Tehran sounds alarm bell over Israel’s nuclear threat to global peace

July 24, 2024 - 22:37

TEHRAN – Ali Bahreini, Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations office in Geneva, has issued a stark warning about the dangers posed by Israel's nuclear weapons program to global peace and security. 

During the second meeting of the preliminary committee of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference, Bahreini criticized the lack of progress in achieving the treaty's goals. He stated, "Due to the weapons policy and programs, and the continued presence of nuclear weapons arsenals of some nuclear countries, especially the United States, 'we not only have not come close to the main goals of the treaty, but the prospect of achieving these goals seems even further away than in 1970."

Bahreini further highlighted the issue of unilateralism, particularly the United States' actions and programs, as the primary obstacle to nuclear disarmament. "As long as these nuclear policies and programs of nuclear weapons countries continue and more countries, especially under the NATO nuclear umbrella, rely more and more on nuclear weapons, there will be no progress in nuclear disarmament in the world," he emphasized.

He expressed concern about the potential for nuclear weapons proliferation, stating, "We will see the proliferation of nuclear weapons in all its dimensions."

Bahreini also reiterated Iran's commitment to the NPT's objectives and the peaceful nature of its own nuclear program. However, he condemned Israel's nuclear weapons program as a major impediment to achieving a nuclear-weapon-free West Asia. "The nuclear weapons of this regime are a danger to peace and security of the region and the world," he asserted.

He attributed the lack of action against Israel's nuclear program to double standards practiced by certain nuclear states, particularly the United States and its Western allies.

International agencies have never sought to inspect Israel’s nuclear sites, citing a lack of evidence that the regime possesses nuclear arms. That’s while in recent months, some Israeli officials have suggested striking Gaza as well as other regions like Iran with nukes, openly admitting that the regime owns nuclear weapons. 

Several other participants also joined Iran’s representative in condemning Israel's possession of nuclear weapons arsenal and the activities of its nuclear facilities outside international safeguards. Participants demanded Israel unconditionally join the NPT.

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