

  • iran 2024-03-02 11:43

    Iran condemns Israel’s blatant attack on Gazans who were collecting food aid

  • U.S. keeps delivering munitions to Israel's in its brutal war on Gaza 2024-03-01 22:20

    With Netanyahu threatening Rafah invasion, Biden prepares to send Israel more bombs

    The most relevant fact about the Biden administration’s current position on the war against Gaza is this: There is no Israeli war crime too extreme for Joe Biden to consider pausing, to say nothing of cutting off, the flow of U.S. weapons and financial support for Israel’s war of annihilation.

  • k 2024-03-01 22:12

    Iran condemns Israel’s blatant attack on Gazans who were collecting food aid

    TEHRAN - Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has called for global action to stop Israeli atrocities in Palestine, condemning the recent brutal incident where Israeli troops opened fire on hundreds waiting for food aid southwest of Gaza City.

  • US Austin 2024-03-01 22:06

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Pentagon: “Over 25,000 women and children” killed in Gaza

    Rare U.S. admission raises questions on Israeli motives

    TEHRAN- U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has admitted the Israeli military has killed more than 25,000 women and children since October 7.

  • Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire outside Israel's embassy in Washington DC in protest to the Gaza genocide 2024-03-01 22:05

    By Martin Love

    Young Aaron Bushnell was fighting fires with his own fire…

    U.S. Air Force Airman Aaron Bushnell, 25, who poured gasoline on himself and set himself aflame in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington and died shouting “Free Palestine” until he could no more, made himself a beloved martyr of sorts to billions of people around the globe.

  • Israel genocide 2024-03-01 22:01

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Barbaric bombardment of breadline

    World condemns Israeli massacre of Gazans waiting for food, U.S. blocks UNSC motion

    TEHRAN - Israel has been committing acts of genocide, massacres, war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity in the Gaza Strip since launching war on the besieged Palestinian territory nearly five months ago.

  • Israel arms ban 2024-03-01 21:57

    Politicians from 12 countries unite to press for arms ban on Israel

    More than 200 MPs from 12 countries have committed themselves to trying to persuade their governments to impose a ban on arms sales to Israel, arguing they will not be complicit in “Israel’s grave violation of international law” in its assault on Gaza, The Guardian reported.

  • Gaza health 2024-03-01 21:57

    WHO: Health system in Gaza 'more than on its knees'

    People in the Gaza Strip are risking their lives to find food, water and other supplies such is the level of hunger and despair amid the unrelenting Israeli assault, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday, Reuters reported.

  • Yemen rally 2024-03-01 21:56

    Yemenis stage mass rallies against Israeli war on Gaza

    Thousands of people have staged mass demonstrations in Yemen to express firm solidarity with Palestinians amidst Israeli attacks on Gaza, calling on the country’s military to step up anti-Israeli operation in the Red Sea and respond to U.S.-British aggression.

  • UNRWA 2024-03-01 21:54

    Aid agencies urge EU to resume UNRWA funding

    Seventeen international aid agencies have signed a joint statement calling on the European Union and member states to resume funding to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

  • Gaza children 2024-02-28 22:05

    Save the Children: Israel is killing kids in “slow motion”

    Children in Gaza are on the brink of starvation while food aid sits just across the border, Alexandra Saieh of Save the Children warned.

  • Israel hunger 2024-02-28 21:50

    By Ali Karbalaei

    Global calls grow for sanctions on Tel Aviv

    ‘Israel is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million population more harshly than before’

    TEHRAN - Imposing sanctions on the Israeli regime has been a long-held demand by many in the international community over the past decades despite persistent shielding of the regime by the United States. The issue of punitive measures is being raised once more amid the devastating and indiscriminate Israeli war on Gaza.

  • Gaza hospital 2024-02-28 21:46

    North Gaza hospital shuts down surgery department

    Gaza’s al-Awda Hospital, one of the few partially functioning health facilities left in the north, has had to cancel all surgical operations after two of its operating rooms were “targeted and destroyed”, according to its acting director Mohamed Salha.

  • Post-war Gaza plans 2024-02-28 21:45

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Delusional post-war Gaza scenarios

    Resistance remains a thorn in the side of U.S., Israel

    TEHRAN- Soon after Israel launched its brutal onslaught on the Gaza Strip in early October, post-war scenarios came to the fore.

