Iran warns of ‘full involvement of all Resistance fronts’ if Israel attacks Lebanon

June 29, 2024 - 21:27

TEHRAN – Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations has issued a stark warning to Israel, stating that a response from all Resistance forces in the region would follow any decision by the regime to launch a war against Lebanon. 

“Albeit Iran deems as psychological warfare the Zionist regime’s propaganda about intending to attack Lebanon, should it embark on full-scale military aggression, an obliterating war will ensue. All options, including the full involvement of all Resistance Fronts, are on the table,” Iran’s UN mission posted on X on Friday. 

Earlier this month, Israeli officials began talking up a looming military campaign against Lebanon, which some of them said would send the country back to the “stone age.” 

The regime’s saber-rattling gained momentum after Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement successfully flew a drone inside the occupied territories and brought it back unscathed. The drone managed to film strategic military sites and bases over the port of Haifa. 

“We are very close to the moment of decision to change the rules against Hezbollah and Lebanon. In an all-out war, Hezbollah will be destroyed and Lebanon will be severely hit,” the regime’s foreign minister said after Hezbollah released some of the footage it had captured. 

One of Israel’s military leaders also reacted by stating the regime has confirmed plans to attack Lebanon. “As part of the situational assessment, operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved and validated, and decisions were taken on the continuation of increasing the readiness of troops in the field,” the military official’s statement read. 

Hezbollah is believed to possess hundreds of thousands of missiles and drones with a variety of sophisticated capabilities. The Resistance group which has been attacking Israeli positions since October 7 in support of Palestinians has managed to push at least 100,000 settlers away from the north of the occupied territories and destroy critical military and espionage bases in the past 8 months. 

Analysts believe Israel would not be able to face off Hezbollah without Washington’s backing. The regime, however, insists on engaging in a new war with Lebanon to find an excuse to withdraw from its failed military campaign in the besieged Gaza Strip, which has so far resulted in the death of over 37,000 Palestinians. 

The warning issued by Iran’s UN mission was not the first of its kind coming from Tehran. The commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Force said a week ago that the Resistance front will not remain indifferent and will give a harsh response to the Israeli regime if starts a new war on Lebanon.

Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri Kani has also advised the regime to refrain from plunging itself into a bigger predicament than Gaza. 

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