

    UN official warns "our operations are on verge of collapse"

    TEHRAN- In recent days, Gaza has continued to feel the effects of Israel's tighter blockade and is already on the verge of running out of water, electricity and medication. 

  • attack 2023-10-17 22:09

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    Why an attack on Iran will not happen

    TEHRAN - As hawkish Republicans in the United States exert all their efforts to persuade the Biden administration to attack Iran, it appears unlikely that such an attack will occur, at least in the foreseeable future.

  • Gaza war 2023-10-17 22:08

    By Batool Al-Subeiti

    Unprecedented revenge

    The scenes we are witnessing across occupied Palestine today are the complete reverse of the 1967 war, when the Wrong State emerged victorious after its high morale soldiers defeated the large armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, despite being a new entity.