By Mona Hojat Ansari 

Martyr Amir Abdollahian strengthened Iran’s position in the world: Bolivia’s ambassador

May 24, 2024 - 23:47

Tehran - Hossein Amir Abdollahian was widely regarded as a dedicated and diligent diplomat throughout his relatively long career.  

Before tragically losing his life in a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran's East Azerbaijan province on Sunday, he had been serving as the country’s foreign minister for the past three years. 

To gain deeper insights into the character, efforts, and nature of Minister Amir Abdollahian, the Tehran Times conducted an exclusive interview with Romina Guadalupe Pérez Ramos, the Ambassador of Bolivia to Iran. 

The Interview transcript can be read below: 

Q: As the Ambassador of Bolivia, how do you assess the role and impacts of the actions of martyr Amir Abdollahian in regional and global diplomacy?

A: Martyr Hossein Amir Abdollahian, as Iran's Foreign Minister, not only excelled in his role but also elevated the nation's foreign policy on regional and global fronts.

Iran has a transparent foreign policy in the region and the world. Under President Raisi's leadership, Minister Amir Abdollahian implemented Iran's clear foreign policy strategies through diplomacy. Their combined efforts significantly enhanced Iran's international standing. Their contributions have been widely recognized by global leaders who have expressed condolences and solidarity with Iran in the past few days. 

The martyrs forged strong diplomatic ties with world leaders, particularly in Western and Central Asia, as well as Russia. This led to new levels of political and military cooperation. Iran's relations with China also flourished, culminating in its full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Iran's transformation into a major player in the Eurasian Economic Union is another testament to the two officials’ achievements.

Moreover, they strengthened relations with developing economies through BRICS membership, demonstrating the success of their multilateral diplomacy. Their speeches at the United Nations and other organizations consistently upheld principles of justice and international law. They promoted multilateralism and regional security based on government sovereignty.

Throughout their lives, martyr Ebrahim Raisi and martyr Hossein Amir Abdollahian held high positions and important responsibilities that required a patriotic and revolutionary spirit based on national and regional interests, which also reached the international level. Amir Abdollahian's role in multilateral and bilateral diplomacy was particularly noteworthy. He emphasized Iran's impactful role as part of the "Axis of Resistance" and promoted the teachings of General Qassem Soleimani. As I understood, martyr Amir Abdollahian was close to the Quds Force, which is why he mentioned that "strengthening the resistance front is on the agenda of the new government."

We must also acknowledge the significant contributions of Martyr Hossein Amir Abdollahian in recent regional events, particularly during the Zionist regime's war against Gaza.

Despite the relentless aggression and attacks by Israel and the United States against Iran, including economic siege, assassinations, attacks on allies, and the deadly assault on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Martyr Amir Abdollahian demonstrated his diplomatic skills and unwavering commitment to preventing further escalation and conflict.

Iran's response to these provocations was guided by international law. Through extensive diplomatic efforts, including trips abroad and meetings with foreign officials in Tehran, Martyr Amir Abdollahian worked tirelessly to contain and prevent the spread of war. His commendable diplomacy yielded positive results, both regionally and internationally.

Another notable aspect of his legacy is his initiative to re-establish relations with Saudi Arabia. This diplomatic move had the potential to improve regional stability and security by reducing external interference and fostering cooperation between the two countries.

Q: What was the nature of relations between Iran and Bolivia during the time of Martyr Amir Abdollahian?

A: Relations, especially after the tragic coup that took place in Bolivia, have been strengthened. The coup led to the takeover of the de facto government against the country's constitution and the closure of the Bolivian embassy in Iran in 2019 and 2020.

During the tenure of martyrs Ebrahim Raeisi and Amir Abdollahian, the people of Bolivia overthrew the dictatorship on the streets and at the ballot boxes, and Luis Arce Catacora was appointed as the legitimate president of Bolivia. Gradually, relations were strengthened, and the unfinished cooperation that remained from the government of Evo Morales since 2019 was resumed.

During this period, Iran and Bolivia resumed the cooperation agreements that had been initiated under the government of Evo Morales but remained unfinished due to the coup. To further strengthen bilateral ties, a comprehensive two-way agenda was adopted in 2021. 

The first joint commission meeting was held to establish a cooperation framework in various fields, including politics, economics, social affairs, culture, science, technology, and security. A working program was developed and is currently being implemented by both countries. Since the establishment of the joint commission, cooperation between Iran and Bolivia has continued to grow and expand, contributing to the strengthening of relations between the two nations.

Q: Was there a specific emphasis on developing relations with South American countries, particularly Bolivia, by Martyr Amir Abdollahian? 

A: Iran's foreign policy is structured and guided by Iran's strategic objectives and perspectives. In this context, there is a significant political determination from the Islamic Republic of Iran to enhance ties with Latin American nations, including Bolivia. Martyr Amir Abdollahian effectively executed this strategy in an exemplary manner.

Q: Considering the tragic demise of the Iranian Foreign Minister, what potential impact could this incident have on the diplomatic relations between Iran and Bolivia?

A: Bolivia and the Islamic Republic of Iran have established bilateral relations through official agreements and ongoing discussions.

These commitments involve short-term, medium-term, and long-term actions that are part of the agenda between both countries. The successors of martyrs will be dedicated to implementing these commitments, with any changes being procedural and dependent on the timing of the agendas and the improvement of relations through new agreements. 

The political relations between Iran and Bolivia are grounded in shared political, ideological, and social principles that guide their international policies. Both countries prioritize sovereignty and international diplomacy in their commitment to bilateralism.

Q: How did you see the personality and character of martyr Amir Abdollahian in your meetings and encounters with him?

A: Martyr Amir Abdollahian showed resilience in his character and personality. His behavior was kind and respectful. During his tenure as the foreign minister, in addition to demonstrating his capabilities in dealing with untimely situations and scenarios, he displayed calmness and dignity. His self-confidence came from his academic education and political experience in the diplomatic arena, which allowed him to play an important in securing the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian people. 

He managed well the resumption of relations with Saudi Arabia, from which both countries and the region as a whole benefited, and his speeches at international bodies were always distinguished due to the emphasis on ethical principles, justice, and international law. 

In negotiations or diplomatic reports, he presented or in bilateral meetings we had, he showed determination in his beliefs and used communication channels that guaranteed constructive diplomatic dialogue. By taking an active position in seeking harmony and strengthening bilateral relations within the framework of the sovereignty of both countries, he made efforts to achieve the proposed goals.

In this regard, one can refer to the achievements and results of his activities in the mission entrusted to him. His empathy in bilateral meetings showed his sensitivity and willingness to help grow, develop, and strengthen bilateral relations, always placing the interests and concerns raised at the negotiation table as a starting point for discussion.

Professional and intellectual instructions, political insight, and maturity, all indicate his strong political will in seeking solutions and making fair decisions.

Therefore, his management style allowed him to carry out his duties and achieve the expected results, be responsible in any field, and always consider the "lessons learned" thanks to his professional and diplomatic performance in positions such as: Deputy for Arab and African Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Special Assistant to the Speaker of the Parliament and Director-General of International Affairs at the Islamic Consultative Assembly, Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the International Conference on Supporting the Palestinian Uprising, Editor-in-Chief of the Strategic Quarterly Journal of Palestine, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bahrain, Director-General of Persian Gulf and Middle East Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, founding member of the Center for West Asian Studies, as well as visiting professor at the Faculty of World Studies at the University of Tehran and the Faculty of International Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

These experiences strengthened his communication skills and ability to listen to others. I value Martyr Amir Abdollahian for the positive human and political relations we established during my tenure as ambassador.

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