  • Aaron Bushnell 2024-02-28 21:33

    By Mohammad Sarfi

    Aaron: An eternal flame

    TEHRAN - The self-immolation of a 25-year-old US airman on February 25 outside the Israeli embassy in Washington DC is a solitary act of deep moral outrage against the Western complicity in the Gaza tragedy.

  • S African FM 2024-02-27 21:38

    South Africa: Israel acting with impunity in Gaza

    South Africa’s foreign minister says Israel is pressing ahead with its deadly military campaign in Gaza with impunity, blaming the UN for failing to stop the killing of civilians in the besieged Palestinian territory.

  • Venezuela FM 2024-02-27 21:27

    Venezuela: Israel must be punished for genocide

    Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Yvan Gil says the international community needs to punish Israel for committing genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

  • West Bank killings 2024-02-27 21:26

    Israeli forces kill 3 Palestinians in Tubas

    Three Palestinian young men were killed by Israeli forces in the city of Tubas and Al-Faraa camp, south of the city.

  • Aaron death 2024-02-27 21:26

    By Belén Fernández

    Suicide vs genocide: Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell

    On Sunday, February 25, 25-year-old active duty member of the United States Air Force Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in the US capital of Washington, DC, in a one-airman revolt against the US-backed slaughter currently being perpetrated by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip.

  • Aaron vigil 2024-02-27 21:19

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Honoring heroism, bravery

    Slain U.S. airman remembered for spotlighting Israeli genocide in Gaza

    TEHRAN- The tragic death of U.S. airman Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington to protest the regime’s genocide in Gaza, has triggered global outrage.

  • Israeli arrests 2024-02-26 23:03

    Over 7,250 Palestinians arrested in West Bank since October 7

    The Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner's Society (PPS) said that the Israeli forces detained about 7,255 Palestinian citizens from the West Bank since the beginning of the aggression against the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023.

  • Palestine aid 2024-02-26 23:03

    HRW: Israel blocking aid to Palestinians in violation of ICJ order

    Israel has failed to comply with an order by the United Nations' top court to provide urgently needed aid to desperate people in the Gaza Strip, Human Rights Watch said Monday, a month after a landmark ruling in The Hague ordered Israel to moderate its war.

  • Israel crimes 2024-02-26 23:01

    Artists call for Israel to be excluded from Venice Biennale

    More than 4,000 artists are calling for Israel to be excluded from one of the world’s biggest and most prestigious art exhibits.

  • Hezbollah hits dronw 2024-02-26 23:00

    Hezbollah downs Israeli drone over Lebanese territory

    The Israeli army confirmed on Monday that Hezbollah had shot down its military drone in Lebanese territory.

  • ICJ 2024-02-26 22:43

    AU, OIC condemn Israeli violation of intl. law

    Representatives from the African Union (AU) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) presented compelling arguments at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

  • nuke 2024-02-26 22:32

    Iran calls for nuclear disarmament of Israel

    TEHRAN – Iran has sounded the alarm bell over Israel’s possession of deadly nuclear weapons, saying the regime’s conduct shows its nuclear arsenal poses a threat to not only Palestinians but people across the world. 

  • Israel Rafah 2024/02/26

    By Alireza Majidi

    Bibi’s insistence on Rafah assault will mark major failure for the West and intl. system

    TEHRAN - Rafah is the southernmost city in the Gaza Strip, adjacent to Egypt. Located approximately ۱۰۷ kilometers west of occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem), the city covers an area of less than ۵۵ square kilometers, which expanded to around ۶۴ square kilometers during the recent war due to the settlement of refugees in its vicinity.

  • Aaron Bushnell 2024-02-26 22:08

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Fiery Resistance to Gaza Genocide

    Airman Aaron Bushnell sets himself on fire outside Israeli embassy in Washington while screaming "Free Palestine"

    TEHRAN- Domestic backlash to the United States’ unwavering support for Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza once again hit the headlines following the tragic death of an active-duty member of the American Air Force.

  • Jordan 2024-02-25 22:15

    Jordan warns of Gaza war expansion amid Israeli onslaught

    Jordan warned Sunday that continuing the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan risks an expansion of the conflict in the region, Anadolu Agency reported.

  • collon 2024-02-25 22:09

    By Faramarz Kouhpayeh

    Defying the tide: Meet the Belgian journalist advocating for Palestinian rights

    TEHRAN - The ongoing devastating events in the Gaza conflict have prompted numerous dedicated supporters of the Palestinian cause to reemerge, gaining renewed acknowledgment after years of advocating for truth and justice.