Iranian diplomat says Israel’s nuclear arsenal poses serious threat to global security

TEHRAN – Zionist regime's atomic weapons program is a serious threat against world peace and security, Iran’s ambassador and permanent representative to the Geneva-based UN headquarters warned on Thursday.
Ali Bahraini made the remarks while addressing Conference on Disarmament (CD), IRNA reported.
Elaborating on prevailing atmosphere in the West Asia region and the larger world, Bahraini said the world must now give priority to nuclear disarmament as nuclear armed powers are depending more on such weapons and the possibility of using such weapons is increasing.
Ambassador Bahraini further reiterated that as long as such weapons exist the threat of their use against the mankind exists and therefore it is necessary the Conference on Disarmament counter such major global concern.
The conference, which was headed by the Egyptian ambassador and the CD secretary general, Bahraini said the stalemate in the negotiations for nuclear disarmament is due to lack of the required political will by the countries that possess such weapons and their efforts to keep their own nuclear arsenals.
However, he suggested, the international community needs to break the stalemate in the talks which has continued for few decades.
The ambassador said the idea to establish a nuclear weapons-free Middle East was proposed by Iran in the year 1974 at the UN, but the Zionist regime was the only obstacle in the way of establishing such a zone with its nuclear program that is totally outside the supervision of the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
In its nuclear weapons endeavor, the ambassador lamented, the Zionist regime is supported by the United States and its other Western allies, and this poses a serious threat to the global peace and security.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Bahraini expressed deep regret over accusations by the West that Iran is partner to the Ukraine war, saying such accusations are made with political motivations.
"Iran's stand on Ukraine crisis was clear as of the very beginning, and it has several times been repeated at various levels," IRNA quoted the ambassador as saying.
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